Chest is normal??

Hi again.

I'm now about 3 1/2 months post op of my first pacemaker. I had a side insertion, which has been absolutely fine so far.

However....over the past couple of weeks I have been suffering quite a bit of pain. It's not constant, but varying from excruciating to minor. I think it might be the pacemaker moving, however I don't know if this should be painful or not. I'm also sffereing chest pain, which was never a side effect of my NCS, but has only started since the pacemaker.
I occassionaly (daily) find myself with a sore chest, and after pushing on it, and moving the pacemaker it initiallly hurts, but seems to settle down. The pacemaker seems to get stuck, or sticks out of my chest at an angel, and this is when I push it back in again. Should this be happening? When I can feel it sticking out, (or see it for that matter), i tend to have quite a bit of discomfort.
Could this be the pacemaker moving, or the wires moving and getting tangled inside??
Does the pacemaker kinda float around, or is it cut into a little slot in the chest? I really don't know much about this, but would like to know if this is normal that it floats around quite a bit and seems to do it quite freely - except of course when it sticks out!!
Should I be making an appointment to get this checked out, of is this yet another fun and exciting side effect of living with a pacemaker??

Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.



call the doctor

by Tracey_E - 2009-05-20 05:05:55

Any time you have a pain you'd describe as excruciating, you need to be seen! The pm should be in a pocket that they create and then stitch the pm into place. Not all drs stitch it into place, or sometimes they move anyway. It's not common, but it happens.

When in doubt...

by Pookie - 2009-05-20 08:05:12

get it checked out.!!!!!

My pacemaker moved into my armpit 6 months after initial surgery.

The cardiac surgeon who took over my case made a smaller pocket and anchored (sewed) the pacer in place, and since then it hasn't moved a millimeter.

Seriously, get it checked out.


You know you're wired when...

Your life has spark.

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I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.