Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

Tight chest

Had my PM fitted 3 days ago. Pain subsided, and feeling fine apart from a tightness in my chest and a sort of dry cough. Has anyone else experienced this after having PM fitted. Hospital say it is not related to PM and to see my own doctor.


Faster the second time around

Everyone's mileage will vary, but I just had my PM and leads replaced last Friday (the old leads were extracted as well) and I am definitely recovering much faster than I did after my first implantation. Of course the wound is still sore and I have the limitations of arm movement, lifting, etc... to keep in mind, but I'm guessing that having gone through the process before has helped. I recall being slightly depressed after my first surgery. In retrospect, that may have had more to do with...



Going in today to have a dual pacemaker fitted! It will probably be fitted tomorrow as I am not going in to hospital until 4 pm today. I have been on this website for a couple of months now, and have found the site to be very helpful. I still feel anxious and will be glad when it is all over. Thought I would have a lot of questions to ask the doctors before the procedure, but can't think of anything at the moment. (any help would be appreciated)

Will post again when I have recover...



hello i have swelling around my pacemaker


Feeling better!!

Im feeling GREAT!!!! lol Well as to before its great. I know I still have a long ways to go but I think getting a pm was the best thing I could have done! hehe I know you all told me so!! Im just so hard headed!! Well Thanks and I'll keep in touch!
All that said im still REALLY sore! Any advice on how to help that or how long it may last?!? Thanks Rachel ******


6 weeks out - BLOOD CLOT!!!

Im six weeks out from my first PM. Im 28. Now I have a very large blood clot in my right arm. Runs from rist to underarm. Its superficial but close to a deep vein. Been on Coumadin for 10 days. My INR is 2.2. Im scared out of my mind about developing a PE in my lungs. Can anyone offer any insite or comfort.



after the planting

hello everyone.
thanks for having me.
i am curious to know what others felt after the surgery.
im feeling i have a sort of a cold like tickle behind my breast bone that makes me cough and now its kind of sore from the coughing i think. i just got my pacemaker installed on the january 17th. a boston scientifc model.
is this just my body geting used to the wires?
im a paranoid of sorts.
any input is appreciated


Scar Care

Hello everyone....I was wondering if anyone had use Mederma Scar Cream on their pm scar. I wanted to try and use it to lighten up my scar because it is really red and it stands out alot.



lead extraction

Are lead extractions done under general anesthesia, or can they be done without being put to sleep?


My auntie it recovery

I'm happy to report that my auntie went through a quadruple bypass surgery yesterday and the latest report is telling that she's coming alone just fine. I'm excited and still a bit nervous about the whole thing. I'm sure she's going to be okay. I'm hoping she'll be able to come over and have a nice tilapia and penne pasta dinner, prepared of course by muwha. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Special thanks to Ela-girl, Smitty, Jessie and Carol for your testimonies. God...


nervous about tomorrow

Hi all. I'm going tomorrow to get my first bi-ventricular pacemaker. I've had open heart surgery before, so I guess this should be a piece of cake (tell that to my nerves!). I really love this website and have gotten a lot of good information from your posts (thanks for asking the sex question - I was dreading asking my dr about that in front of my parents). :-)

I'm having the device put in under the muscle. For those of you who have done that - how noticeable is it going to be?...


Doing better!

Just wanted to let you all know im doing better! I actually went to the ER the other day because of the pain ( i had a doc apt. on monday but couldnt wait) The ER doc told me that I had some kind of build up. He said that it looked as if I had a cold when they went in to put the pacemaker in and that was the build up! I have no clue!! lol Thats just what he said. But my pain on the right side and my neck are getting alot better!! I feel so much better its not funny! My heart rate is still a lil...



so I go in the morning for my second PM. They don't know if I need new wires or not yet... One of the leads attached itself to the aorta and caused a paricardialo effusion that had over 2.5 liters, has anyone else ever had anyone like this before??? Have you gotten a second one? How did it go? I'm kind of nervous. It's going to be at 6:30am and I've never talked to anyone else with these circumstances... I'm tired of hearing that I'm in everyone's prayers and thoughts... It's sweet, but gets old...



Hi everyone, I am new to the site I found it looking up pain after pm surgery. I had a replacement on Jan. 3, 08 not wires just pm everything looks fine with the incision but the last 3 days I have been getting this pain in that general area and in my breast area in the same location. Now this pain goes from being faint to like a sharp pain it is very uncomfortable and I wasn't sure if I should be concerned. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Thanks, Roxanne


Doing better!

Well thanks to everyone who has been asking about me! Im doing ALOT better! I have pain, more then I thought I would but I called the doc and I have an apt. on Monday. He thinks I may have some kind of infection. I have been having alot of pain in my right chest and neck. (pm is on left) I thought maybe it was from the av node ablation but he said it shouldnt be.

I know I have told you guys thanks a million times but really you have helped more then you know. I wasnt in shock about a...


Hot tubs

I am having a my pacemaker changed next week and I was wondering how long I need to wait before I can use a hot tub. I planned a surprise vacation for my husband, and I paid more for a room with a balcolny and hot tub. I hope I didn't waste my money. Does anyone remember what their Dr's reccomendations were?

Thanks for you help!



Well I finally got my pm yesterday!!! Im so glad its over. I dont really feel up to typing a long post so I just wanted to let you know I was okay and I will get back with everyone later. I am in alot more pain then I thought I would be but I had the av node ablation. Which prolly wouldnt be so bad. One the other hand im "blessed" up top so it pulls on the site!!! Thanks to everyone who has been there for me!! It means more then you will ever know!


new pm

I'm getting my second pacemaker in a week. My doctors told me the battery is so low that they can't even run more tests on it because it would take too much voltage. For the past few weeks I've felt tired and lightheaded all of the time. I'm only 21 and that isn't normally the case. Could this have anything to do with the PM? How did y'all feel right before you needed a new one? Any thoughts would be great. Thanks!


Still Itchy?

I am 7 months post-op and doing fine but for my incision still itches. Not constantly, but frequent enough to be bothersome. I've used the major scar creams and oils to help relieve the irritation, but they haven't helped. Have any of you been bothered with problem? Any home remedies out there that you've tried?

Thanks and best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year. Patsy


Sex after implant

So Im 28. Just had a baby 6 weeks ago, just had a pm implanted 12-17-07. My OB will be releasing me to have sex tomorow, I really dont feel like calling my EP and asking if its safe to have sex. So let me have it. How long did you all wait? How should I limit myself?


You know you're wired when...

You can proudly say you’re energy efficient.

Member Quotes

My eight year old son had a pacemaker since he was 6 months old. He does very well, plays soccer, baseball, and rides his bike. I am so glad he is not ashamed of his pacemaker. He will proudly show his "battery" to anyone.