Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery


I am scheduled to have a generator (pacemaker) changed on next Thursday I had my last pacemaker changed when I was 19... they at that time moved the pacer to my right shoulder side what have you. Anyway I know that it hurt like heck for the first couple years and I was just wondering if it is going to hurt again for the same amount of time I am aware that I will not be able to golf and lift for a month or so but I was wondering if it is going to hurt as much as last time....
K Daniels


ICD implant under the muscle

I'm new here and just wondered if anyone has had their defibrillator implanted under the muscle? I just had one put in on the 13th of April and was told by my Dr. he had to go over 1"+ under the muscle to put mine in. The thing that is upsetting me now is that I can see the lump still. I would think being that far under the muscle it wouldn't show. I can also feel the hard box when I barely press on the area (I can even feel the edges of it). Is it possible he put it over the muscle and...


Recovery info needed for new PM recipient

Hi. I'm new to a PM, it was fitted 5 days ago after having complete heart block while out walking. Don't remember anything till waking up in Cardiac Care Unit.Came home day after the PM was fitted. How long do the surface wounds take to heal and when will my shoulder, elbow and hand stop aching. Otherwise I feel great. I'm a 58 yr old female


Looking for others with same experience

Hello! I am a 39 year old woman who just got a pacemaker
on Tuesday. The whole thing is just crazy how it happened and it is a long story. My question it normal the first couple of days to feel irrigularities in my heartbeat when lying down? My pm does not kick in till 110 because it is being used to prevent a block that is rate related.....usually exercise brings it on. Kind of a problem since I am a p.e. teacher. Anyway, I am pretty sore but that seems to be lessoni...


new to the club

Hi everyone,
I do not have a pacemaker yet, I am schedualed for the implant in 10 days and feeling a litttle anxious.Can anyone give me their imput


transseptal ablation??

does anyone have any experience with this procedure?? i have been through alot, but i am jumpy about this one...thanks,mom123


new to the club

thanks everyone,
your comments made me feel normal...I guess a little worried goes with the territory. Hoping this procedure helps..fainting is not a lot of fun as some of you know and maybe this pm will give me my life back. Once again you are terrific to share your experiences.



thurs havingm y operation any pain involved. should i stay in hospital overnight. when do they check out pm after implant. when a pulse is sent from pm to heart how strong isice it. if a person has a regular heart attack who has a pm and hs heart stops, will this device get it going again.


What Qualifies for Surgery Rescheduling?


I am scheduled for a first-time pacemaker implant this Thursday (dual-chamber, rate response Medtronic). I am desperate to get this procedure done as I have been unable to function normally for about a year now (I'm 34 years old male, married with an 8 year old son). My current desperation stems from the fact that a week ago I caught some kind of respiratory virus. I saw my GP last Thursday & she said my lungs sounded clear (at the time) but still put me on some meds which I ha...


PM Scarring

Hey PMC!

I had a pacemaker implanted 2 months ago and my incision has two keloids small. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about those Silicone Strips? Do they work? My cardi said no? I'm healed on the inside just a little slowly on the outside

Any Feedback on this?


so i finally got the lowdown on smoking

marijuana, that is. 20 days post-surgery i ran the query past my nurse, and she said she'd never say it's okay to toke up, but in terms of my pacemaker recovery & everything, it was pretty much a non-issue. she said it'd have no effect on the pacemaker or the incision sight at all! so i thought i'd just share....


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Member Quotes

At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!