Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

Best setting for runners

I am a 55/yo runner and received a Boston Scientific pacemaker 5 years ago for Mobitz Block 2. Pre-pacemaker, my resting heart rate was very low but running was never an issue for me. Currently atrial pacing is 20% and ventricular pacing is 70%. My ventricular pacing has increase significantly as I was pacing in the low 20's when it was first implanted.

Since receiving the pacemaker running has gotten progressively worse. Early on I described the feeling as hitting a wall...


Pacemaker newbie


I'm completely new to the pacemaker community and am just realising how little I know!

I am 64 and active runner and walker.  My pacemaker was fitted a month ago after I passed out a few times within a couple of days, having never passed out in my life before and zero previous heart issues. 
It appears I have sick sinus syndrome?  
Anyway, I'm a month on and awaiting the time in a couple of weeks or more when I can get back running. I'...


Continued symptoms while exercising

I'd appreciate any thoughts on this. Had a pacemaker installed in June after being diagnosed with level 2 heart block. I only experienced "heart drop" during cardio (running, elliptical, etc) and only after reaching 140 HR.

Now trying to recover my cardio capacity post-PM. When attempting to run, I experience 5-6 "heart drops" over the course of the first 5 minutes. They taper off after 10 minutes. I find it necessary to engage in a long, slow warm up so that the...


HR not responding for Cyclist

I'm 1yr out from Bos Sci L131 Implant for Bradycardia & an avid cyclist with 150+ rides since using HR monitor and Power Meter on bike

Riding on same trail, using same power/speed, Sometimes my HR does not respond. 

Ex: Yesterday my HR hit a high of 113 and averaged 101 (yes i felt crappy and may have had some fatigue in legs),,,while on same trail/power my HR will hang out at my Upper Rate of 140.

Thoughts? Does a pacemakered heart respond differently when fati...


More Cycling Weirdness

Sunday, went for a ride on the beach.  Got to my halfway point, took a short rest in the shade.  Got back on and my heart rate was just stuck on 80.   Pulled over.  Repositioned my chest strap.  80

Normally while riding easy, I'm 100 - 105.   Pulled over again in the shade and rested a bit.   Wasn't until I went uphill to find some more shade that my HR went back up. 

Stayed up the 5 mi back.


today. I went thru som...


Pacemaker for Cyclist (Outdoor Cycling)

I have been diagnosed with Sic Sinus Syndrom and recently had a successful ablation procedure for flutter.  My resting heart rate is in the low 30's.  When cycling, I have difuculty getting my rate above 100.  Planning to get a Boston Scientific Pacemaker with Minute Ventalation.  I have read many of the posts here and this seems like the best choice for cyclists.  I am looking for advice on what to do and not do as part of this process.  

I h...


Heart Rate Irregularities during cycling

As a cycle coach, I have been monitoring my heart rate to power response regularly and have noticed that my heart rate acts extremely oddly during my rides.

This is best seen on an indoor trainer, where I can control all the parameters.

During the zone 2 main section of the training, 30 minutes to 75 minutes the power (and speed remained constant). My Heart Rate was a constant 110 bpm at 160 watts for almost the full duration of the 45 minute block. However, for no reason at all,...


AV Block 2nd degree and running


I'm a 75 year old 400/200 type with reasonably good times when 70, 65.76, 28.8.

I have had a steadily decreasing capacity to run over the last 4 years and required a heart pacemaker. My symptoms are AV node dysfunction and 2nd degree AV Block.

Clearly this means reduced oxygenated blood delivery to my body during aerobic running thus I can hardly run for more than 6 minutes even at a very slow pace. Only 50 to 200  metre reps with 2/3 minute rests (i.e. larg...


Post COVID Heart block

Hi all...I have 2 questions.  How many here were diagnosed with a heart block (left branch bundle block for me) following COVID and vaccines?  Seems a bit more info has come out more recently concerning heart issues following COVID.

Secondly, I have always been a fitness nut and have done years of moderate weightlifting.  Do others here have limitations or soreness at the implantation site because of lifting?  I've recently started a bit more rigorous lifting pro...


Quarterly Download, ectopic beats and Front Squats

Sorry for the economy of posts here, but I have a couple of quick questions:

1) On Monday I'll have my first remote download.  Will I notice this when its happening?

2)  On the exercise front, any particular opinons about doing barbell front squats? I'm a bit cautious  given the proximtry of some of the lead connections that I can palpate to the underside of my collar bone.

3) Since placement 10 weeks ago, I've experienced an "ectopic par...


Young Adults - Anyone had luck with the vital beat protection product?

G'day all,

I'm a 23yr old with 2 pacemakers (must've forgot to remove the old one during my surgery!) and I've lived a solid life of sports, however aside from my full-time role, I box a significant amount and spar. Thing is however, I used to have my pacemaker implanted under my ribs so it was very well protected so I never had issues, until I got the new one which is implanted up on my chest area quite significantly exposed.

Since the new implant for the past yea...


cycling pacing

I am an active cyclist and  I am finding my hr can only go to 112 and then immediatedly drops to 51 bpm .    I am tired and would like to continue my progress cycling.   I have been to my medtronic clinic where a very nice technician has tried to reset my pacemaker twice.   The clinic does not have experience with someone as active as me.    Does anyone else have this problem?  

Mobitz type 2 heart block Feb 2023



Re this sad story,  why would an implanted cardio/defibrillator have meant that he couldn't climb?


Climbing, Swimming and Strength Training - Safe to do?

As well as being a competitive Cyclist I have always supplemented my training with other activities such as rock climbing / bouldering, strength training, yoga and swimming.

I have had mixed advice in regard to which exercises are safe to do due to the positioning of the leads that enter the subclavicle vein. I have been told by some doctors that repetition of movement in pull ups, for example, will cause excessive flexing and crushing of the lead under the clavicle bone and will p...


Returning to Competitive Cycle training

I am now trying to rebuild my fitness and return to a more reasonable level of Cycling but continue to struggle with the lack of information regarding this process. My question is about what the correct settings should be for the Pacemaker.

I have a full heart block and had my Pacemaker fitted on October 23 2023. On December 4th I had a DVT in the subclavicle vein. I have had this fully cleared through tests of my blood clotting proving normal although I have one final test to ensure my...


Heart rate

Heart rate question after pacemaker adjustment kind of long story..

About a year ago I decided to try HR training for 1/2 Marathon.. I went to the pacemaker clinic numerous times to get my pacemaker adjustments to where I could run without increasing heart rate to much because of body movement, meaning sensitive was lower. I also had day time rate set at 40 night time set at 35. Forward fast ,, I decided I was not happy with the clinic (because of their cost for interrogation ever 3 mon...


Low Intensity Vibration Plate: OK with PM/ICD?

I suffered third degree heart block and got a pacemaker/ICD ten years ago. I also have osteoporosis. Both these things were caused by my chronic illness of sarcoidosis. I can't exercise a lot so I'm looking at a low intensity vibration plate to help my bones. But I wonder if that might have any impact on my pacemaker. Would love input from fellow PM/ICD folks!

(I did find one earlier post on this but it's from 2010.)


Pacemakers for cyclists - finding an EP

I have bradycardia and exercise chronotropic incompetence. My age is 70. Resting heart rate 28 - 35 and cannot increase heart rate beyond 100 under rigorous cycling conditions.   From Holter monitor, ECG and exercise routines looks like I have a pause in the sinus node (PR ~ 3 to 4 seconds) and Type II, Mobitz 1 (Wenkabach) AV Block.  

I'm a competitive cyclist.  Looking for the best PM that tracking respiratory change.  Also looking for recommendations...



Hi has anyone experience of running on roads with a pacemaker fitted.

What are the dynamics of pacing when running ie breathing heartrate. 

What are the potential pitfalls and issues?


Pacemaker and Polar Fitness tracker

All kinds of interesting things I'm observing as I start to get active once again.   I have a Polar Ignite 2 which I've been using for about 2 yrs.  And I know it is not as accurate as an EKG but it is pretty consistant and the number's I see feel in synch with my perceived exertion.  That was all pre packmaker (PPM).

Now post pacemaker (Medtronic Azure, which is set at 60/130 for tracking) what I'm seeing reported on the Polar Flow app is different f...


You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!