Most Recent Messages in Surgery & Recovery

lost voice

I had my pm implanted on Friday. Sunday when I woke up I realized I could barely talk. This lasted most of the day and seemed a bit better at night. Today it is back to normal. Just wondered if anyone else experienced anything like this?


Hi Dani

Sorry to hear you are headed for a pacer as well.
I have no family history. I actually got a virus and it went to my heart and I got ectopic atrial tachycardia. Long story short
it took 4 ablations to get rid of it and ended up with heart rate too slow and it stopping multiple times a day for 8 seconds.

I was very dizzy, short of breath, and had no exercise tolerance. It happened pretty quick after my last ablation. I do feel 100 % better since the pacer though, other than t...


new to club!

Hi all
I am a new pacer pt. Just received pacer almost 3 months ago at 26 for SSS. I was wondering if anyone ever experienced increased pain in pocket and sharp electric like pain in lead area. I have a dual chamber that was placed under the muscle. I have had increased pain and low grade fevers( up to 101) over past two months. All blood cultures negative. Is this normal and has anyone had this? I am trying to convince myself it's normal but any experiences would be appreciated! Thanks


Finally got my PM

Well everyone,

Finally got my PM yesterday. I am in a little pain and have been taking paracetemol (tylenol). My shoulder and wound area are sore. Feels weird when I breath in. I got a chest X ray yesterday and thy said that it was ok, but still have concerns.

I hope that it is just brusing and will sort it self out over the next few days.

Finding it difficult not using my arm, but I know how important that is.Still to attempt washing and drying my hair. That...


Getting Nervous

Hi all, hope you are all well.

Well tomorrow is implant day, and I have to say I'm really nervous. I have read so many posts on here, but I still feel anxious. I know that the PM will make me feel so much better, I have heart block, so faint at the weirdest of moments.

I will be logging on frequently over the next few days.

Talk to u soon




On 6/8/2007 I had to go to the emergency room due to sharp chest pains, at first i didn't want to go thinking it was gas!!! but pain was getting worse so i decided it was time for me to go to the hospital. As soon as I got into the emergency I had a heart attack!!! my heart stoped for 5 seconds (flatline) hr later second heart attack, heart stops for 6 seconds, minutes later third heart attack, this time stops for 8 seconds, I only woke up for the cardiologist to tell me I needed a pacemaker and...


Defective Pacemaker

Just recently had to replace my pacemaker (model #5370) because of a "defect". The surgery this time took alot out of me - can't seem to get my energy level back and I'm unable to walk long distances. Has anyone experienced this? It might be that I'm expecting too much too soon. My surgery was just last week. Would appreciate any comments or advice you might have to offer. Thanks.


What's recovery time/process like?

After 15 years of dealing with an idiopathic arrythmia I've arrived at the point where it's time for a pacemaker - bottom end of my heart rate is now going too low. I'm pretty cool with the whole idea, given that I figured out 15 years ago that I'd need one of these things eventually. I'm just glad the technology exists and that it works - thanks to all those who have done this before me! So I go for my implant sometime in August.

But being the active (and otherwise healthy) person t...


I went. I'm done!

Just got my 6th pacemaker implanted. For all of you that have to go for generator failure surgery, I'm getting to be an "old hat" at it. Still it causes a bit of trepidation. Mine is now finished and it went great. This is my 6th in 32 years with a dual implanted 25 years ago. I still have the same old wires, too. So far, this was the easiest yet. They really have improved their methods of reimplantation over the years.
I have gotten alot of really great information on this site and...


Hello again

Hi all, hope that you are all doing well. I posted on this site a few weeks back as i had just found out that I needed a PM, i know have my date which is July 30. I am starting to get quite nervous and I no realise that i am about to get one.

This site has been so much help to me. I think it will be very important over the next few weeks.

Well you will be seeing alot more of me in the next few weeks.



starting to feel better after 6 weeks.

I'm staring to feel better after getting my PM 6 weeks ago.When I felt like I was short of breath and had difficulty climbing stairs my cardiologist had me do a nuclear stress test. I lasted 50 seconds on the treadmill. The stress showed that there might be a "mild" blockage so the cardiologist wants me to do a catheterization. It is scheduled for the 17th of July (next tuesday). Afew days ago I played golf and felt pretty good.
I was able to take a 2 mile walk today and walked up the stair...


My dad needs a pacemaker

My dad's heart beat is very low but he refused the pacemaker option. Last Monday and Tuesday he fell. He's 82 years old, should he go through the surgery or can he survived the surgery? Your response will be appreciated.


Discomfort at site area

Hi Everyone,
well I am still fairly new to this group as I just got my pacer on June 27th. So far my recovery has gone smoothly, very little pain. However the past 2 days has been a little annoying. I have slight discomfort at the site of the implant, it feels as if there is a weight there. I know this is probably a normal reaction due to the fact that well technically there is a slight weight there. I am only 31 years old and would like to be as active as possible, but with that feeli...


Pacemaker Replacement

Hi, I'm new. I am 31 yrs old and had 2 open heart surgeries due to congenital heart defects. One at 9 mos and other at 9 yrs old. I have been pacemaker dependent since I was a year old. I have had my current pacer for 18 years. Went to Dr.s last week and its time is apparently up. I am to go in next month for a pacer replacement. I am very unhappy though about the life span of the new pacers. Do I have a choice over what kind I can get? My current is a Guidant. I am not reading nice thing...


Dizziness & Pacemaker Syndrome

Hi Folks!
I am from Indonesia and just got my PM on the 21th June. I have dual chamber Medtronis Sensia SEDR01.
Today my first day back to work (I am an Instrument Designer)

But even rarely I am still feeling dizziness and it comes on most when I walk little bit hurry.

Can anyone advise me? I also would like to know more about pacemaker syndrome.


ICD Implant and still feeling pain!

Hi there. I had my ICD implanted June 14, 2007 (about 2 and half weeks ago), and I am still feeling pain. It isn't sharp shooting, but it is a constant pressure...almost like someone is pushing down on a bruise. In order to make it look cosmetically better they put mine lower, so not sure if that is why I am feeling the pain. I just wanted to see if other felt this way and for how long they felt it. Tylenol and not moving for a long period of time helps. Also, I notice it gets worse as the day g...


Please wear the stupid sling!!!

I am having two leads fixed tomorrow, so please wear the sling, even if they tell you its okay to "use your arm' after one week. I really tried my best to follow the instructions of the people who supposedly know best, but now I am having my doubts. both my doctor and the nurse that checks the device after the first week said use your arm, live your life. maybe they should know what that entails. i took their advice and know now that after just two weeks, a lead had come out, of course no one wo...



Hi i am having surgery on the 27th of this month and having a pacemaker fitted.
Does it hurt, can you feel them doing this??
Regards Daisy


Type of pacemaker

Hi everyone, I've had questions about my type of pacemaker, and I think it's called a Medtronic Adapta and it has Rate-Drop Response, also it is dual-chamber, and I am at lower-limit of 60 bpm, so as soon as my heart tries to go to 59 it kicks in (I actually got to see/feel that happen on the monitor when I was at the hospital). The first night my heart dropped 22 times, and I'm sure it does that most nights. During the day I feel it kick in at least 5-6 times per day, and those are just the o...


I'm back after surgery!!!

Hi all, I'm the 24-year old that had my PM implant surgery was last Friday morning June 8th and I am feeling great compared to before! I am sore of course kinda like some pulled muscles is what it feels like in my chest and shoulder on the left side. I guess that is normal. Having trouble laying down in bed too at night. I prop up with about 5 pillows under me and then an extra pillow under my left arm to prop it up. I have also been having trouble with my left breast.... sorry to be so blu...


You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

I wouldn't be here if it were not for this amazing technology inside of me.