Gallstone infection

Larry had a bad gallstone infection. They almost didn't figure out what it was in time. 3 different hospitals. Never called the Mayo Clinic to tell them what was going on with their patient.

When they finally did call after a week in the hospital the Mayo sent one of the heart transplant surgeons down to check Larry out. Within 2 hours they had him transported to the Mayo clinic. Within 2 days they had a LVAD put in.

They screwed around so much at the 1st 3 hospitals that his heart weakened beyond recovery. The entire week he was in the hospital they never once gave him any of his regular heart medications. No fluid pills which caused major fluid build up.

He is so weak now he can hardly lift his arms.

Now when they get him to the edge of the bed for PT, his heart rate speeds up and his defribulator goes off. It went off 3 times within 15 minutes this morning and 2 times this afternoon. His afternoon nurse won't touch him now because the last time it went off she was touching him and it pretty much sent her across the room.

He is hurting so much from the surgery and the shocks he is afraid to even try to lift his arms or cough which he needs to do the get the gunk out of his lungs and prevent complications.

So anyway now he has his lvad and awaits a heart transplant. Please pray for him, he needs all the help and encourgement he can get right now to help get his spirits back up and keep him from giving up.



Oh my!!!

by janetinak - 2010-05-27 04:05:47

what a terrible thing to have happened. Please know that our thoughts are with you & Larry. Please let us know how he is doing. My prayers are with you both.



So sorry

by cruz - 2010-05-27 08:05:16

You and Larry have been through so much! I'm so sorry and my prayers and thoughts are with you. Keep us updated on how both of you are doing.

Prayers ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-05-27 12:05:21

My prayers are with you and I am sure the 11,0000 PM Members have joined in a chain of prayers. Let us hear of Larry's progress.

When Larry is up and around again and doing a whole new world of good, I would venture to a large City & find me a good lawyer who is NOT afraid of Dr. law suits.

We are thinking of you and Larry
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Honor Our Veteran's of the US ~

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So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.