Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

Pacemaker Problems or valve Problems

Hello my name is Doreen and I had surgery for a valve replacement on Sept 11 th and then I had to have a pacemaker put in a week later after the surgery . Has anyone had this happen to them ?? After the surgery and the heart rate was very low they told my family that I may need a pacemaker if my rate does not go up . So after a week they implanted it , I wasn't very happy having to go back in the operating room again to say the least , but I have not felt good , I thought after the surgery I...


Hematoma following receiving new pacemaker


I am new to the site - what a great resource! I just had my old pacemaker (implanted March 1st, 2007) removed and replaced with a new device in a new position. Since I am on Coumadin, and had to switch to Lovenox for the surgery, I developed a hemotoma at the surgical site, about the size of a half lemon. I was in the hospital a week instead of overnight, and iced the site 24/7 for that week. I have now received advice to begin hot compresses for 20 minutes 3 or 4 times a day...


28 with a pacer

HI Im 28 and just had my pacer installed 12-17-07. Merry Christmas to me =) IST for 3 years then all of a sudden Brady with a missing P wave so they slapped one in. No other heart issues or conditions that run in the family. I wasnt born with any defect and I dont have any heart disease or structural issues. I have two kids at home. A 2 year old and a 4 week old. I have been told I cant pick my 4 week old up or even support her wieght for at least 4 weeks. How restrictive do I really have to be?...


Pulling a lead

I was just wondering how easy it was to pull a lead. I was about a week and a half after surgery and i tripped over the dog. I was wondering if it was possible that I pulled a lead out. I got back for a check up but im worried what the dr is going to say.........Any one got anytips?


PM revision 26th Nov

Hi all, Monday I had my PM changed for a new one, with one new lead also being added (the lower chamber lead) The old lead was left in situ as the Doc said because it had been there for 11 years the risk of damage to the heart was to great it was best to leave it.
Whilst the Operation wasn't the nicest of experiences ( the sedative given via the drip didn't seem to have any effect at all ) Any pain or discomfort felt was bearable. Since having it done I feel 100% better, in fact the moment...


It's done!!!

Hi Everyone,

Well, the deed has been done. I got home about 4 hours ago, and am now the proud owner of a St Jude Medical 5826 PM, with an IsoFlex S 1645K Atrial lead and a St Jude 1688TC ventricular lead. I have no idea what any of the numbers etc actually mean, but apart from a very achey left arm, I feel great - Yey!!!

Valerie, can I add my new arrival to the PM birthday please? He/she hasn't got a name yet, but as he/she was 'born' today it makes them a 'Sagittauirus' ;...


defibulator implant

Hello, I had a defibulator implanted under my breast on October 5th. It was a one night stay and the surgeon told me it would take longer than in surgery than if I put it in the usual place, but that's ALL he told me. It's now been almost 8 weeks, my breast is swollen and there are sharp pains. Has anyone else had a defibulator placed as I have, and if so, how long will this pain go on? I'm about to say take the darn thing out...

Many thanks for a response.



The time has (almost) arrived

Hi Everyone,

As a regular 'pre PM op' visitor here for the past couple of months, thought I'd let you know that I'm about to become a fully battery operated member. My cardio called this afternoon and they have a cancellation next Monday (26th Nov) so I'll be having my first PM impant.

I'm a little nervous, but thanks to all you wonderful people here (extra shout out to Allan and Lotti) for sharing your stories, tips and experiences, I'm not half as nervous and terrified a...


My Shoulders Hurt!

Hi Everyone, my name is Jen and I'm from Scotland. I got my pacemaker just there on Friday 09th November because I've had neurocardiogenic syncope for at least 8 years and none of the meds have worked. I had the pacemaker checked on Monday and the technician said that it's been activated 15 times in 3 days which is a lot apparently. My problem just now is that although the scar hurts sometimes my left shoulder is absolute agony all the time. The pacemaker is right under the collar bone and no ma...


Looking good!

Hello fellow PM folks!
I'm in my 4th day of recovery to revise PM. Surgery went very well on Nov. 8th! I no longer have a wire protruding out, nor skin paper thin! The surgeon relocated underneath my muscle just below my collar bone and you can't even tell I have a PM, with the exception of the incision! It's night and day! I am very excited and thankful! They used Durabond (like superglue) to close the incision and tell me that it'll take about 5-10 days to wear off. Having it unde...


Heart spasm after peacemaker replacement...?:(

Hello everyone!
I had my pacemaker replaced on Oct-30-07. It was upgraded from a dual to a Biventricular Pacemakers by Guidant. And I am not doing well at all. Right after the replacement I started getting chest pains. It is not only a pain but I feel tightness and pressure in my chest and in my trough at the same time. At first I thought that probably the settings just needs to be adjusted at that new pacer. After calling that electrophysiologyst who did that surgery I was told that my new...


Help!!4 months after Pacemaker

I got a pacemaker installed about 4 months ago - recently I have been feeling some problems - I feel shortness of breath and my pulse rate is fast and I feel like my pacemaker is fluttering
I am currently visiting the US and will return to my home country in 3 weeks
Anyone else face similar problems - is this normal


new member

Hi I am william just had cardioverter defibrilator change 10/26/07 after having my devise for 4& half years. Have 9 year devise now 37 years old new member am doing great just hate they had to recut and put another devise in but I thank GOD for it to keep on living. email is


Surgery to relocate PM

Hello fellow PM folks! Hope everyone is well!

In June 1999 rec'd my first PM. In July 1999 had PM relocated as it was hitting my collar bone! Ick!. On April 3rd, 2007, 8 years later, not bad... I had a new Medtronic PM/Battery put in, however, the location isn't too good on this PM and a wire is protruding out with that skin being very thin! Yikes! On Nov. 8th, Thursday I am going in to have my PM relocated under my muscle. All sorts of feelings as one prepares for the out-patie...


Moving the PM

Well, I met with my Cardiovascular & Thoracic surgeon on 11/2 and he too agrees my PM should be repositioned. I have a wire protruding out, not out of the skin, however, the skin there is extremely thin and very uncomfortable. I had my battery changed in 4/07 and haven't been comfortable since.

The surgeon said he would place under my muscle, although I am very small framed...has anybody had their PM put under the muscle? What is the recovery time? It seems like it would be long...


Will you share your experience to help another patient?

I'm the director of patient advocacy for Emmi Solutions, a company that makes online patient education programs for people who will be having surgery for all types of medical conditions, including patients who will have ICD's and pacemakers. We will also be producing programs in the near future on atrial fibrillation and coagulation management therapy.

We talk with patients directly about their experience, and ask patients to watch our programs and provide feedback because we want to...


Draniage part II

I would like to fill everyone in on my drainage problem that I wrote about earlier in the week. I know a few of us thought it was an infection...and so did I. I went to the hospital and they admitted me to cardiac unit, thinking it was a severe infection. They were going to take out my pacemaker let the area that was infected heal a and place a new pacemaker in on the otherside of my chest. Well, thank goodness they did several test and they concluded that I caught a skin allery from the tape th...


Pacemaker placement

Hi again everyone:)
My pacemaker is implanted under the collar bone. Thanks to this wonderful site I was able to find out that there are other options for placement, like under pectoral muscle. Are there any extra potential complications involve or longer healing time by doing that? In comparison to just have that under the color bone. Is that a good idea at all?
I am schedule for the replacement on Oct.-30
I would be very grateful for any info. on this subject.




Im 30 years old and I have had my second pacemaker implanted on 10.17.07. I have followed all my post surgery instructions and the area around my pacemaker is draining this yellowish clear goo and I have called the oncall doctor and he says its nothing....I feel that there is a problem....can anyone shed some light?


Life after implant

Well it's been one week today I had my Pace Maker implanted.
Haven't had any info from the Doctor that did the implant cause he has been off sick since. I sure am glad I don't get dizzy everytime I stand up but have a hard time slowing down, especially no driving for 12 days, feel like a caged lion. My wife is recovering from Breast Cancer which she had a Breast removed Oct 2006 and Chemo and Radiation but she has been a gem driving me where I have to go. Never had to have any pain medic...


You know you're wired when...

You have an excuse for gaining an extra ounce or two.

Member Quotes

I swim, scuba, garden, hike, climb, workout, play with the kids, play tennis, baseball, basket ball and rollerblade with mine with no problem.