Almost a month post-ablation

Well, it has been an interesting ride so far. First week after the ablation, absolutely nothing went awry (no a-fib, no skipped beats, no irregular beat, etc). At exactly week two, I started having irregular beats again, but nothing major. At week three, I started having a-fib and a-flutter again, but again, not as severe as it has been in the past. Ironically, the most noticeable change since the surgery is that my resting heart rate seems to have increased. I've always heard that the heart rate tends to go down with an ablation, however, mine increased. Pre-ablation, my resting heart rate was around 70bpm, now it is right about 100bpm. Is odd, but doesn't really bother me that much. I am still hopeful that the surgery has worked. :)

Michael Mason



by justme - 2010-02-16 10:02:55

Hi Michael,
I too am about a month post ablation and my resting heart rate went up as well. I was pretty good with no heart "issues" afterwards (but was on calcium channel blockers to prevent arythmeias). Now that I've stopped taking them some of that stuff is creaping back, but it does still seem to be "better" than before.
Have you done any exercising since the ablation? I just went to the gym for the first time last week and only lasted 10 minutes on the HR got up to 170 and I had some major chest pain in some of the specific areas that were ablated...but I didn't pass out, so I'm counting it a success so far...
hope things keep going well for you


by Pookie - 2010-02-16 11:02:10

Hi Michael.

I've started to research ablations since my EP thinks I may have to have one in the future. And what I've read is: it can take a few months for your heart to calm down so to speak and develop it's rhythm. Your heart was just "messed" with and it takes time for everything to settle.

I've not got to the part yet about the resting heart rate.

What does your EP say about your resting heart beat being at 100? That seems kind of high to me.



by ShadowWeaver - 2010-02-22 04:02:01

Pookie: Yeah, that is why I am still hopeful, the EP says we won't know the real results until about 3 months post ablation. I don't have an appointment with him until April for the ablation follow-up, I called the office to let them know what was going on, but haven't heard anything back from them. I am figuring for the most part that it is within normal parameters. It just seems odd that I started off feeling so much better and am feeling progressively worse and time goes by. The other day, I was running a delivery and had to pull off to the side of the road before I passed out, my pulse jumped up around 170.

Justme: I am not taking any meds for the arrhythmia's due to that none of them have worked on me thus far. I haven't really been able to exercise since my heart problems started. Pre-ablation my heart rate would skyrocket or plummet and I would pass out. After the pacemaker, it wouldn't plummet, but it would skyrocket still and I would pass out. At this point, I am kind of scared to try working out until my heart stops going wackkado for awhile. I have noticed that the a-fib episodes don't seem to last as long now which seems like a real good thing. I am hopeful that it worked, but I must say that as time goes on and my symptoms get worse and worse, I am starting to have doubts.

Post-ablation elevated HR and BP?

by wantok - 2012-02-07 06:02:06

This is an old thread, but I had an ablation 12/8/11 (or two months ago) and at my month checkup I was surprised to find out that I was having only .2% a-fib because I thought I was symptomatic. What it was is I am having BP jumps (before I had normal BP) and my resting heart rate -- even without a BP jump -- is around 90 (used to be 60). Anyone have any further experience or information? My EP wasn't interested in my BP issue (jumping to 160/100), but I am wondering if my heart rate elevation (which is more constant) is related to the ablation. I do have a pacemaker.

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