new second lead and problems

I had posted a message earlier regarding my new second lead. To clarify a little more: I only had one lead in the atrium and they added a second lead in the bottom chamber on Monday. The tech only told me they would have to change it while on the phone with the Dr. because he thought the reasons I was having the electric shock feeling after the new second lead was where he replaced it. I'm just concerned if its normal to continue feeling the shock run down my arm because with the first pacemaker (one lead) I developed pericarditis three weeks after. As of right now my appointment is next thursday because my dr. spends most of his time teaching now and is only in the office on Thursday mornings.


Hi there.....again

by Angelie - 2009-03-05 12:03:30

You have no idea, but you have just confirmed to me how much pacer technicians can stir things up and get ya all rawled up about "little" things.
My tech told me that NO ONE he's ever seen has only one lead in the atrium. Usually people with only one lead have it placed in the bottom (ventricle). He went on to add that this lead placement is UNHEARD of in the USA, and he talked negatively about it and questioned my doctor's reasons for doing it this way.
I too only have one lead in my right atrium, and you're the first person I know of that's the same. From your bio, you're in the USA. So that just confirms.......they do do this lead placement in the USA, and my technician was blowing smoke out of his hiney.
His negativity really placed me in a funk and made me think that I was the only one in the world. He also made me doubt my doctor's reasons, and expertise. I wish now, he would have just kept his trap shut.
Just wanted to share that with you.
Maybe if your doctor is not available as much as you need him/her to be than you should find one that will be there more for you when you need them. Sometimes, that's a lot of the hard part in health care is finding the right physician for YOU.

Good luck. I would definitely keep complaining to your doctor or anyone else that cares to listen to your complaints about your arm shocking. That doesn't sound right to me. Pacemakers should make your life better not worse. Keep complaining until you get the treatment that you feel is sufficient and makes you comfortable.


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I wasn't really self-conscious about it. I didn't even know I had one until around six or seven years old. I just thought I had a rock in my side.