Most Recent Messages in Batteries & Leads


can anyone help with a panic i have? i had my second pacemaker implanted three weks ago and the wound has healed but at one end i have a small white plastic looking thing appeared it looks like a loop across the end part of the scar from underneath and over the surface and back in again ipanicked that it might be part of a lead ( i dont know what a lead looks like ) or maybe a stitch that hasnt dissolved it feels like plastic not a very good explanation im sorry but i paniced a bit.


new pm on friday

Hi to all. I was just wondering if any of you that have had your pm replaced in the last 6months could let me know what type you had put in and how long the battery will last. I am going in on Friday for replacement and wanted to get some info. Having a hard time finding anything on new tech for pm. thanks



bad lead

A recent hospital stay revealed a poorly functioning pacemaker, allowing my heart rate to go as low as 46 when set at 50. A year and a half ago,had a st jude's pm implanted, and immediately it was discovered the lower lead was not working properly and was using excessive voltage to do the job This shortened the life of th battery to31/2 yrs.and I accepted this outcome rather than havethe wires revised by operation Because of the hospital report.I visited my EP, who upped the voltage to maximum...


battery dying

I have a metronix pm for 11yrs. The battery is low and I will have my 2nd pm done on the 5th Sept. I have been feeling lite headed, tried,lack of energy. The dr. said these were all signs that indicated the battery was wearing down. It seemed to take a long time for this one to go down. I have a dual pm d/t complete heart block. hopes this helps



Lead Replacement

Hi, I'm new to this group. I've had a Medtronic pacemaker device (dual chamber) since I was 26 years old. I found out yesterday that the battery life is low (made it 11 years!!!) but that the lead to the lower chamber is not working correctly and that it will need to be replaced. I'm worried about the procedure. Has anyone (below 50 yrs old) had this done lately? Any information would be very helpful. Thank you. LSG


Would you care?

Long story short...

I had my pacemaker device changed in late June.
I had a lead extraction done at the same time.
My cardiologist has never done a lead extraction so I went to another doctor in another city to have done. Research and references from docotor all highly reccomended.

In my check up with my doctor, found that there is a possibility that the leads are plugged into the wrong sides. So, they are into my heart in the correct side and place but into the d...


Do any of you know what this means

Im booked in to have my PM changed on Tues 19th Aug and recieved a letter from my cardiologist to my GP saying the following - i really dont understand any of this. I really hope some of you can lol - here goes:

To summarise, this lady has an incessent atrial tachycardia which was not amenable to ablation. She therefore, underwent dual chamber permanent pacemaker inplantation and AV nodal ablation. I understand that since then, she has had recurrent difficult to control atrial...


pacemaker life

im suprised too unless its different here in the UK. My pacemaker is a medtronic. but they did tell me 10 - 15 yrs and ive looked it up too and it says the same. I have cpied a pasted below information i found on site this site :

How Long Should a Pacemaker Last?
Advances in technology have made pacemakers safe, reliable and long-lasting. Modem batteries lose power slowly, not all at once, accordingly, there is no danger of...


pacemaker change 19th August

Hey. Just wondering if any of you had a PM change yet? Im booked in for mine on the above date n im terrified. If any of you have had this done can you put my mind at rest please? Their not changing my leads just the PM but any form of procedure scares me lol - any help and advice would be great!

Marcia xx


Slipping pacemaker

Hello again, Luke here.

I had a pacemaker installed about 20 months ago. It has been fine as far as I can tell, since it supposedly only works if I get below 40 bpm. However, a few weeks ago I noticed it had slipped from just below my collarbone about an inch. I can feel and see the leads. I did go to the cardio's offfice where they just did a phone check on it and I haven't had a report yet. The nurse said this was not unusual and not to worry. I tell you what, when a nurse t...


pocket revision

Having the PM moved into a new pocket. Question: what happens to the old pocket. Does it sag or does one need plastic surgery?
If so, I would rather keep it as is...feel the lead and have the PM move. I could get use to it. I just had a new battery put in 5 months ago. Any one have a pocket revision or have a surgeon make a 2nd pocket?


pacemaker change


Just wondering if anyone else here is in a similar situation to me.

I was really poorly in 2002, my heart failed and i was on ICU. Dialated Cardiomyopathy was the diagnosis i was given. Leter that year i had two ablation procedures performed but to no success. I actually ended up with burns on my back - has this happened to anyone? I then had my pacemaker fitted. I work in a hospital and see my technician around quite regularly, on thw wednesday i asked when she thought...


Defective lead needs to be replaced

There is a recall on some difibulator leads that Medtronic used.
They Fracture and can cause shocks or not shock when needed.
My Cardio. Doc has stated I need to have the lead removed and replaced with a new one.
I have asked that the Battery be replaced at this time as they are going to have me opened up anyway.
I have read alot about the procedure and there is posibility of problems but have found very few listed anywhere.
I will be having this done on July 29, 2008. T...


Consultation with surgeon

I had my consultation after months of not getting answers.
The original surgeon did in fact state that the pacemaker was moving and that there were leads felt through the skin.
He stated he would move the pacemaker/and or replace with a smaller one, rebuild the pocket and place the leads under the pacemaker.
He, of course, gave me the negatives to the procedure.
As I had the replacement done in Feb. 2008, I would be doing this all over again and then some. He did say that t...


Thanks for responses

Thank you to all for previous responses to my posts of "replacement battery, and Dr. reaction. I was happy to find this site as I was thinking that perhaps these things were in my mind...however, I know how my body feels is something is askew.


Need to have upper lead replaced

I have a Guident 2 lead PM, implated in October 2007. Everything had been going very well, until a month ago when I started getting a slight fluttery feeling in my chest with an irregular heart rate. I went to the PM clinic to have it interogated. They told me that nothing was in the event recorder, but that I had over 1200 PACs since my last interogation. They called an EP in to look at the readings, he and the Guident tech were talking, saying something about the impedence being high on on...



I nearly fell out of my chair here in the UK this morning as I spotted an article about the worlds oldest pacemaker which is still keeping Lesley Iles in the land of the living. It has been pacing her heart for 25 years, yes 25 years already and is still doing its job. They dont make them like that any more. Shame.
She is 51 years old and plans to take part in this years Southend Bike ride. She is a history teacher with a history none the less. I do know of a neighbour whose pacemaker laste...


Dr. reaction

I finally have an appt. next Thursday to see my original surgeon.
I do not care if he thinks these issues are in my"head". I know they are real and my body does not feel right. I maintained this after the surgery in February. Even after 4 visits, I felt dismissed.
Hopefully, this surgeon will listen as I don't feel there should be pain involved after 6 months.In addition, does anyone else feel the lead aside from the pacemaker. It feels like a thick cord getting longer by the month.


replacement battery

Pacemaker replacement done in February. Since then I have been vocal to the nurse practitioner, cardiologist, surgeon... that something is not right. The pacemaker seems to fall to near my armpit when I sleep on left side. In addition, I feel a thick lead, wire, etc. to the right of the pacemaker and I have constant "sticking pain"I was told by the surgeon that it could be lead, scar tissue,etc. He never gave me an answer nor did he look me in the eyes for a total of 5 min. consultation.


Mom worried

My little girl is 4 yrs old she has had her pacemaker since she was 18 mo. She is 100% dependent. She has to have a battery change on July 9th and I am very scarried. i know it not just a battery change i know the change the whole machine. But if anyone can tell what to expect so i can help her that would be great. Any advice please.
thank You
worried mom


You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

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My ICD/pacer is not a burden. I still play tennis and golf.