Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

Remote monitoring and atrial fibrillation

Hi friends,

At my checkup this week I was told that back in mid January I had a 3 hour episode of heart flutter.  The nurse/technician said, this means you need to be on an anti-coagulant'.  They were going to forward the report to my gp for follow up.  I have two questions: for any of you on an anti-coagulant, are there any side effects?  Second, I have a Medtronic Azure, is it possible to use an app with it so I can check for any further episodes of flutter/fib...


Carotid artery ultrasound

Tried to tell the cardiologist when i saw her this past March.  That i was not scheduled until 2024 by the vascular surgeron, every 2 years.  But she would not listen to me.  

 The results this time  for  both  no significant stenosis of the common carotid <50% stenosis of the internal  and <50% of the external.  Good blood flow to the brain.  Come back in 2 years.

Lesion Morphology: in the right is heterogenou...



Hi everyone. I've been prescribed Amiodarone 200mg daily. My doctor said I cannot drink alcohol at all while on this pill. I'm not a daily drinker or anything, but my bf and I do like to go out to events and enjoy a few drinks. No telling how long I will be on this pill. Has anyone had ant experience drinking while on Amiodarone ?? Will I ever be able to enjoy myself again ?? 



Spironolactone (Aldactone)

Hi all!  SPIRONACTONE ( ALDACTONE)  It's a water pill for heart!  Have any of you taken this medication? The doctor prescribed 25 mg of it along with a beta blocker for left ventricular dysfunction. It is giving me serious side effects! The doctor said to cut it in half to see if it was better but still not working for me. It gives me mental confusion, tired, weak, dizzy, chest tightness! I can't take it.  Have any of you had side effects with this m...



Hi, I am a 69 year old male with an ICD fitted a few yers ago. Also had a Hypertrophic Cardiomiopathy diagnosis.

Had no problems till last September when I was awakened by a rapid heart rate (94BPM) I know this is not regarded generally as 'fast' but it is for me. Resting I am usually around 50 and out and about 70-90. After only being occasional its now happening several times a day and lasts anything from a few minutes to 12 hours before returning to normal.This leaves me feel...


Not sure about Pacemaker

I get really tired just after lunch everyday and if I don't shut my eyes for a microsleep I'll be exhausted for the rest of the afternoon. It hits me with only 15 minutes notice. I have psoriatic arthritis, take Methotrexate but only a low dose once a week. I have Angina with hardened arteries. Daily medication for high blood pressure. I get examined every 6 months by Cardiologist and stress test is normal. He is concerned though about my  low pulse rate which is 36 to 45 be...



I have a question.  Yesterday, Easter Sunday was a beautiful spring day.   I went to my daughters and around 10 am I started feeling weird...really tired, could barley lift my legs to go up and down the patio steps...I felt like I was having problems breathing and just wanted to go lay down.  My heart was beating pretty fast.   Today I got a call from the device clinic saying they had an alert yesterday.  

I feel fine today....but........why befor...


How often are you paced?

I had a pacemaker implanted 2 1/2 weeks ago due to bradycardia with sluggish symptoms. Halter Monitor showed HR dropping to 26 with pauses up to 4 seconds. I also have sleep apnea (I use a CPAP) trigminal neuralga, and Afib which will be the next hurdle after 4 weeks. I do feel better post op with HR running about 60 according to my watch. Sometimes mostly at night I feel like the PM is firing, although hard to tell because the neuralga seems to run across my chest as well. I saw a poll askin...


1 year on and feeling no benefit

Hi all .

I've had my biventicle pacemaker just over a year now . Apparently I suffer complete heart block but knew nothing about it , no fainting etc - nothing ! 

Had it fitted , also found put I was suffering  hyperthyroidism , sleep apnea,  blood pressure and polycythemia ( thick blood ) not bad from one check up ! 

Meds I've been given - biprosolol,  doxazosin,  ramaprill , thyroxine and warfarin 

Apparently alls looking go...



Dr put me on Citilopram for anxiety but 5 days in had horrendous palpitations. As my device is set at 70bpm my heartbeat obviously didn't race but it was thumping out my chest and felt fluttery. Dr said to stop and try Sertraline next week but I'm afraid to try them. Any advice welcome about this type of medication. 



I was just wondering if anyone takes this medicine and is 100% dependent and takes this med. I'm starting it tomorrow for my Innapropriate Sinus Tachycardia, my EP is very highly rated and so must know what she is doing. It states that 1 in 10 suffer from irregular rapid contraction of the heart and that you shouldn't take it if you dependent on your pacemaker. Has anyone ever had worsening arrhythmias taking this drug? I asked my EP and she said she has never heard of it but 1 in 10...


Heart function and pacer dependency

I have a dual chamber pacemaker to treat my 3rd degree heart block.  I have had my pacemaker for 5 years and I  am pacer dependent. I had my yearly checkup today and all looked good and hopefully I have about 3 more years until replacement, however my Cardiologist ordered a echocardiogram to check on my heart function. He said because I am pacer dependent that it can affect how well my heart functions,.  He asked if I had swelling, issues laying flat ect.which I...



Has anyone had a ventricular fibulation(VF)  episode? What tests did they give you? Have you had any more after the first? My pacemaker detected a VF episode after an emotional stress episode! I came out of it and now feel fine but I'm lucky, Now I'm advised to get testing done! Has anyone experienced this ? 



I'm having problems with ectopic beats interfering with normal pacing.

This is pacemaker number two and 18-years on PMs.

Problems started this year and hopefully I will get to see someone other than the physiologists soon.

Basically, I'm getting down to 33 BPM with a base rate set to 70.

I tried dropping beta-blockers (Atenolol 50-mg daily) for a few days and did feel better.

I spoke to the GP a couple of days ago and she recommended stopping beta-blocker...



Hey all. Coming up to 5 years of pacing this year in October. Over the past two years I've suffered from tachycardia and after many many tests I've found my bloods are perfect my heart structure is perfect and essentially there is nothing wrong. However, I have now been diagnosed with innapropriate sinus tachycardia, I was given 2.5mg of bisoprolol to help with the heart rate and it really did help, instead of a walk being 130bpm average it became 90bpm average, this lasted around a m...


update doctors answer to my results from the last blood test

Saw the Acpuncture  doctor to talk over how i should procede , the results are in  previous  forum below.  She was amazed that the C-Reactive Protein dropped so fast 3.06-1.48.  As when i had asked for a blood test for 30 days after the first one.  She said would not change that fast.  So will continue taking the Algal Oil , 2 per meal until my remote transmission on March 21.  Would have been on that for the past 6 weeks.  Than 1 per meal&nbs...


Pacemaker protector for seatbelt

Can anyone recommend a pacemaker protector when using the car seatbelt? There are so many brands and options. Wondering if anyone has found a really good one and where I can order it.

thanks in advance


updated blood tests for ferritin and C-Reactive Protein,Cardiac

After taking  2 softgel vegan Omega-3 per lunch and dinner for the past 30 days.  Am pleased with the results so far.  The Ferritin was 200 now 163 just out of range at 150.  The C-Reactive Protein, Cardiac  was 3.06 now 1.48 in range.

Found out by taking the above my food sensitvies reactions is less.  Now just barely nap after eating  beans(legumes), almonds, wheat, coconut,

My spilt nail with ridges is almost healed for the first time in about...


Hello from Wyoming. Question about Fibroscan

Hello to all. I got my pacemaker on Jan 19th and fell better than I have in decades.

I have NASH (aka fatty liver disease) and get twice yearly Fibroscan of my liver. I'm supposed to get one next month but have read that it might not be possible due to a study done by the manufacturer. I have a message into to doctor but was wondering if anyone has had experience in this area. Thank you


accelerated junctional rythm

anyone out there who has sick sinus rythm with accelerated junctional rythm?


You know you're wired when...

You know the difference between hardware and software.

Member Quotes

My cardiologist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 minutes.