dissappointed once again

im so frustrated and dissappointed. i had an afib ablation done on mar 28, 09 and thought it was sucessful. 2 wks after completely afib free, woopee i thought im finally getting my life back. i spoke too quick the next week i had short runs of afib but knew this was normal sometimes. i always converted back in just a few minutes. today i have been in afib HR from 126-138 for 2 hours. looks like this is going to be my life from now on. i cant have another ablation until 3 mo after this one. i dont know if i can take this that long. i have been on more meds that the law should allow and other than making me so tired and weak with the side effects they do absoultely nothing. i think i would do just as well off meds as i do on. sometimes i wonder if its all worth it. i cant work or go shopping heck i cant even clean my house half the time. im sorry im sure theres lots of you out there that have a lot more problems than i do, just needed to get it off my mind. i think my family is tired of listening to me.



by dottodot - 2009-06-27 09:06:49

That's what I like about this club-we can just get support from each other. I don't have the same issues you have but know from my medical experience that some of the drugs have nasty side effects. Sometimes this stuff is so discouraging and families don't always understand mostly because they're afraid and we all want to be back to "normal" (what ever that is again). Good luck. dottodot

Sorry to hear that it didn't cure them

by ElectricFrank - 2009-06-28 01:06:31

Disgusting. It's almost worse to have experienced being free of afib and then have them come back.




by lb151 - 2009-06-28 08:06:00

I have been in rate controlled a-fib for over 3 years now. It can be controlled and you can lead a very normal life. I had mitral vavle replacement with a mechanical valve almost a year ago. Please dont give up on yourself! With the right doctor and meds,all will be ok. Yes,some of the meds take time to get use to,,but,they dont have to run your life.
taake care

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