Minimum normal heart rate

Is there any minimum natural heart rate required for the PM to be able to function? Maybe not, but if any of you know I will be very glad if you could let me know.
Thanks a lot, Ranjasg


PM & Heart Rate

by BOB 1 - 2008-02-11 10:02:11

A pacemaker can sense if the heartbeat is above a certain level, (the high set point on the pacemaker) at which point it will automatically turn off. Likewise, the pacemaker can sense when the heartbeat slows down too much, (below the low set point on the pacemaker) and will automatically turn back on in order to start pacing again.

In other words the pacemaker is supposed to help maintain a heart rate between the low and high set points on the pacemaker.

Minimum HR

by ElectricFrank - 2008-02-12 12:02:27

The lower limit where the pacer enforces a HR can be set down to at least as low as anyone would need. Mine is set at 55, but I am about ready to ask to have it set down to 50. There are times when I am relaxing that my HR gets down to 56 and I don't want it kicking in.


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