Most Recent Messages in Complications

Pacemaker moving in pocket

I was diagnosed with joint hypermobility almost 10 years ago. No testing for any other connective disorders has been done. I have been finding my device moves 2-3 times it's size on all directions. This has confused my doctors and they have no idea what to do as they think it's the whole area moving they don't think suturing it down will help at all if it even keeps the suture intact. Lately I'm finding it's sitting lower in my chest (top of device was 2 fingers below coll...


Biotronik messenger.

I have recently purchased online a Biotroniik  home monitoring device from USA. I live in NZ. I havent been able to register it. When i try to register i get to the end of all the questions then it says something went wrong and that ishould wait a week. Thats a few weeks now. My Pacemaker tech told me the app doesnt work in NZ. Anyone know about this. Thanks Colin.


Key Fob/Keyless Cars

I'm about to lease a new car and it has a key fob. Never had a keyless car and I am wondering if these interfere with pacemakers? 

Does anyone own a keyless car and experience issues with pacemaker?


Pulsing in arm / chest next to pacemaker

Hi all 

I hope you are all well.

i had a pacemaker fitted right side in Feb this year with 2 leads, over the last 6 weeks i have experienced pulsing in my right arm / chest next to the pacemaker.

I visited hospital yesterday regarding this and whilst doing the test to the top lead in the right chamber, my chest started pulsing.

The Physiologist turned a setting off to prevent this happening as they said it is safe to do so.

I have woke this morning to find a...


Side effects

Hi i had a pacemaker fitted in Jan this year, since then i have constant pain in the area of the pacemaker, futhermore i have severe back pain, i have had back pain for a number of years but nothing like as severe as  now, my Doctor tells me it is not related to the pacemaker, i beg to differ, can anyone else identify with this issue, regards Joseph.


Home from the hospital today

Good evening everyone.  I am a brand new pacemaker receipient.  I've had been having intermittent dizzie spells that would last a second or 2 for the past several months. Most days I would have none but some I would have 3-4 episodes.  Finally I had my wife check my pulse during/after an episode and it was at 50 then jumped back up to the 70's. She was a cardiac nurse so we decided to go to the ER just to check. We were about to be discharged with a referral to follow u...


Pacemaker and side effects

Hi since i had a new pacemaker in Jan this year, i have been experiencing chronic back pain, it is destroying my quality of life, does anyone identify , if so would you please post a solution, if you can, regards Joseph.


Burning and stinging in the area of the pacemaker

I had my medtronic pacemaker put in in 2017. About a month after it was put in it was turned off. I was actually feeling much worse after it was put in than before I had it. Went to two other cardiologists and did several tests after installation by the first cardiologist and was told I was miss diagnosed and didn't need a pacemaker so it was turned off. It's still there because removing it is called elective surgery by the insurance and company which means I would have to pay 45K. Th...


Small Electrical Shocking where the leads are placed.

I know that this sounds crazy, but I am having a small electrical shocking feeling in my chest fairly close to where the two leads from my defibulator are located.  It doesnt hurt, but i can definitly feel it when it occurs.  Has anyone else had anything like this?  I know there are hundreds of reasons why this can't or shouldn't be occuring, but it is.  

So any feedback would be greatly appreciated.



Pacemaker Misfiring Nightly

Hi everyone! 

I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced this...I received my 4th pacemaker implant in October 2022 & until about 3 weeks ago everything was going smoothly. (I’m 100% ventricular paced/90% atrial paced) Then I started waking up somewhere between 2 & 3 am with hard heartbeats and once they would start it lasts around 10 minutes but I can’t get back to sleep afterwards. At first I thought it was just my heart & I must have bee...


Sore shoulders

Hello everyone,


I would like to inquire about a medical issue I have been experiencing. I received my implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) three years ago and have not had any significant problems until recently. Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing a persistent, dull pain in my left shoulder and neck. I have researched online and found various possible causes, but I would appreciate any insights or experiences from others who may have encountered a sim...


Abbott Avenir Atrial Leadless Pacemaker Implantation—dislodgement

Hi everyone, 

I had an Abbott Avenir Leadless pacemaker installed last week due to Sick Sinus Syndrome.  I chose that type over the leaded option due to the easier implantation and recovery time. The implantation went well--took less than 2 hours--but then became dislodged and moved to my pulmonary artery where, thank God, it was retrieved without issue.  So, I still have to get my SSS resolved but am hoping I can get more information to help determine my course of action...


Update on Pacemaker Mediated Tachycardia

Hello Fellow Pacers,

I had previously posted about a report I received that indicated I experience an average of two episdoes of pacemaker mediated tachycardia daily. Since I had never heard of that term before, I asked for advice from this group. It was suggested that I contact my EP Clinic about getting my settings changed.

I had my clinic appointment yesterday and the tech adjusted the PVR from 225 to 325 and I had a positive retrograde test at 286 milliseconds. Hopefully this...


Pulsing Feeling in Chest

Has anyone had the feeling of a intermittent pulsing feeling or that something is bouncing in your chest? It sometimes happens while just sitting or brushing my teeth, or walking sometimes. My pacemaker was inserted 4 weeks ago.


Feel sick on slightly bumpy road

I've only had the atrial lead in my pacemaker for a week and in a car on a normal road I get a lump in my throat and mild nausea. On a bumpy road I feel very close to being sick with that nauseous feeling on the sides of the jaw and under the tongue as well as throat pressure.
The specialist says there are only two settings, and the other setting is for old people. I'm guessing that means they turn down the maximum rate from the current 130bpm to 100bpm....


Endurance Heart causes collapsed lung

Hi everyone. I am new to this forum. On Wednesday I had a Medtronic Azure pacemaker implanted. I requested they place the pacemaker under my pectoral muscle so that it didn't interfere with swimming and also requested the pace me at 50 while resting and 170 for the high with an aggressive response rate (4 on the scale of 1 to 5) for running. My pre pacemaker healthy resting heart rate was 48 prior to dropping to the mid 30s. They also set my sleep heart rate to 40 between 10p and 5a.



Syncope with a pace maker

Passed out last May and my heart stopped for 14 seconds. Was diagnosed with sick sinus.  Around the winter months of last year I started having syncope episodes again. I started tracking them in January and have had six episodes. All of them are between 7:43am and 12:01pm.  I no longer pass out but depending on the sererity of the episode it can take 30 minutes to recover.  My Cardiologist had me wear a monitor for two weeks and I had an episode, My blood pressure dropped to 89...


Pacemaker muscle pain

I had my pacemaker put in 2019. I am having muscle pain in the left side where my pacemaker is. Some times it feels like just an ache. Sometimes are worse than others. But I bring it up with my cardiologist and it's just disregarded as muscle pain. But it gets painful and concerning. I can massage it and can help with the pain, but once I stop it hurts again. I've done nothing to extend or injure it, but does anyone else have pain in the muscle. Sometimes it will go to my arm and upni...


Solar eclipse and pacemakers

Random question.. did anyone experience side effects or issues as a result of the solar eclipse today?

I am asking because I felt my pacemaker or heart racing for about 1 min. during the eclipse and found it super strange. 


1st Post, significant problems

Hi guys,

I'm grateful to be here. 1st post. Got my PM installed on 14 March 2024 and have had a slew of problems and looking for advise:


- 1 March diagnosed with AV block. HR at night dropping down to 26 BPM (eek!)
-14 March 2024: Initial PM implant. 
-21 March: Wound check no problem. Felt great.  
-25 March: Lead falls out and is giving me muscle spasms in my diaphragm. No explanation as to why. I had been walking at my own pace with...


You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

It may be the first time we've felt a normal heart rhythm in a long time, so of course it seems too fast and too strong.