Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

Anyone else out there had a Junctional Rhythm?

As much as I try to connect with people, it seems hard to find other people who have had Junctional Rhythm or even know what it is.  Is this not a common thing?


Still Tachy after all this time

I have sick sinus with a healthy splash of tachy-brady. This comes after three ablations for afib and double valve replacement. My heart has always been an overachiever. :) Since they put in a pacemaker to help with the brady part, I am still dealing with the tachy part. My heart rate will zoom up to 115 while I'm sitting still. Super uncomfortable and makes it hard to breathe. My doctors keep patting my hand and acting as though none of this is a big deal. It feels like a big deal. Has a...


Taking Ibuprofen Ok?


I am very new (1 week post op) of having my pacemaker. I was wondering if

Ibuprofen is a good thing to take? It's the only thing that works for my arthritis.

I do not want to mess up the little thing that saved my life, however.

Thank you for any help you can provide for a newbie.



Good news --well, sorta. At least there is movement.

At my insistence I was seen at Duke today. Happily I saw an NP who listened, and was willing to explain things. According to her,  I emphatically do not have PMT. They seem to believe PMT is "impossible" as my pacemaker is programmed now. 

What I do have, maybe, is Pacemaker Syndrome. It seems my heart just doesn't like to be paced in the ventricle. The NP deliberately paced the ventricle to see if I would react. My involuntary AIIIIIIE! conviced h...


Crazy Head Pressure

New to the group.  Pacemaker installed 3 weeks ago for type 2 av block.  Recovery seems to be going normal except for one issue/concern:

I have this discomfort in my head where it feels like it is full of fluid.  No headache or pain.  Just a heavy, cloudy feeling that won't subside.  Seems to get worse when I am sitting still.

Any help would sure be appreciated

BTW: I have to say this group is remarkable.  My doctors really didn't explai...


PVC-Premature Ventricular Contractions-

I have a 3 wire pacemaker for 2 years,No problems. I recently had a 30 minute period of slow heartbeats on my Pulse Oximeter. Went to ER, blood tests showed low magnesium level. Received magnesium to raise levels. They checked my pacemaker and everything came out good. I was told I had expierienced PVC and my pulse was weak but the pacemaker still picked it up and did not add pulses.

Hospital Cardio said it was plausable but I need to go to my Cardio Clinic for more determination.


Random question about multi vitamins and asprin regimen

Are multi vitamins ok to consume assuming I am not getting enough vitamins in my diet. I am only on an 81mg aspirin regimen every morning as directed by my cardiologist because of my mitral valve repair surgery. I doubt they would in any form affect my pacer for bradycardia in any way, but would it have any interactions with the baby aspirin. Would call the office to ask a nurse but they are closed right now. I just want another opinion.


Conundrum - The Saga Continues

jUST SAW SURGEON:  (From Last Night)

by donr - 2020-01-02 15:55:47 Edit

He said he cannot do surgery in current state of heart health..  Problem is that I am in constant state of Tri-Geminy.  Too much risk while on the table.

Appt w/ Cardioo Mon AM to see what he can do - if anythying.  Surgeon came off w/ thids statement - "Perhaps you can do what I do - 500Mg of Magnesium daily.  Cures my PVC problems."

I have been fighting PVC'...



I am four weeks post implementation now have severe ear wax to the point of hearing loss. If otc olive oil doesn't work will need micro suction. Has anyone had this?  Concerned re interference but in pain both from this and still suffering with pm site. Thank you to all 


Norvasc as a blood pressure med?

I was on Liprinosil, but the side effects - especially that dry hacking cough - were making me very uncomfortable and so my doc suggested I try a channel blocker called Norvasc.  Anyone have any experience with this prescription drug?  Reading online about it is kind of nerve-wracking.  I know everyone is not the same and not all will get the side effects, but one that is listed as 'common' is swelling of the feet and legs, which I would not like at all, since I am a ru...


what are you paying for Eliquis

I just started on Eliquis, the first 60 pills are free, then at the first of the year i have to pay around 280, then the cost per month drops to 49.00 until around Sept. where is goes up a little.  I understand that there will be a Generic coming soon.





Amiodarone causing constant dizziness?

Merry Christmas everyone.

I had my ICD installed a year ago and was fine up until I received a shock in October this year. I was immediately put on Amiodarone and have never felt the same since. I constantly have low blood pressure and feel light headed / dizzy. I take my meds last thing at night before bed and wake up to still feel dizzy. I was on Losartan 50mg which was cut to 25mg and was then stopped. Nothing changed. I was on Eplerenone 25mg which was stopped and nothing chang...


What are you paying for Eliquis

I've been quite fine on Warfarin for the last 8 years. My EP though is now recommending Eliquis as a "better" option. He says the America Heart Assoc is also now recommending Eliquis over Warfarin. Slight problem: Warfarin is like $10 a month, Eliquis is $500 a month (yes five hundred $). I'm on Medicare and with Part D drug insurance either the premium is outrageous or the co-pay is.

The $500 is for 60 tablets 5 mg. Twice a day for a one month supply. How mu...



I have had my  PM for almost 1 year and had an ablation before it was implanted.  I now have almost constant flutters and will wear the Holter again in Jan to see if something else needs to be done.  I have no symptoms and plenty of energy for my age (79),  work out 6 days a week, Curves and a gym.  My Dr said another ablation might be considered.  How does that work with a PM and another person told me that age might be a factor in not having another ablation.&n...



After a year with the pacemaker I've been diagnosed with cardiac and lung sarcoidosis after a PET scan.  Started the prednisone this morning and will see my EP tomorrow to discuss swapping to an ICD.  Would appreciate hearing how others have fared with this.  I knew this was a possibility for a little while as my symptoms had returned to a lesser degree and my EF kept dropping.  The ICD was a surprise but apparently it's protocol as the risk is high with the sarcoi...


remote transmission

Hi  i thought with the remote transmission that is set up in my home.  Would not need to go to pacemaker clinic .  Was suprised last week before thanksgiving, when i was called to remind me of my appt. on Dec 2nd.  Mentioned to the caller that was sheduled for a transmission on Nov.28th.  Which was sucessfull on Nov. 27th.  She said that was why i was coming in.  I thought it was for the cardiologist check up which whould have been nearly a 3+ month check up...


metoprolol and flecanide

I got my PM July 30th for Sick Sinus Syndrome, and I have Afib and a tacycardia along with PVCs. I started with one EP who had me on Sotalol after the PM  that didn't seem to help with my symptoms. The medication was causing me to feel awful so I sought out a 2nd opinion after feeling I was being dismissed. The new EP thought I would benefit from an Afib ablation which I did. The EP has been on metoprolol and now wants to put me on felcanide because I still having symptoms. Is anyone...


Atrial Fibrillation


My mother is probably getting a pacemaker this or next week. She has AFib, with low blood pressure/pulse and an uneven rhythm. 

She was hoping to be able to use a pacemaker instead of drugs, and is deeply disappointed about probably having to continue to take them even with the pacemaker. She's annoyed that scientists have not made a pacemaker that can "do it all." Does anyone have any info for her that can help her feel more confident about...


Neural tube defects

Are neural tube defects common with complete congenital heart block third degree 


Congenital complete heart block

Hi my son was born with complete congenital heart block which he now uses a pacemaker for,I was looking for some info as now as my sons 20 months old and not walking the doctor has X-ray his spine and there’s a crack in the top where it hasn’t fused together?also has 3 sacrel dimples and a preculiar sinus,I was wondering if anybody else is going thru this,and if it’s all connected to my sons heart condition,or if any body else has spinal conditions,any info wud be greatly ap...


You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.