Most Recent Messages in General Posting



Been a long hard week and I think it is time for a chuckle. To anyone offended I promise to do better in the future.

The census taker in a rural area in the deep South went up to a farmhouse and knocked. When a woman came to the door, among the questions he asked was her how many children she had and their ages. She said, "Les' see now, there's the twins, Sally and Billy, they're thirty-two. And the twins, Seth & Beth, they're twenty-six. And the twins, Penny and...


Re: Raising arm

Hi everyone,

Just a quick question; I know that when the pacemaker is implanted, you aren't supposed to lift that left arm (or whichever side its on) afterwards. By the way, I noticed that for most of you, your doctors say 6 weeks, ours in Canada say 2 weeks; but anyway, all the postings I have read here, made me feel better and I haven't really raised my left arm above my head yet (its been nearly 5 weeks now). But what I was wondering was: Has anyone experienced problems from us...


Medtronic Suspends Sale of Heart Device

Medtronic Suspends Sale of Heart Device

The Associated Press
Monday, October 15, 2007; 6:42 AM

WASHINGTON -- Medtronic Inc. has suspended distribution of its Sprint Fidelis defibrillation leads after identifying five patient deaths in which a lead fracture may have been a contributing factor.

A defibrillator monitors a patient's heartbeat; if it senses an abnormal heart rhythm, it delivers an electronic shock to reset the heart to a normal beat. A defibrilla...


Changes to the site

Hello all. I'll be making some changes to the site this evening. If you notice anything odd (and you shouldn't) just give it a few seconds and try again. I'll be working on it for the next couple of hours.



When I had my p/m inserted in 6/2000 I initially felt slight pain when doc started to cut...when I winced he gave me a little more local pain killer. After that there was only pressure of him inserting p/m into more pain. Your doc's procedure should be checked might want to question his continuing while you were in pain. I'm getting ready for a replacement p/m......battery life is almost at an end...thank God, in all this time I've had no problems with it. Good luck.


Phone Check

Nothing to get excited about. The only thing I've had to contend with is my phone. The unit the doc gave me to use at home has a cradle to hold your phone. I find that the new smaller phones don't work so well...I need to use an older phone that is larger and fits into the cradle with ease. You might want to sit on the magnet for a while and warm it up before you place it over your p/ can be a little chilly. Have had no problems doing this since 6/2000...I don't think you will either....


power tools and machines.

I use every power tool I own which is a pretty long list and I,ve never had a problem. I,m very big on the firewood and do alot of work with chainsaws and never had a problem. I have VT and am the proud owner of a Guidant ICD. I say live life its why I had it put in. Thanks, Zapper.


nebraska pm people

hello are there any people here from nebraska i live in nebraska city nebraska would like to talk to some people around here my email address is if you want to talk with may god be with us all


Photo Album Coming Soon ...

Thanks to the generosity of members who donated, the photo album will be online as soon as our Web Developer can get it done.

I have emailed him asking that it be added to to his "to do" list and I will follow-up with a phone call on Monday.

I truly appreciate the support received and know other members will too once photos start to be posted.

Thank you,



Re: Biventricular Pacemaker- questions

Thank you BaBlocker for your comment.
All that info. been very helpful. Now, I just need figure it out few things on my own about that doctor. Why he is providing misleading information's to me time after time and.... Something very "strange" is going on.
Can you please contact me:



Photo Album Fundraiser

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know that the photo Album should be up and running soon.
I, as many others have donated tonight and we should of hit the magic number! I am more than grateful for the excellant information and support during the last month since my PM surgery. I want to thank all of you who answered my questions, Smitty, and Karen A. and everyone else! I am going to have my first check-up this coming Friday with my cardioligist and hopefully also ge...


A funny one

Hi everyone.
I have not posted for a while, but had quite a reaction to my lousy sense of humor yesterday.
I was having coffe with a group of people I know and the topic of airport security came up. Everyone wanted to know how It went with the hand searches at the airport.
I couldn't resist and told the whole table that the cute 22 year old blonde woman was fun, but the gay french guy had me worried.

I'm not sure that group is going to let me back to the table again :...


Biventricular Pacemaker- questions

Hi everyone:)

First of all I just want to say thanks to you all for all the replays and a very helpful information's.
I am schedule for my pacemaker replacement on Oct.-30.
Finally I was able to find out from my doctor that he is planning to use a Biventricular pacemaker to provide a back-up. I had an AV-node ablation.

BaBlocker I do have all that info. from you on that Biventricular pacemaker, you did say that that pacemaker can serve as a back-up. You seem to be...



Hi...Ive had my pacemaker about 7 weeks. For about 4 or 5 years previous to that I would experience dizzy spells from time to time. Now that I have my pacemaker the dizzy spells seem more frequent and more intense. Am I just having anxiety? I have recently been diagnosed with hardening of the arteries in my left leg, with moderate blockage. Will take some advice from you.


Up Date

Hello Folks,

We didn't get a pardon, but we did a reprieve. The "mass" in my wife's (Dottie) pancreas has not changed in size or appearance since the CT 4 months ago. There are invasive tests that can be run, or we can wait about six months for another CT. My wife assisted the surgeon she worked for, at one time, with the procedure where they go down the throat and biopsy the mass in a pancreas. She says "no thank you that is not for me, I'll just wait for the CT."



Today is my "Birthday!"

Well, my pacer and I turned one today! Hurray! My husband was so cute...he gave me a "birthday" card this morning then brought home a cake this afternoon that he made in the school's FCS room! It even had a number 1 candle. How sweet! What blessing to be alive another year and to have another shot at life. That IS something to celebrate. And I will every year. I hope you all do, too, when it's your 'birthday.'

I am a true miracle. Last year when I blacked out at school, my hu...


BaBlocker Please Contact

Reference your recent comment on my AV node ablation. I would appreciate it if you could contact me direct on Thanyou. Peter.


Mammograms & pacemakers

Ladies in the group, I was just wondering if anyone has had any problems with getting a mammogram after pacemaker placement?

I just had mine & everything went fine (procedure anyway). I think the main thing to do is to be vocal about having a pacer/icd before they even get started.

I have to tell everyone out there - if something isn't right - get it checked & get your mammograms routinely. My mother is going thru her 2nd round of chemo and radiation. It started out as...


st. jude pacemaker/icd

I am going to get a st. jude pacemaker(bi-vent)/icd installed next week and was wondering if anyone has any advise on the device. Is it good or are other companies better? I am also enrolled in a research study which will either set my pacemaker by the traditional formula or by a new logarhythm set by st jude medical. Also please let me know about any precaustions I should take after getting this device in me. Thanking you........


PM replaced

This is note to the People who responded to my cry for help,when i was in fear of having my PM repaced.
I just had the surgery this week ,it was not bad at all.
The new PM will last 8-9 years and hope to be around for the next one.
Thank you all again
Ingrid from Texas


You know you're wired when...

Like the Energizer Bunny, you keep going.

Member Quotes

A lot of people are and live normal lives with no problems whatsoever.