Most Recent Messages in Interferences

Riding Lawn Mowers

It there a problem using a riding lawnmower with a pacemaker?  I have a 15 hp and heart rate went to 114 just sitting. 


Cell phone and Fitbit

I am still new with my PM (9/10/24) and need some advise on how close my I phone 14 and Fitbit charge 6 should come to  my pacemaker.

I know they say keep six inches away but at time I feel even that distance causes a "funny feeling" in my chest around the pacemaker. 

Have others felt this or am I just not used to my PM yet and imagining this?  Appreciate any ideas on better ways to use these devices and not pickup the inter...



I'VE READ ALL RESPONSES: thank you all very much! Lived experience is powerful. Striking off fear #1 from my list  ðŸ˜‚ . 

Hi everyone, good to find this space. 55F. Had a PPM put in on the 1st Oct. The condition is 2nd grade heart block mobitz II - 2:1. Had ventrucal standstills up to 16 seconds. Coming to terms with this "catastrophe". Seeking counseling to cope with the event. A chronic control freak now scared sheetless. No apparent heart diseases.&nbs...


Hot tubs, whirlpool tubs, saunas, steam rooms

Is there a safe temperature limit for either a hot tub or whirlpool tub? I've read no higher than 104 degrees for a hot tub. Would it be same for both. Also, how safe/unsafe would use of sauna or steam room be? I've had my PM for 4.5 years. 


Using welding and cutting equipment with a pacemaker

Has anyone had any experience with high frequency and any interference with the pacemaker?



Anyone research Starlink Satellite internet and any possible issues with a PM?  My work is adding them to our vehicles and I'm trying to research the safety with no luck.  Had my PM for 6 yrs. 


Chain Saw Chainsaw

I've had a BS pacemaker for about 5 months.  I know there's discussion about whether or not it's safe to use a chainsaw when one has a PM. 

There's discussion for/against saw useage.  Distance from the saw to the PM seems to be the main topic.  People use lawnmowers with their PM.  I guess a mower motor isn't that close to one's body. 

Anyway, I'm wondering if an EMI (electromagnetic interference) jacket would protect...


Airport Security

I have had a pacemaker for around seven years and have usually had pat down security checks at airports. Security personnel at concerts have advised me several times that it is safe for me to pass through their airport style security gates but I have always refused and requested a pat down instead ...just wondering if advances in security technology have made security equipment safe or....should I continue to request pat down ?


Remote upload results

Hi fellow pacemaker club members!  

I have had my medtronic dual chamber pacemaker for almost 7 years to treat complete heart block.  I am pacer dependent as my ventrical paces 100% of the time.  Have any of you had your upload results report Electromagnetic interference?  I was looking over my results from my recent remote upload and I has 2 events most likely related to an Electromagnetic interference on July 9th. Thinking back to that afternoon I remember fee...


Laser Surgery

I am going to have Diode Laser surgery for my glaucoma.  Will my pacemaker be affected ? 


help i've fallen pendant

Am wondering did try the search engine, but nothing came up.  As a pace maker user can i have someone who wears a "help I"ve fallen pendant" hug me.

new to pace 


Induction hob

So I'm new to the world of PMs and while I have seen all the dire warnings about all sorts of electrical equipment and so on, which I suspect would cause most people to stay in bed!

I'm prepared to take most of it with the pinch of salt as long as I'm not being stupid but the one thing I do have a question about, mainly because my wife can't cook!!, is induction hobs.

I'm aware that the advice says to stay at least two feet away - over 6 feet tall so hopefully...



Are headphones/earbuds safe with a PM?


Battery operated chain saw

I was warned when i received my Medtronic pacemaker NEVER to use or be too close to a gas chainsaw.  This was devastating for me as i have spent most of my adult life working on my pine forest land using such chainsaws.

i started using a small Hart model battery powered saw this year and have had no problems using it.

SO, I just purchased a Greenworks 18" 80 volt lithium battery powered saw.  It is called a "Digi pro."

i wanted to know if anyone coul...



I had a new combi boiler fitted today and the model is operated via the Halo Combi RF (obviously Radio Frequency) but it didn't occur to me to inform the heating engineer I had a Pacemaker device. I know all my wifi gadgets are ok but never even thought of RF devices. It's placed in my living room. Should I move it???   Any advice please? TIA


The Halo unit is powered by 4 AA batteries and communicates with the Halo Lite Receiver unit on a 868MHz ...


Ear Buds

Hi all

Does anyone know whether it's safe to use blue tooth ear buds with a pmkr?  

Thank you 



Reclining beds and pacemaker

Soo I plan to order a reclining bed for my mom who I take care of. However,  I am wondering if these reclining electrical beds interfere with pacemakers since I will be near the bed most times. 
I asked the store if the bed has magnets or does it interfere with pacemakers and they didn't provide concrete answers. 

Does anyone know if these beds interfere with pacemakers? 




Airport security scanners

I know this has been covered before but the replies are from a few years back. I wonder what was the current opinion about passing through them. In my mind there are three types:

1. The archway that you first walk through after putting your baggage on the conveyor to be XRayed

2. The box you stand in if something has triggered on the walk through

3. The hand held wand that whizzes over your body.

I have somewhere a pacemaker card but am travelling tomorrow and if...


Pacemaker icrtd and microphone

Hi my name is Andrew and am soon to be fitted with an icrtd pacemaker. I am a musician and sing a lot. Is it safe for me to use a microphone. I use sm 58 s mainly folk music. I use a jcb portable pa but mainly on mains electricity. 





Hi all..its been a while since I have posted....have been really happy and fit as a fiddle...( Until a recent flu bug got me!)

So just wondering if anyone out there is taking Entestro and had any long term effects of it apart what the drug is suposed to do..I have been happily taking it for 3 years now and not only has it boosted my ejection fraction but i can almost recreate like a teenager.Lat night i got rigors and I wondered if it was from the Entestro..? I do suffer asthma and...


You know you're wired when...

You have the perfect reason to show off your chest.

Member Quotes

I'm 35 and got my pacemaker a little over a year ago. It definitely is not a burden to me. In fact, I have more energy (which my husband enjoys), can do more things with my kids and have weight because of having the energy.