Migrating ICD

Tomorrow(3/25/09) I go see my EP for my 1st official check-up/reprogramming since surgery on 2/10/09. I noticed that my ICD was moving under my armpit about a week after it was implanted...I went in to the EP clinic to ask what I should do and was given all sorts of run-around about how the odds of it moving are low and how I must have "twiddlers syndrome"...accusing me of playing with it. I was absolutely disgusted by my treatment in the EP clinic. Finally the tech saw that I was still swollen and felt my device in my armpit and acknowledged that it had indeed moved...DUH! I'm not a dr but I was able to determine that.

Anyway I was told to wear a sports bra and wait a month until my 6 week check-up...I'm still in pain...the device is still in my armpit...and I know now why I have never worn a sports bra before and never plan to again...the headaches it caused were unbearable.

After reading several people's posts I'm am at least relieved that I'm not the only one who has had their device move on them. They EP tech said it happens in less than 1% of implantations...but there are enough posts on here to tell me otherwise. I have plenty of extra tissue to hide this thing in...I just hope they can make it right...having my 12-year-old daughter shave my right pit becuase I can't reach it with my left arm and my left pit because I can't see around the swelling is...well...it's the pits! lol

I just hope they don't tell me to suck it up tomorrow...I will probably collapse in tears in the office if they do.




by sis - 2009-03-24 10:03:08

I am almost to my year mark and am just NOW getting another docotr to fix my armpit icd!!!! Only you know your body they don't. I say if you feel that something is wrong you should know more than them. I have been right every time I have complained!! I have suffered almost a year with mine and am finally getting something done with it!! I'm just not looking forward to a 4th operation in less than a year!!! Good luck tomorrow!!!~Sis

Device Moving

by Pookie - 2009-03-24 10:03:19

Hi Kym,

So sorry to hear that your device has moved. Mine did too and it took me 6 months to get someone to believe me even tho anyone could plainly see it was in my armpit. Oh how I remember the shaving problems too!

Just be firm in your appointment tomorrow and tell them because of the pain you want it repositioned. (I don't know if I believe this less than 1% data.)

And for goodness sake, don't let them tell you to suck it up, you deserve to be comfortable. Pain is unacceptable when the problem is quite easily fixed although it does require another surgery.

Stay strong and keep us posted.


The Verdict

by dnjsmom88 - 2009-03-25 02:03:53

Thanks for the replies...they made me feel a bit more normal...something I haven't felt since I was diagnosed in September.

So I'm finally home from the dr...they were able to feel that it that was something hard in my arm pit that felt like the device so they took an xray. Turns out it is most likely tissue that was displaced when they put the device in and it has hardened...it still hurts like crazy. I saw different people this time and they were much better...she showed me the xray they took today with the placement of the icd as clear as day...the 3 people I saw today were certain that I was going to need surgery...by feeling around...but the xray proved otherwise...good because I don't have to have more surgery...bad because it still hurts like crazy. I am supposed to apply heat and do some exercises to hopefully break up the scar tissue. Praise God for no more surgeries for now...and for no incidents recorded by my device.

I do admit...it was the trippiest feeling when they reprogrammed my ICD...kind of like the feeling you get on a roller coaster when you are dropping down a wicked steep incline! lol

the pits

by Tracey_E - 2009-03-25 06:03:26

I'm sorry, your pits comments just have me chuckling. Don't lose your sense of humor.

If your doctor is blowing you off when you have a problem, it's time to get a new doctor. If this doctor is denying it moved, I sure wouldn't let him be the one to reposition it.

Odds of it moving may well be less than 1%, but that still doesn't make it impossible. We see things here with a higher frequency than they actually happen - for every one person who comes here with a problem, there are hundreds or thousands out there who never have a problem, and no reason to seek us out.

You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

We are very lucky to have these devices.