Most Recent Messages in Coping

Pacemaker and relationships

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but i'm a female in my early 20s with a pacemaker, I underwent heart surgery when i was a baby and that corrected most of my issues but I had to get a pacemaker when i was teen to regulate my heart beat. For the most part i've carried on with life the best I can, however I have always been a bit self conscious about my scars and since getting my second pacemaker shortly after (due to device complications), my self esteem has taken a rea...


Defib and stress


I was faced with an irate confrontation today. I tried to stay calm but felt threatened and intimidated so my heart went into ventricular tachycardia, and my defib went off, twice!

 I'll talk to the doctor and they'll probably up my meds, but I'm wondering how others with stress related symptoms cope. I try to avoid confrontations and used to exercise but haven't been able to due to long Covid and musculoskeletal issue's.

I find the fea...



Pacemaker 5 years coming up now. No issues. Bradycardia and 3rd degree heart block. Going to San Francisco and alaska in 3 weeks. Helicopter ride think just nervous any tips! For any of it!  Thank you. It is the farthest I have been and think that is what is unnerving me. 


Going through it

Hi everybody- names Chris, 53 year old male, 3rd degree heart block. Implanted about 4 months ago and back to work. I have been feeling pretty good until  recently, have been dealing with reflux and nausea. All that is fine, but mentally I've been watching my Apple Watch hit 60 bpm more regularly and I know that if the PM wasn't there I probably wouldn't be writing this post. It's just.. I'm going through a lot existentially right now. I'm pretty young to hav...


Hard time dealing

I had my PM placed in May 2024. It was a fast process from the diagnosis to the placement I didn't have much time to process anything. Since the surgery my QOL has decreased. I'm in constant pain at the incision site, my body rejected the stitches and started "spitting" them (imagine fishing line coming out of your chest, terrifying) Feeling of pressure, pulling, pinching, ect... I work as a nurses aide and it's physically demanding, the cardiologists office gave me 4 we...


Heart beat sensation

I'm almost a year out from getting my PM.  For much of the last year I am very conscious of my heart beating harder than usual even at complete rest.  It feels like it's beating harder than it used to pre-PM.  I'm 100% paced in my ventrical.  Is this normal?   It's not painful but it's weird.  My resting heart now is 70 so it's not high but I'm stuggling to feel ok with this constant pounding.


New member

Good afternoon 

I'm pleased to have found this forum.

I had a pacemaker fitted 4 weeks ago because of Brady tachy. Unfortunately I collapsed at 1.30 am which resulted in me being blue lighted to hospital. The positive is the pacemaker was fitted well before appointment was due.. I've been ok but can still feel nervous at times. Today it feels like the scar is pulling and having twinges. Hope this is common 

Thanks for reading 


re entresto

Thankyou too the two responses to my Entresto questions....i havent had a Covid injection for a while now so cant blame that, i did have a bit of a heavy cold though that may have triggered the had blood tests an x ray..awaiting results...chrs for your thoughts, Dave


Bras and protruding pacemaker

Over the past year, I've lost a significant amount of weight. My pacemaker is now protruding. Among other annoyances, it's very difficult to wear a bra now as the straps often get caught on it while I'm moving it's very irritating. 

Anyone ever heard or had this problem? Wondering if a breast lift would be covered by insurance so I wouldn't have to wear anymore...



Crippling anxiety

Since my pace maker install 6 weeks ago I have had crippling anxiety. It made me feel sick. I went back for a checkup, but the Dr said everything looks great. I feel tired, and it feels like my heart is in my throat. It feels like im suffocating. 

It is slowly getting better, and I have so much appreciation for everyone that has posted here. It is amazing reading all of your stories and advise. I no longer feel alone. 

I have second degree heart block, and therr was only...


Tick tock

I've had my bi-ventricle PM / ICD implanted for about 5 weeks now, after some serious sustained VT's. Everything seems to be going well but I am specifically but not consistently experiencing times when I can distinctly feel my heart beating. It seems to only happen in bed. And if my arm is laying across my chest, I can feel the beating into my arm. 
Anyone else experiencing this? 

I have a fu appointment on the 29th of the month.

thank you 


100% pacing

Had my 6 month Medtronic check and I am not pacing at 100%. I will have had my device two years in June and my pacing has increased every checkup. I have an echocardiogram on Tuesday but not sure what time will tell me. I feel fine and live my life but have to say this has depressed me. My wife and kids almost lost me and I can see the fear in their eyes. I didn't know I had an issue when my heart stopped. I have addressed every issue as soon as I became aware of it. I know I am better of...


Hooray for the return of AgentX86!

So happy to see you posting again, AgentX. We've missed you.

I filed this post under "coping," because seeing posts from people I've come to know and trust is absolutely an important part of coping for me.


When more medication isn’t always the answer

I thought I would share this with you all because I can see the funny side of it now but of course it is a serious matter.

As some of you may know, I struggle at times to look after my husband who has several difficult to control health conditions.  Last night I panicked when I saw his blood glucose level hitting an all time low of around 54 mg/dL (3.0 mmol/L) if my Freestyle Libre sensor was accurate.  Levels should be above 4.0 mmol/L. This happened because I was told to inc...


Pacemaker Side Effects

Hello.  I am three months post pacemaker implant and continue to have shoulder and neck pain.  I have read that this is a common side effect and wonder if any other members have experienced these pains.  I found numerous studies and found that at least 50% of cardiac implants have these side effects but cannot find an answer as to why.  Thank you for your input.


Cold weather

I have biotronik Enitra 6 DR-T implanted two months ago. How would cold weather affect it? 


PM progress since 2-8-24

On December 15, 2023 I discovered my pulse was a pretty constant 41.  No wonder I'd been having 'brain' problems, and was week and unwell.  I had bradycadia.  So, I saw my doctor and things moved at a rapid rate.  I had my PM implanted on 2-8-24.  Just 16 days ago.    My energy level is up.  I can walk further than I've been able to walk since Oct '23.    I am still learning some things every day of course, and trying to ta...


Serious coping....

(Edit to add: For those of you that want to say that I need a good therapist, we don't have those where I live. I would have to travel over an hour one way to see one and that just opens up another can of worms that isn't feasible.)

Yesterday I went to get into our Jeep, we live on a ranch and I got out to close the gate and got back in the Jeep... that was all it took for my chest to hurt for half an hour. Like really hurt. The kind of pain you want to cry at but don't beca...


Delta Waves



I recently purchased an apple watch, and have joined a community that look at ecgs and such on the devices. One common comment about my ECGs are the appearance of a wider QRS and Delta Waves. I was aware RV Pacing causes the appearance of a wider QRS, but i'm not sure if delta waves are also part of this? 

Everything online says Delta Waves present in cases of WPW, which i don't have. 


Thank you for your hel...


Pacemaker hurts!!

I had my pacemaker surgery 8/31/2023, I have told my doctor at every visit that it hurts and it's not in the same place as it was, he completely ignores my complaints, the nurse writes everything I say about the pain but after the visit the doctor writes patient has no complaints. I even have someone with me at each appointment that knows I have mentioned this many many times. Now it feels like an area is going to literally poke through my skin, it was never like this before, I know most...


You know you're wired when...

You have a high-tech ticker.

Member Quotes

Sometimes a device must be tuned a few times before it is right. My cardiologist said it is like fine tuning a car.