Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

Exercise & Rate Response

Hello, had my pacemaker replaced in January of this year (27F, 3rd degree heart block, based in UK), got a Boston Scientific one, had the rate response adjusted but still feel like I am getting out of breath when walking (not only on hills just out in general if trying to go fast), trying to do spin classes at the gym. I am going to see my tech next week to see if I can get some adjustments but not sure what I should ask for, am I wanting  them to increase the rate response? I also...


Pacemaker and stairs or hills

40 years old, Medtronic pacemaker for 3 years now, implanted for low heart rate (30-50 bpm), very active before PM, PM adjusted multiple times to continue active lifestyle

I think my upper and lower limits are set appropriately, as is my rate response. I don't have any trouble with exercise, walking, or running. But I get shortness of breath even walking up stairs or a small hill. My family likes to hike and I experience significant heavy breathing and I have to go sooo slow. A...


It happened again today....

I posted recently in relation to this post, but it got hijacked :)

During another tough mountain bike ride, I reached over 160bpm. This is the 2nd time this has happened in the last 2 weeks. My device is set with an upper limit of 150bpm. In the past when I hit that number, I'd be pushed into a 2:1 and the crappy feeling most of know all too well. Anyway, I'm chugging along at 160bpm with no symptoms and I feel great.

I DO try to avoid hitting that high of a HR. Before, on...



Had my pm 4 years ago not cycled since. Anything to be aware of?


MTR (Max Tracking Rate / Upper Limit

Well, just when I thought I had this figured out.. I have my device set at 150bpm currently. My EP/tech mentioned raising it again if needed.. I haven't needed to as it's been working perfectly for me between that and beta-blockers I've been able to workout comfortably without getting near the 150bpm threshold and getting pushed into 2:1.

Today, I pushed myself cycling up a hill :) I felt great all the way up. Typically, as I approach the 150bpm, I start to feel something pr...


Exercise with Pacemaker

Dear Friends,

I have Dual chamber pacemaker in upper left Chest portion.

I want to keep myself healthy and active, hence i decided to go for Strength and bit of cardio workouts. Can you help me with my below questions ?

1: Can we lift normal weights like dumbells, Weight bars and do push-ups with Pacemaker considering it should not harm the leads ?

2: What is the limit for weights ?

3: I get ectopic beats 10-15 times in a day and more when i do some workouts like...


AV Node Ablation and pacemaker

Hi all ,

Ive just joined the club as i wanted to see if anyone could shed some light on my situation as some of you may have been through it already.

Im 58 and had my aortic valve replaced 3.5 years ago now. Since then i have been in and out of AF. My periods in sinus get shorter and shorter being 2.5 years, 6 months, 4 months and recently 6 weeks. 

Ive had one ablation 5 months ago now. 

I have retired and want to lead an active life running, weight tra...


Heart rate stays low or drops during exercise

Hi im new to this group - thankyou.

FYI male 60+, 96kgs, regular road cyclist average 10,000km pa for some years now.. Im not elite, dont race anymore but enjoy strong, safe and fastish group rides.. I used to have strong powerful mid game on long rides, but not a climber or sprinter.. 

Two months ago I had a biotronik endora 8 dr-t implanted after 18mths of denial and tests.

My problem was that after cycling for approx 45min my heart rate wou...


A few issues with pacemaker.


I had a PM installed 1 week ago.  A Medtronic x2dr01 astra xt dr mri for those who know.  It was for low heart rate, under 30 bpm at times, you know the story, tired, dizziness, fatigue, and so on.  

My issue was a second-degree heart block of the AV node..  The sinus node doing OK, but the ventricles not getting the signal.  

So to keep it simple, it has been a week now of just walking around so went for a moderate bike rid...


Adjusting to new pacemaker.

Got my pacemaker 6 months ago, and am recovering from hip replacement 3 months ago, so I'm just now able to ramp up my exercise and am adjusting to how the pacemaker works.  

I've noticed that when I walk, even if not particularly fast, my HR jumps up much higher than other forms of exercise. Did 10 minutes of HIIT on my exercise bike yesterday, and my HR barely got over 140. I can routinely walks outside and the HR can get up to 155 and the pacemaker will throt...


Learn from my mistake

Just moaning here... 😛

I had been in the habit of doing dumbbell Good Mornings. Today I had the pleasure of a 45# hexagonal weight crunching right into my PM. I'm well healed, but the scar is curiously still sensitive-- that being aside from a thin strip of my flesh getting rolled between two hunks of metal. That was fun.



Tuning pacemaker for exercise

I'm 68, Ironman triathlete and ultramarathon cyclist. Resting HR 32 and I typically train 14-16 hours per week. I've been an endurance athlete for 50 years.

Last week I got a Medtronic pacemaker due not to bradycardia but to heart block and asychrony between the atria and venticles. Now I'm back exercising, although I'm not lifting weights (for the next 5 weeks), I am cycling and running. My pacemaker rate floor is set to 40 bpm and the ceiling is set to 150.

The s...


Pacemaker setting optimization

I had a Boston Scientific Dual Chamber PM placed in June. It's purpose was to address symptomatic Sick Sinus Syndrom producing long pauses of asystole. I also have A-Fib and a 1st Degree AV block and PVCs. This is a difficult combination to deal with for any cardiologist. I have two good ones, An EP Cardiologist and an excercise oriented Cardiologist. I had a very successful Cardiac Ablation in August that, so far, has enitrely eliminated A-Fib. I am 75 and a long time amateur competative...



Is it true that when I am hiking up a steep hill my pacemaker slows down because I have reduced my pace and my steeps are slower?


Pain in the legs

Hi,  I have had my pacemaker for 4 years now, and am still finding it painful to walk upstairs and hills.  Is this down to the device, as my cardiologist does't seem to think so.  However the pacemaker technician says it could be.


Medical Device ID for Cyclist

Do any cyclists use Dog Tags while on bike vs carrying Medical Device ID card?

If so source & how much info do you have on it?

My PM is for Bradycardia 



I am about 7 weeks post implant. Today, for the first time, I tried a couple of press-ups. Stopped when I felt sharp twinges in the vicinity of my PM box.

Not sure if there is still something not quite healed in that vicinity, but a bit nervous now about resuming this exercise: pre-implant, I used to do about 30 every morning.

Is there any general advice on press-ups, or any advice not to attempt them?



I'm 71 years old. Hadn't been too active this year due to shortness of breath/light headiness. Then started having dizziness in March. Had echo/stress test/ 48 hr monitor. All tests came back ok.
Then fainted in July while walking. ER put a 7 day monitor on. 
I already knew I had LBBB. Found out I had First degree AV block (2nd degree Monitz I).

Anyway had dual chamber PM put in 8 days ago. My question has been how much to exercise. Am I doing too much o...


Pacemaker in hot weather

I feel like my medtronic pacemaker is less effective in very hot weather. It's working, but I seem to have more trouble walking upstairs outside than in moderate weather. Does that make sense according to way Medtronic measures needs?


Sports cardiology

As I noted in my intro, I'm a lifelong athlete (runner then long distance cyclist) diagnosed with bradycardia, 1st degree AV block, chronotropic incompetence. I had a Boston Scientific L331 implant 11 days ago.

I'm supposed to get a PET scan in about a month to rule out possible V-Tach. Assuming the best (no ICD pacemaker required) I'll then see my EP as a follow up and possible changes to the PM settings.

I'll say that my EP has been great. Very good communic...


You know you're wired when...

You have a shocking personality.

Member Quotes

It is just over 10 years since a dual lead device was implanted for complete heart block. It has worked perfectly and I have traveled well near two million miles internationally since then.