Most Recent Messages in Interferences

EMF and computers/power supplies

I'm a 49 year old male and had a Medtronic pacemaker implanted 3 weeks ago to correct bradycardia I've had on and off for almost 20 years! I work in a large computer lab and upon returning to work after 10 days, I noticed that my heart rate would increase to around 130+BPM everytime I walked into the lab area. It didn't dawn on me until the next day that there are several large power panels near each entrance and apparently were giving off high EMI. After enduring this discomfort for a few da...


Dental Root Canal Work

Two days ago my Dentist wanted to start Root Canal work on one of my teeth.
However, he postponed it because of a piece of dental equipment that almost all dentist now use for root canal work, and he was unsure if this equipment would be a problem with my St Jude Pacemaker.
The equipment in question is known a a "MORITA APICAL LOCATER"
This above-mentioned dental equipment, replaces the old system of the dentist having to use a small hand file to clean out the tooth canal befor...


Vehicle motor interference

I just had a Medtronic Pacemaker "installed" replacing a previous pacemaker that was 12 years old. I find that when I start the car engine and also during the trip, I have an unusual feeling the whole time I am driving. I have never had this before with the other PM (another brand). Does anyone else get this same sensation? It has been adjusted once and seems to be better, but I still feel a slight sensation.
This is my third PM. I have not ever had any kind of problems before.


UPDATE: PM Problems whey Flying

If you remember my earlier post in February regarding interference with my pacemaker when flying, I have gotten some validation from a reliable source. To recap the problem, although I have flown hundreds of times since getting my implant, three times in the past 10 years I have experienced problems with it malfunctioning while flying. The manufacturer does not admit a problem with it and my cardiologists didn't offer any support either. In other words, nobody believed me.

All I kn...


Polygraph Testing??

Does anyone know if the pacemaker will interfere with taking a polygraph test??


Television Towers.


I am currently looking into getting a job with a local PBS TV station, but I am suppose to get a pacemaker on Monday. Does anyone know if the pacemaker would interfere with me having this job, or do I need to just stay away from the transmitting equipment? I know it's a bit of a random question, but I'm curious.



auto start

are the auto start systems in new cars ok with pacemakers


You know you're wired when...

Friends call you the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.