Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery


I am 6 wks post op for my PM. I am experiencing chest discomfort. The doctors can't find anything wrong. Is this part of the healing process? How long does it take to heal? My lower lead is placed wrong. Could this cause the pain? the doctors are leaving it up to me to have it removed or not, since I don't use it. They say its more serious to take it out than just leave it. Has this ever happpened to anyone? I use the PM top lead about 28% of the time. Also, I get very tired after min...


Received PM yesterday

I received my PM yesterday. I came home today. So far I only feel a little pain in the area where the Pm is located. So far so good. I hope to get a good nights sleep with out being woke up for the nurse to check my blood pressure. she always came in just as I dozed off. I will write more later.


need help

If the doctor tries to talk me into having a 2nd pocket made and putting in an older slightly larger pm...I don't want it.
This one was put in 5 months ago and it moves and it sticks out and it creates black and blues over the unit and the lead is felt through the skin.
Surgery is scheduled on Friday. What should I be asking?
Please anyone have ideas?


Will my bump go down??!!!

Hello again!

I had my pacemaker (lovingly called 'Gerry'!) on 24th July and was just wondering.......... silly question I know....... does the pacemaker always protrude through the skin???

Obviously I am still very brused and swollen, but...... as I am on the small side (up top!!) it looks like I have 3 boobies!! Hope I haven't embarrased anyone here! I guess I am expecting some sort of miracle that my pacemaker will become flatter!!!

Can anyone please adv...



How long does it take before the pain stops in your shoulder after you have had an implant fitted. My husband had it put in two weeks ago and he is still in alot of pain.


Has anyone been able to find a plastic surgeon that will be willing to perform a breast reduction and or lift after having a pacemaker inplanted?

I am 31 years old now and have been actively looking for a surgeon who will perform a breast reduction and or lift. As soon as I say I have a pacemaker I am denied. The reason stated is that the anesthesiologist is unwilling to do general anesthesia; and breast surgeries are done under general anesthesia. Help! Does anyone know a surgeon that is willing to do this procedure? Ps I already tried abroad and I ran into the same answer.


not sure yet

I am booked to have pacemaker on Friday. I am still not sure if I am doing the right thing here.I have been fainting a very long time yrs and they always said it was low blood sugar. In January after fainting 11 times in 2 days and weating a holter monitor, it recorded slow heart rate as low as 18 beats per minute on two different days. I was in shock of course hearing I needed a pacemaker. I decided to wait. I did not faint until may, then 4 times, June 4 times and now July it is up to 8 times....


Raised Area

I had my pacemaker put in on 7/14/08. I had the stapes removed on 7/22/08. There is a raised area about the size of a half of a baseball around the incision. I do not have a fever and I feel fine. Is this something I should be concerned about or will it go away in time. I weight about 200 lbs. Thank for your time.


Incision Healing Time

Hi everyone,

I've just had a pacemaker implanted on July 17.
My incision is still very tender and hurts. Everytime my clothing touches it, it stings.
Is this normal?
How long before it doesn't sting anymore?



Tightness in shoulder


this is my first post here, having had my PM implanted at the beginning of May 08 for carotid synus hypersensitivity. This was diagnosed after a rather unpleasant tilt test, where my heart paused for a sveeral seconds a couple of times after the neck massage bit. Generally things have been fine, the pain has on the whole long gone, and the kids are enjoying having a bionic dad.

However, some days I get a tight feeling across my shoulder when I move. It is not painfull,...


4 weeks!

I just realized today that it's been 4 weeks since my ICD was put in. It healed nicely and most of the tenderness is gone. I feel fine, and am even getting used to the Coreg. Just wanted some of the new folks to know that recovery can go well with only a little discomfort.

One more week and I can play golf. I have been out pitching and putting.




I had a pacemaker installed in January 2008. Can anyone tell me how to make the scar less noticeable?


Many thanks!

ask again
Comment posted by TraceyE on 2008-07-17 07:56.
It can take more than three tries to get the programming right, ..

Rate response?
Comment posted by bambi on 2008-07-17 12:11. ...

Dear TraceyE and bambi, thanks for your advices! this helps me a lot. and many thanks to members of this pm club. This is phantastically friendly and helpful community. Good luck to all members and visitors. Mikhail


new member

Hi,new member here.I just had st. jude pm installed 5 days ago I am glad I finally found this site,I kept getting textbook info and I wanted to hear from people exprricing pm placements I just read that some man is getting his 4th pm,scary! I am 74 have a leaky mitral valve with left branch block etc. nice to meet you ,I will enjoy hearing from you and sharing the ups and downs.Hey now that i"m all wired up,when do I get my super powers? lol


after pm implant..strong pulse rise and poor shape

Hello, I am 46 years old and have got one month ago my responsive ELA pacemaker with two leads, after having a complete block (to say, I have an history of successful aortic valve replacement, four years ago; and the appearance of a partial block was also identified with ergometric exercises about two years ago). The implantation procedure was Ok as well as the pacemaker test itself. However, I have a distinct problem with my physical shape. I am much weaker as compared with the pre-block and su...


Tachy Brady - can your body heal itself?

March '08 diagnosed with Tachy Brady ... low pulse while running was the start, over the next three weeks ''normal'' pulse declined 30 bpm to surgery.

After 1st month pacing 100% of the time. With first adjustment that went to 50%. A second adjustment to help me get back to running and the pacer remained at 50%.

Now one month later, I'm told i'm pacing at 5% for both upper and lower chambers.

I did not get any explanation from the cardiologist, only the question...


A Lucky 4th

Hey to all;

I am a newbie! so new that this time last week I was just beginning to have mild chest pains...that got progressively worse until 5:00am last Tuesday morning when I finally got smart and went to my doc as a walk-in. That didn't go real well...he gave me two nitros and called an ambulance and put me in the hospital. The next day I was transferred to another hosp where they did a heart cath (I had had an angioplasty w/2 stents in 2002) All of that was fine...good stents;...


1 week UPDATE!

Well my fellow Pacers, I'm officially 1week and 2 days post implant. I had the Chest Pains, and the Skin Break Down, PVC's and Runs of PAC's, and I can actually say things are setteling down, for the next two weeks that The chest pain was inflammation, and Motrin and more rest helped that alot. Then I started having the Pvc's and PAC's that my lovely pacemaker recorded. I have an appt on monday to go over all that. Well I'm paing at 10% right now lol... I don't have the ablation till...


One week and all's well

It was a week ago today that I had a dual chamber ICD implanted. I would like to tell those who are approaching this procedure, that it was not as worrisome as I had envisioned.

I have had very little pain or stiffness. I was able to get around after a day or two with no problem. I even stained my girlfriends deck this past week, with my right arm. I had a sore tooth the other day and was starting to stress about the complications with the heart and dentist, but it has passed after a...


How paranoid should I be?

I just had an ICD put in on Thursday afternoon. So far, I have had no problems with recovery. The pain was minimal, and I even went out to eat with friends Friday night. I have even been able to sleep on my right side with a pillow under my arm.

My girlfriend is very concerned about me lifting my left arm. I am trying to be careful with this, but as you know you can sometimes forget. I know all the restrictions that are issued after implantation. Has anyone had one of the leads come o...


You know you're wired when...

Three months of free Internet comes with each device.

Member Quotes

I am a 58 year old woman, race cars, ski at 13,000+ feet, work out daily, have become a second-degree black-belt in Karate, run a business - no limitations.