Is it normal for the pacemaker to move?

I have had a pm for 13 yrs now and have never experienced it moving before. The last few months it has been quite sore especially when lifting my arm above my head and making various arm movements. When i felt to see where it was, I wasn't sure whether what I was feeling was the pm or not as it isnt in the usual place. Not sure if I'm making any sense but I hope I am!!! Any advice?
ps I have spoken to my tech about it and he said that the pain is normal and is justy something I will have to live with even though this is the first time in 13yrs I have experienced pain for a longer period of time than a week!



by Rachael - 2009-08-16 06:08:04

I have heard about Twiddlers Syndorme and I defiantely dont have that!!! Rarely when I am a little sore I just check its in the same place. The weird thing is that even though I had my first pm 13yrs ago, it was only 2yrs ago they actually put it under the muscle which is strangeand it is really since then I have been in pain more than before but every time i talk to someone about it they say 'yeh, I can see in your notes you've said about this before but its normal'

Movement of pacemakers

by Selwyn - 2009-08-16 06:08:31

Dear Rachel,
It should not happen. The pouch under the skin containing your pacemaker may have stretched after so long with age or movement. This can cause dislocation of leads, lead fracture or insulation defects.You can get crush syndrome between the first rib and collar bone if misplaced.

Tell your pacemaker physician as the PM may need to be attached to pectoral ( chest wall) muscle, or time for a replacement!

Some times fiddling with the box causes loosening ( so called 'Twiddler's Syndrome)


by Tracey_E - 2009-08-16 07:08:16

I'd ask the doctor, not the technician. Technicians only know how to read and program, they don't know much about the rest.

Scar tissue creates a pocket around the pm and the pm is stitched into the pocket, so theoretically they shouldn't move. As we age and skin changes, I think the whole pocket can shift around. Just my non-medical theory! I've had mine 15 yrs now and am on my 3rd one. I've felt it more in the last year than in the previous years put together. It's not pain, more of an awareness, and it's definitely lower than it was. I was wondering if pockets wear out, lol. I dunno! I don't have any answers but I'm going through something similar so it's not just you. I'm due for a replacement soon and will discuss it with the surgeon, wondering if it's time for a new pocket.


by $6Mman - 2009-08-17 12:08:46

Hey Rachael~ I've had this defib/pm since Feb 2006. It has been migrating for 3 1/2 years! It is not a normal occurence as the scar tissue from the pocket is supposed to be able to hold it in place. I asked, and was told that - no, they did not sew it in to place. It has also been an annoyance and has given intermittent pain. When I spoke to the cardio and the surgeon, I was kiddingly told to call when it started to round the corner of my armpit. Well, I go for a check-up on Tuesday and it is ready to round the we'll see. I do not relish the thought of surgery and especially the recovery period, as I am in a good rhythm with a program in the gym. Call your doctor and let them take some xray pics to determine if and how much it moved and of course to check the wires! I'll hopefully have more answers and will willingly share with you then. Until then, be well~ Adam

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