Hi folks!

Hi everyone, just dropped in to say hello and check in. As you know I am now officially the CEO of my own business and I only work for me. Problem is that the person who was hired to replace me at the Dr. office isn't working out so well. I went into today to help out. I had lunch with a friend and was reminded that it isn't for me to fix the problems where I used to work.
My heart is still jumping around and missing heartbeats. I am due for that checkup next week so I will wait and see what the test show. It could be that i am either nervous, scared or just plain crazy. I feel ok most of the time.... except for the shortness of breath. I will speak to the cardiologist on the 19 of this month.
I am so happy to be out on my own. I just hope i can make some money at it as well as being happy.
I must go now... it's been a long day.
Peace and happiness,



by Pookie - 2009-08-12 01:08:45

Wow. I'm so happy for you and your courage to leave a job to open up your own business. ^5.

Hopefully your heart jumping around and those missed beats are nothing serious. Glad to hear you have an appointment soon. Have you ever got to wear a loop recorder?



by pete - 2009-08-12 03:08:48

Its a pity that the only way you can get some employers to appreciate how good a job you were doing is to resign. I have left an american computer manufacturer because they thought they could manage without me. They got rid of me by overloading me with work that I was not trained to do on top of my existing responsibilities until I cracked under the stress. It was patently obvious what they were doing as they did it to others and I got a tip off from a more senior employee who knew that the management had been told to get rid of us.They subsequently lost millions because I then joined a start up competitor and I personally took dozens of prestige customers from them because they knew how good I was. They would have been better of paying me to stay at home and do nothing until I retired. After a few years of this stupidity all the management were made redundant quite rightly and almost none of them found alternative employment. Still the point in this world is to be a survivor and set an example to those who did not treat you fairly. Due to reduced health I now work in a hospice. Cheers Peter

So happy to know you guys!

by pacergirl - 2009-08-12 06:08:48

I'm glad to know that I am making people other than myself happy with my progress. I keep working through the jobs I have and the leads keep coming in. A new client said to me today that she has been showing everyone the brochure I designed for her and telling them that they need to call me! Her word of mouth is a huge asset to me. Sure can't buy advertising like that!
I continue to be encouraged by all the wonderful and positive comments written by my friends. I will never be able to say thank you enough. Like Jesse said "the money will come" and like Pookie said... have courage. My missed beats are probably just extra ones because I am so excited all the time.
Today I finished doing a very large window display for a local contest and it is hot! Really hot... about 120 degrees in that south facing window. hee hee. But the props look good and the photos are holding up well. There is a judging tonight... in fact it is going on now! I wonder if I might win again. I love doing window display and I thought it would be a good way to get my name out in front of people. There will be 1000's of people in our little town this week end to celebrate "Old Settlers' Days" The theme is 30 years of Seniors. So I photographed the seniors at the local charity shop and did a display to honor them. Great fun these Seniors are and I have become very fond of them. Sorry about all my ramblings.... Not many people to chat with now that I'm at my home office.
Take care,
Thanks again, Pacergirl


by mike thurston - 2009-08-12 07:08:50

Nice to hear you feel so good about having made the jump. The money will come. It takes time and gradually your anxiety will get better - kind of like getting use to a pacemaker. Best wishes. As for your old job. I grew up working in my parents restaraunt and when I wanted to try something else I felt guilty and my Dad made it simple - he said "Mike, this business was here before you got here and it will be here after you are gone" He was right, Mom and Dad are dead and it has been over 30 years since I was there as a worker. They are still cranking out the burgers. They will get buy as things go on with or without you there. Enjoy yourself.


you go girl

by jessie - 2009-08-12 12:08:41

the money will come. it takes a few years but i have no doubts you will make it. just keep being you. hugs jessie

You know you're wired when...

A thirty-day guarantee is not good enough.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.