side effects of meds

i was having a lot of side effects to tikosyn and did not feel like the med was helping my a fib concented to a pm and was told would be taken off the tikosyn. after pm inserted was told by dr that he was keeping me on tikosyn after all . i stilll have the same side effects and am so dissapointed. he spends about 3 minutes at the bedside. he also placed me on cardizem. i am thinking about seeing another cardiologist


Take charge

by ElectricFrank - 2009-03-29 05:03:27

It's time to take charge and ask questions. Don't be intimidated by the docs actions. It's up to you to get answers.

I realize that it isn't easy especially when you aren't feeling the best at the time.

Seeing another cardiologist may be a good idea. Before you get commited to him/her make sure they understand that you expect service.


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