Dairy Princess (Debbie) -Update

Thank you all for your prayers and sympathies extended for Debbie's unexpected passing. We thought she was on the road to recovery, so this news was quite a shock. We are somewhat relieved to know she did not suffer, and was within her normal routine.... having a hard time falling asleep at night, watching tv on the couch and being on the computer, finally falling asleep until 3 or 4am, then crawling into bed. Sometime after she dozed off, she passed.
According to the Medical Examiner, the pacemaker probably wouldn't have been effective, though it tried, since she died of congenital heart failure because of the fluids that were around her heart. Medications were supposed to be correcting that problem, and the feeling was, that they were, but it may have been too little too late.
I wanted to pass this information along to those of you who may carry a fear about your own pacemakers, and the effectiveness of them. Frankly I don't know enough about them to really comment.
Thanks again to all her friends who supported her and kept her company during your chats.


Private Message

by pacepal - 2009-03-19 05:03:19

I have sent you a private message.

Newspaper Obituary Link

by arujous - 2009-03-19 05:03:24


Thank you

by Angelie - 2009-03-19 05:03:44

Thank you again, for the updated information.
We all miss here, and offer our condolences.



by Pookie - 2009-03-19 07:03:49

I was just making plans to meet her in Minnesota at the end of May.

I am stunned.

Please send my condolences to her family for me.



by jessie - 2009-03-19 08:03:24

please send condolences to her family and tell them i am very sorry we lost her so young. she was lovely and loved chat. my condolences to them her family her husband children siblings and parents maureen we will miss her sorely.

God Bless Your Family

by craig1075 - 2009-03-19 09:03:25

Thank you for sharing. Debbie was the first one who responded to my first post on this site. It was a pleasure chatting with her in the site chat room.

My heart goes out to your family. God bless you all.


What a bummer

by walkerd - 2009-03-20 06:03:52

Never had the chance to comment or talk to Debbie but read her posts when she posted, didnt know about the condition she had, which is most of posters on here, my condition is different than most, so I dont comment alot on questions about the electrical problems with heart that I know nothing about. Truly she will be missed. Im sorry that I didnt post on some of her posts. She was about my age. Rest in peace Debbie, and my heart felt condolences to family and friends.


by Loopy Lou - 2009-03-20 07:03:14

Thanks so much for keeping us informed regarding our Pacer Chick Debbie. I have just seen the tribute photos currently on Daniels Funeral Home website.

I still can't believe we won't be having our crazy funny chats.

We will all miss her so so much.

Love & Hugs, Loopy Lou xxxxxxxxx

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