Most Recent Messages in Coping

Neck Issue?


I hope everyone is well. I firstly want to thank the commentors from my last post, you provided some very useful imformation, I spoke to my hospital and they said that the increase in heart rate is completely fine and a normal human body reaction to alcohol consumption, and that they are not at all concerned by that. 

I have had an issue that has been on my mind for a long while now that I have never got round to finding an answer for. I have been feeling a weird press...


Chafing / soreness around incision scar tissue

Hello people,

It's been a few months now since I received my (first) pacemaker and overall, all is well. I'm still feeling it when it kicks in, and when it runs a self test, but I'm used to the feeling by now. The scar has healed well, no signs of swelling, redness, or anything like that.

I do however feel soreness around the scar tissue, especially if it's warm and I'm wearing clothes that rub against the area. Do you all have any tricks for reducing this? Cre...



Good morning everyone. I want to begin by apologizing for complaining on my very first post, and I want to aplogize for a long rant. I viewed some post before joining, and realize that my feelings might not be new and that everyone's journey is unique to that person. I'm only 10 days post surgery and mentally I feel defeated with tons of regrets.Regrets about allowing the doctor to put the pacemaker in because I just don't feel better, and I regret "pulling" the trigger...


"Awesome Foursome"...??

Has anyone heard of this? It's a stack of four supplements that are said to help the heart regain energy. A Dr. Sinatra proposes it; I found a lot of results, all with his name attached somewhere. That's part of what makes it smell a little quack-y, but sometimes truly useful treatments do-- we've all taken "proper" Rxs that didn't do the job and tried little hacks that yielded fruit.

Has a doctor, nutritionist, etc. ever discussed this stack with you? Have you...



I'm new here and just got my ICD implanted 09/06/2023, three days ago. 
 I might be 66 years old but I'm not ready to slow completely down.   I've been a skilled trades welder, maintenance/construction since 1976 also a hobby farmer.   Have pigs or cattle at times, put hay up every summer. 
  I believe the hardest part is knowing that I can't just go out to the garage and turn on the welder or work on my tractor's engine while runnin...



Hello All, I hope you are well,

I would firstly like to thank everyone that read and replied too my most recent post, the messages i received where lovely thank you. 

I question that I have been wondering to ask you all for a while is about alcohol. As a 19 year old brit I like to go to the pub with friends, and drink socially. I will also be attending university in September, where I know I will consume alcohol. But one thing I seem to notice all the time when I drink is, ev...


Did I make a mistake?

Some days I wake up thinking I made a mistake getting a PM and just want it gone. 
My brief story. Diagnosed with bradycardia in June, no symptoms except fatigue. 69 years old and no chronic health issues. In July, HR started going into the 35-37 range most of the day, every day, but still no symptoms. Saw my EP and he said he believed it was time for PM. Now, looking back, I feel like I reacted in fear. I don't know what I would do if I had a "do-over". 
I c...


Pacemaker post op feeling

Hi everyone . 

Hi had my procedure 2 weeks ago . 

I'm 45vex athlete fit.

The doctor sticked tge pacemaker to my muscle under the double layer of skin on my left side . 

It's only been2 weeks, but I have this non stop sensation of constant rubbing on the pacemaker   

It also feels very fragile as if it could move at anytime.

Does this feeling get better   ??? 

Will the pacemaker feel at one with my body a...


Never the same


I had my pacemaker implanted 9 years ago at the age of 24 for a complete AV block. It happened in a traumatic way and I developed anxiety / panic attacks for maybe two years after. It since has been going well, I have good and bad days but never like before were I used to have panic attacks frequently... very frequently.

About one month ago, I went to the ER because my heartbeat went up to 170. They kept me for the night and let me go saying there was no danger to that arythmi...



Hey guys, been awhile. 

last night I had a pretty uncomfortable feeling of lightheadedness followed by being paced and rapid heartbeat...not to mention panic and fear. 

I suffer from SSNS (sick sinus node syndrome). 

I just had a functions check done on dual chamber pacemaker. All was normal. 

Any ideas what may of happened? And why would I get dizzy if I have a pacemaker set to 60bpm? 



Just got my AICD 3 weeks ago and not sure about something.  I was born with Tetralogy of Fallot and have a conduit with valve and have had 5 heart surgeries throughout my life so I've lived with PVC's and irregular beats my whole life. After I got my AICD, at least once a day I can feel what I think is the pacemaker coming on, which makes me anxious even though my heart rate is steady. I have sent transmissions and they told me everything is working fine, nothing going on, m...



I have a hard time breathing on 400 mg Multaq.  I did take 200 mg last year before my pacemaker so i am thinking of cutting my Multaq in half again.  I told the EP Nurse that i can't breath and she told me to take more Lasix.  Does Lasix have anything to do with my Multaq and breathing problems.  I don't see how.


The connection between complex emotions and our heart

Living with a chronic heart condition, particularly after a heart attack or cardiac arrest, often requires major adjustments and changes, perhaps resulting in a loss of independence.  Anxious, depressed thoughts may surface at these times, stressing the heart further.  The heart can be so affected by our feelings that it can physically change shape when we suffer emotional trauma.  You may care to look up the broken heart syndrome (Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy) to co...


Can anyone relate?

Hi everyone!

Lately after minimal activity I sometimes feel what I call "blown out" in my chest. It typically happens after standing up or using my legs a lot. It's like this deep, winded blown out feeling in my chest that lasts anywhere from 1 minute to 25 mins or more. I'm not short of breath or dizzy, but it feels terrible. I check my Apple Watch ECG and it looks completely normal. Right now HR was 62BPM and ECG looks just fine. I would think this is what an arrhyth...


How do you manage worrying?

First of all, I appreciate that I'm relatively well among members in this club. I have an AV block but otherwise a structurally sound heart and in good general health.

That being said, getting the pacemaker is still something I'm processing mentally. I've known of my AV block for decades and the possibility of a pacemaker in the future but I thought that would be decades yet to come until recently when I was told that the risks associated with my condition now we...


Forever marked

I want to get a tattoo near my scar to honor the pacemaker. Any suggestions?


Just been "done" new PM

This might sound odd . A few days ago I had a PM fitted in Plymouth. As a job I am a vocalist . i have a job with a Big Band next Friday which entails me being involved with around 8 numbers. Would I be ok to carry that out ? no lifting etc involved. Just dont want to let people down. I told you it was an odd one !!. Bern


Heart flutter

7 years dual paced. No issues at all

now getting regular heart flutters. Single flutters that don't hurt but cause a second of discomfort. Happening regularly. More in the evening and weirdly more when I'm lying on my back 

Any ideas?


Getting back to normal

While searching for answers I ran across this message from BY EAP 2017-09-28 01:37:13  it's now 2023, and I am curious if she/he ever got back to some sense of normalcy.  I had my implant in October 2018, I feel worse now than I did then with my low heart rate. I actually went in to the clinic for a strep test, and a week later I have a PM for 2nd degree heart block and bradycardia. No history of heart issues prior.  My doctor has made numerous...


Shortness of breath


I am 5 weeks in and I am noticing that I get short of breath from bending over.  I did a bit before as I have a bit of a belly, but now I can barely bend over and afterwards I stay out of breath ofr a while.  Will this settle down?

Thank you for any comments


You know you're wired when...

Bad hair days can be blamed on your device shorting out.

Member Quotes

It becomes a part of your body just like any other part.