Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery
Armpit Swetting/Rash
- by FLossybell
- 2023-02-03 12:24:07
- Surgery & Recovery
Hi Everyone,
I am two weeks post surgery for my first device. Like others have mentioned, I am trying to use my left arm a little to keep it from freezing up. However, it does hurt. My biggest problem is keeping my armpit "aired out". Sweat keeps building up. I am keeping it clean and trying to keep it propped up so it breathes, but I am getting what looks like a yeast rash under my arm. It is really uncomfortable. Did anyone els...
Pacemaker decision appointment
- by crystalarch07
- 2023-02-03 03:40:42
- Surgery & Recovery
Hello everyone,
I've posted a few posts here before. I am 30 years old and It's related to my 3rd degree heart block. It was discovered by chance a few months ago that I probably have congenital 3rd degree heart block and no major structural problems were seen in the MRI, echo and treadmill tests. Holter tests revealed 3-5 second pauses and 3rd degree block. I lead a completely asymptomatic life. I got opinions from a few drs. There were doctors who s...
New member
- by Bhoy67
- 2023-01-30 05:27:03
- Surgery & Recovery
Hi all. New member here. Last few years I've been having tests done as I've been taking propranolol for 20 years (put on it for anxiety) and my heart rate is very low. Late 30's, 40's etc but it can go higher then. Had few ultrasounds, mri etc. Told me I've got cardiomyopathy, heart block etc. So, I'm coming off of propranolol now (nearly off them completely now), then got to go back for another holder monitor then maybe...
Post Pacemaker Implant
- by Shop Girl
- 2023-01-24 17:02:28
- Surgery & Recovery
I had a pacemaker implanted last Thursday. I am no longer out of breath but am feeling woozy/spacey - kind of dizzy but not like I'm going to pass out. Is this the normal part of adjusting? Today it seems to be the worst. I have my first post op appointment Thursday. I had 2nd degree heartblock with a few 3rd degree which was going on for a loooooong time. Any incite would be appreciated! :)
Jaw pain
- by Tin heart
- 2023-01-20 15:13:38
- Surgery & Recovery
Pain in lower left jaw
Pacemaker surgery tomorrow
- by Mao
- 2023-01-05 18:32:56
- Surgery & Recovery
Hello everyone.
My doctor recently decided that I need I pacemaker. I will get it tomorrow. I have an AV block type 2 mobitz 2. I don't show symptoms but doctors think that because it has progrerss from type 1 to type 2 m1 to m2 now it is better to put the pacemaker now before type 3 which is very dangerous.
I am 30 years old and I am scared, sometimes I doubt that I really need it. But it is for the best. I have mixed feelings about it. I just hope I get to the moment where I...
Post Replacement Question
- by ShayD
- 2022-12-20 13:01:05
- Surgery & Recovery
It's been over a month since my surgery. All seems to be ok with the exception of soreness from where the leads are. How long should I expect this area to be tender? I don't recall this from my initial placement in 2013.
Redness after box change
- by Sylvia1
- 2022-12-18 14:13:25
- Surgery & Recovery
My husband had a box change 24th November and rested for a couple of weeks before driving again and playing snooker,but he has noticed a redness around edge of where box situated (no temperature or any other symptoms).Is this where the edge of the device reacting to movement again (this ICD was slightly bigger and EP had to pop the muscle to insert)and nothing to worry about-any comments appreciated.Thanks
Update from procedure n Dr appointment
- by cadaverock
- 2022-12-15 23:49:06
- Surgery & Recovery
So if you know from my previous post after the ablation study procedure dr toold me . That he dint find no areas to do ablation he did nention this do have extra beat but it's coming from I forgot the area he mentioned n Said nothing he can do there ? He told me I be taking 12.5 metropolol like I always been but he will add 30 MG 3 times per day of cartia. Why ?? I mention can I start going gym ? He said wait till I get your rhythm under control ?? But Said it's OK...
Midnight Cough
- by jonnypacker
- 2022-12-15 02:11:38
- Surgery & Recovery
So I have been experiencing a very strange symptom since my pacemaker replacement on 8/22. Every night at exactly midnight, I feel a weird sensation in my chest that causes me to cough. It literally lasts 20-30 seconds, I cough, and it's over. And it happens at 12 AM in the dot. Every single night. 😂😂😂 This happen to anyone else? I have my next cardio appt in January. I'm going to for sure ask both my Medtronic rep and my cardiologist.
Cardiac ablation pray for me or wish me well please!!
- by cadaverock
- 2022-11-29 16:28:38
- Surgery & Recovery
well, time is almost here hope i write back in here if i don't it means am gone I have a pacemaker i don't know if the cables inside will be moved or in the way?? i get so confused by the comments here. will i be completely out ? will i know what's going on. Did someone mention in a post that one of the worst parts is the anesthesia they use on the legs ? i also suffer from some sleep apnea will that causes me problems,, i have noticed that even do im scared,,i think am more scare...
Post Recovery
- by abhilash12
- 2022-11-27 01:59:36
- Surgery & Recovery
Hi All,
I'm a Government staff from India. I have my pacemaker implantation due within 6 months. Here in India, My State Belongs to Kerala. Kerala Government staff's are allowed to take special casual leaves of 45 days for Open heart surgery which is mentioned in the service rules which was framed on 1965.That days Pacemaker implantation is rarest of the rare in here . Now angioplasty, angiography, pacemkaer are common here.Based on that law that consituted on 1965, on 201...
Swelling of arm and hand after replacement of failed Medtronic Pacemaker
- 2022-11-26 21:39:09
- Surgery & Recovery
I had surgery two days ago to replace a Medtronic Pacemaker that had been implanted since 2014 when I had a heart transplant. It had done its job for 8 years.
That new replacement Pacemaker broke after 24 hours and was pacing at 49 beats per minute.
I went to the emergency room and that new Medtronic Pacemaker had to be replaced with yet another new Pacemaker . They also replaced the original 8 year old lead with a new lead when they put in this new new Pacemaker. Seems the...
pacemaker for my father who is 87 years old
- by Gemini
- 2022-11-16 06:28:28
- Surgery & Recovery
morning all, this is a cry for help really my father is 87 years old and has suffered a heart attack, an atrial flutter and now has been informed he has bradycardia his most recent ecg shows his heart pauses 23 times during an hour. so we are waiting on a date in december for a dual chamber pacemaker to be fitted. it has troubled him greatly that he will be awake during surgery and the fact that he has been told he will be unable to use his left arm for 4-6 weeks after surgery. i am looking f...
Testing the Pacemaker
- by Tanno
- 2022-11-15 06:56:03
- Surgery & Recovery
Something that struck out to me while they were testing the pacemaker after I had it implanted was that they brought out this device that went over my chest where the pacemaker was put in, and then were testing the device. I don't know exactly what had happened, but they pressed a button on the screen and I had the worst palpitations I've ever had, my palms and legs went sweaty, and it honestly felt like my heart had stopped.
The Doctor seemed kind of concerned and stopped it im...
New Member
- by Tanno
- 2022-11-06 15:23:25
- Surgery & Recovery
Hi all, I'm 26 and I will be having my pacemaker fitted tomorrow. Any tips, advice etc for someone getting one, especially so at a younger age?
Micra Install Fail
- by MattinMSP
- 2022-11-02 21:50:35
- Surgery & Recovery
I went in today for an implantation of a Medtronic Micra. This would've been my first PM. Unfortunately, after about 5-6 attempts to place it, my EP said it was unsuccessful and decided to stop attempting to implant.
Has anyone experienced a failure during the procedure like this? My EP said I was the first in his "many, many" Micra procedures.
This PM is to act as a safety net for occasional sinus node pause.&n...
Keloid scars
- by leni
- 2022-10-28 03:26:05
- Surgery & Recovery
I am on the waiting list to have a paceemaker. Over the last 50 years, I have had two operations on my body and with bothof them, I suffered keloid scars which took about 10 years before they stopped itching and hurting. I dont feel I can go through this again for the rest of my life (I am now 75). I cannot find any information for what I should expect if I don't have a pacemaker.
Can anyone give me any advice or pointme in th right direction?
allergy to adehesive bandage
- by laurieb03
- 2022-10-13 16:22:27
- Surgery & Recovery
hi all
i am getting my pm tuesday and i am concerned about the bandage they use for the first few days as i am allergic to most of the glues-
has anyone tried a hypoallergenic bandage and if so which one.
the dermatologist suggested paper tape and gauze.
New Pacemaker - Symptoms
- by cmowers
- 2022-10-06 22:46:46
- Surgery & Recovery
I just received a pacemaker 2 days ago and I'd like to ask if anyone else has experienced headaches with an extreme amount of pressure after their procedure. My cardiologist insists it has nothing to do with the pacemaker, but I'm not so sure. Their colleague insisted I did not have any cardiac issues but here I am now with a pacemaker.
You know you're wired when...
You need to be re-booted each morning.
Member Quotes
My pacemaker is intact and working great.