Most Recent Messages in ICDs

How long before you don't notice it?

I'm 6 weeks post implant and while all the major pain associated with having the implant is subsiding the feeling of having something there that shouldn't be persist. As yet it's still tender and just "there all the time." Does that feeling go away as the wound heals or is it just how life is going to be from here on in?


Who is living a normal life with icd

I have had my icd since November 2015 and it ended up firing 43 times Christmas Day. Ever since then I have a horrible fear that it will happen again. Since then I have had an ablation and am on medications to keep heart rate low. I am paced at 70 and no matter what it doesn't go above 70 . I don't feel well and am under so much stress and anxiety .
Will my life ever be normal? Are there people who live an active life wiThout the worry.


New guy

Hi all. I am a 49 year old male with nonischemic cardiomyopathy, an EF of %30 and LBBB. Two days ago I received a CRT-D device to assist with my Heart failure and provide some insurance incase of SCA. This is going to take a while to get used to and I am glad that there is a group out there like this one. Thanks.


Couple of basic questions from a new user

Hoping someone can give me a general answer to these questions. The Travel & Work forum doesn't look like it visited often.

1. After my new ICD surgery is healed up is there any real restrictions on wearing/carrying a backpack because of the shoulder straps crossing over the ICD? I'm not taking about a heavy back country type backpack for camping, just a typical North Face day pack I would use/carry while traveling to carry miscellaneous stuff. Any weight limits to speak of?


Pacemaker not working correctly

I recently have seen my cardiologist and was told my pacemaker is not working correctly and has Boston scientific coming in a few weeks but that's all he said. Can anyone explain to my what that means.


New member with a new ICD

2 weeks into a new ICD and so far so good. Long story short, I'm 57 and in good health who has been a daily jogger for 20 years or so. Out of the blue a couple of months ago I went into VT while running and I thought I had came down with what I thought was flu type symptoms for about 20 hours before going to the ER. At no time did I have have any of the typical cardiac signs. Even the feeling of a rapid heart rate.

2 minutes into the ER and I was cardioverted (shocked) and all of sudd...


Mobile each monitor

Hi. My first post. Discovered site while googling for a mobile ecg monitor for those of us with pacemakers.
I recently purchased a KARDIA by AliveCor mobile ECG monitor.
Unit comes with a touchpad that may or may not be attached to an iPhone or android phone. Device gives an exceptional wave reading as long as you do NOT have a pacemaker.


Even tired now

Hello I'm new I'm a 69 year old gent with a pacemaker fitted last December but since I've had it fitted I've been in and out of hospital three times and only once was my pacemaker checked but I still feel tired and dizzy and I can't take beta blockers nor calcium blockers nor digitoxin though the hospital where I had the pacemaker fitted want me to try 1.25of bisoprolol again but it gives me terrible tummy ache. I must admit since I had the pacemaker fitted I feel worse I cannot stand as I feel...


Electric Shaver

My hubby was fitted with an ICD last week and was told that he is no longer allowed to use his electric shaver? Is this right?


risks of ICD implant


Sorry in advance for my poor english

I have VT arrhythmia and my doc suggest me to do ICD implant..

Im really scare when it comes to surgery..i need info what happen during the surgery..does it hurt ? Risks ? I read from the other post that his PM implant for AV block didnt going well bcos he had cardiac arrest during the could that happen ?

I need encouragement from anyone who have gone through



Refraction rate

Has anyone had their refraction rate to improve after having a ICD unit put in? My refraction rate is 20%.


Wireless Remote Monitoring

  • by Hjc
  • 2016-03-07 09:03:36
  • ICDs

I have a st Jude ICD, today I received the remote monitor. I'm struggling to connect the monitor, a couple of questions:
- I have a phone jack in my bedroom which I use for broadband, only (no phone) by using the splitter can I use the same jack or will the router interfere with the remote monitor?
- is there a way to connect the monitor wirelessly to my broadband & download the data that way?

I'm in the UK.


Newbie with ICD/Pacemaker concern

I just joined the site and I'm truly glad I came across it because I have felt that I didn't know where to go with questions. I am 33 and I have Long QT syndrome. I had my ICD put in last year, in October of 2014 after I had an episode of SCD while driving my car. Over the past couple of months I have noticed that I feel my "box" thump every night at 11:57 pm. You could set a clock by it. It goes on for about 30 seconds and then stops. Just wondering if this was something normal? I told my doc a...


AFIB and ICD/Pacemaker

I have had Atrial Fibrillation now for about six years non stop. In January of this year I was placed on a anti arrhythmic medication in addition to the beta blocker that I was already on. My EF ranges from 25 to 30. After wearing a holter monitor for 24 hours my heart rate was slightly over 100bpm. I went out of AFIB following a conversion after being on the anti arrhythmic meds but only stayed in sinus rhythm for about four days. About four days later I went back into normal sinus and hav...


Check Up Q

So, mid-October 2015 I had my ICD implant. I feel a million times better after having an ejection fraction 8-15% with my heart failure. They are just now giving me a full follow-up over the next 3 days as they said they wouldn't know how effective the ICD implant was for me until now. My Q is...if I feel 100 times better, why isnt that enough to show it's effective? They said if it has not been effective my next step is LVAD and if that doesn't work then heart transplant. Someone, please share y...


Thumped and stressed

Hello I am 40 years old and had my ICD for 6 years. I was diagnosed with VT at 34. I am a very active individual and tend to push myself. But in all my 6 years i do not recall my ICD ever thumping my heart. Quick info, last Saturday I woke up to a normal day. I started my day off painting my living room and carried on till about 5 that afternoon. Took a shower and when I got out was just toweling off and got very light headed and felt like I was going to pass out and that is when I felt 3 thump...


Sleeping on your left?

I'm due to have an CRT-D implanted this coming Wednesday One (of many) questions that has popped into my head is how well do you manage to sleep on your left-hand side, post implant.Is it even advisable post implant?

I assume it will take a number of weeks for the tenderness to subside around the implant site. But is it difficult to sleep on your left simply due to the device "being there?"

How long are you generally sore for? give or take?

Also do they move abou...


Problems with new ICD

I had a Medtronic Evera ICD put in last October and have been miserable every since. I'm 100% dependent on pacing and have had an ICD since 2003. It's true I've recently gone into atrial standstill and am back in sinus rhythm after years of afib. And I'm miserable. Tests this week are showing that my heart rate isn't elevating when I exert myself. Just getting dressed forces me to rest. I was on the exercise bike for 1/2 hour and my HR never exceeded 62. The perimeters are set from 60-120. So wa...


CRT-D, Implant

After almost 20 years of hear problems including 3 MI's and a triple bypass I've now been diagnosed with ischemic cardiomyopathy, LBBB and an ejection fraction of 33% (QRS 139ms)

On my consultants advice I've been scheduled to have a CRT-D (Medtronic) implanted next week.

I'm just hunting for any information form anyone who's had a device fitted as to what the overall implant experience is like.

Also how did it effect your ability to exercise following the impl...


Icd shock/ people living a normal life after?

I need positive people to write about their icd. I am living in fear after vt strom 43 times fired on Christmas day. I was rushed for ablation after that which was successful and now on meds. What are my chances of it going off again.
Please share your thoughts and how do you fo on living?


You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

In life we have to consider what is more important, the loss of the vanity or the gain of the life.