An Update.... Working for myself!

Well here we are at the beginning of the last week of working for someone else. I have just 4 days to go and I will be totally working for myself. My heart is suffering from some afib. but i think it must be the stress of being scared half to death and so happy I can hardly sleep at the same time! I have 4 new clients already so I am off to a good start and have not actually stopped working for the dr. yet. Like I was saying my heart is giving me fits. Maybe it will calm down in a few weeks... I hope so anyway! I have a pacemaker check next week (by phone) and a personal visit to see the dr. in perosn the following week. Great timing!


Good Luck

by mike thurston - 2009-08-03 08:08:12

Hey Pacergirl,
I started my own business about 11 years ago. I no longer work in that business as my son now owns it after I got out due to my health (indoor climbing gym).
I know how you are feeling. Relax. Do what you love, don't listen to negative nay sayers and remember it's the journey that counts. Take care of yourself and when it gets to be a bit much don't forget to delegate and get help where necessary. Find people who cover your weak spots. Business owners have to wear a lot of hats and I found it important to not try and force myself to take on every single task myself. Anyway best of luck and as they say "You can do it!" :)

its all happening!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-08-03 08:08:55

Go for it girl, you are bound to feel a bit stressed, its a big thing suddenly realising that the pay cheque at the end of the month is no longer guaranteed, HOWEVER..... you are going to be doing something that you love, you can choose your own working hours and hols, and the financial benefite may turn out to be much greater than you could ever expect working for someone else.

Lot of luck HH x

You know you're wired when...

The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

Member Quotes

I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.