Pacemaker moving

Ok, I have seen a number of posts about the pacemaker moving to under the arm or in the armpit and such, however, it appears that my pacemaker has moved, not to the side, but up. Now, just out of curiosity, what the heck do they do about these type of things? Is it best to just leave it alone, or is it something that they need to go in to fix? Sorry, just feels real awkward where it is now.

Also, the acupuncture has been working wonders!! I have come close to passing out only once in the last few weeks and have not even needed my heart meds to keep me from fibrillating. My heart now beats in a regular rhythm on its own about 95% of the time, or at least if it is going out of rhythm more often, I can't tell. I have energy again and my chest hasn't hurt since starting the acupuncture. Just had to let ya'll know that.



Pacemaker Moving

by gsue55 - 2009-10-25 07:10:51

I had this same problem with mine. It drove me nuts. I went to my Dr. many times about it & he finally repostioined it to under a muscle. It feels much better. The only time it really bothers me now is when I lean over to get something off the floor.

I still hate the li'l thing but, I am really trying to work that out.

Hope this helps


by Tracey_E - 2009-10-25 08:10:16

Glad to hear the acupuncture is working so well!!

When the pm moves, they try to leave it alone until the next battery change unless it's really driving you crazy or painful and you can't wait.


by ShadowWeaver - 2009-10-26 11:10:25

Thank-you for the info Tracey and Gloria. I really appreciate it.


Moving along

by fightergirl - 2009-10-28 10:10:36

My ICD has decided to go on walk-about! I tell the Techs that if it moves any higher they are going to have to hang the checking device-thingy off of my ear! I am going this Fri. to discuss having it repositioned...I was told pre-op that it was to be placed under the chest wall muscle....if it is under the chest wall muscle then I'm Sophia Loren..heehee! I will let ya know what I find out.
But something must be done because this is really bothersome! Terri A.

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