Most Recent Messages in Batteries & Leads


i was re-wired march 18. for the past couple of days, i have noticed a twitch just below my ribcage on the left side. could this be associated with new lead? i go back to ep lab april 3. i'm hoping the "redo" works, but now i'm wondering about this twitch. it doesn't hurt, but it's bothersome. any ideas about the cause?


lead "redo"

i'm back from hospital after what the ep called a "redo" to re-position one of the 3 wires he placed in my heart last month with the ICD. one original lead had migrated and i was not getting the pacing feature. he said the "redo" took longer than the original.
it's too early for me to tell whether the "redo" worked. i'm still tired and groggy and a little sore. i go back to ep in 2 weeks for checkup. i'm hoping i have better news on this followup than after the first one.
has anyone el...


Replacing my Pm/Icd this week

Hi, I have had my pm/icd for 6 yrs. batteries are low, went to the surgent and they are going to change it on thursday. telling me leads are ok, so they will take the old one out and put in a new metronic. they said i can go home the same day and back to work on monday. has anyone had this done, and how did you feel after it was changed. jbkeys


lead replacement

i had bi-valve and defib device implanted feb. 18. before they sewed me up in the operating room, the pacing was working. i thought i felt perky when i came back to regular room. however, next morning test and x-ray showed one lead had shifted. a followup clinic visit showed the lead migrated ever more and was not "capturing," whatever that means.
i go back in march 18 for lead replacement. dr said the lead problem is not something he or i did. just happens. he's going to give it another sh...


defib leads

I have a medtronic ICD inplanted that replaced a st judes model that failed when I coded. One claim is that the lead failed, another that the battery fialed but anyway they put another set of leads in that are now on recall be medtronic. Does anyone know how many sets of leads you can have inside you at one time. I would like to have the medtronic leds replaced but my doctor says it is not necessary??? What to do
Kirby Knight


Change of leads

Hi, I went to the pacemaker clinic today for my yearly check-up, only to be told one of the lead has a problem and needs to be replaced. Has any one had leads replaced to tell me about it?



Does anyone else feel their right ventricle being paced?

I'm 28 year old male with a medtronic AICD, which I've had for almost two years. With the exception of a few body positions that eliminate the problem, I can almost always feel a sort of tick or twitch on what seems to be the left side of my heart anytime my right ventricle is paced by the device. When I exhale completely, the twitch turns into a more uncomfortable pain more like a shock.

I was wondering if anyone else has this same problem? There are times when I'm paced frequen...



I received a St. Jude 5386 pm in December 2006. From the beginning I had something that felt like a "tic" at the pm site. The cardiologist and the tech told me it was just "settling in." It got worse over the year, and I learned to make it stop by holding my torso in a certain position. It got increasingly difficult to do that and a new sensation cropped up: it felt like a cell phone on "vibrate" only less intense, also at the pm site. 10 months after the implantation an impedance check was done...


Smitty's Leads

From time to time we see questions about how pacemaker leads are held in place. I have seen answers that range from logical to "you have got to be kidding." In the Members Gallery have tried to post a picture of my leads that was made during the implant of a couple of stents. On what I think may be the ventricle lead you can plainly see a corkscrew like tip that I understand was literally screwed into the wall of my heart to keep the lead in place. If the picture is no posted, I'll try again...


Changing Manufacturers

Hi Everyone!

I am 28 years old and have had my Guidant pacemaker since Jan 2002. At the time, I was so shocked to learn that I needed a pacemaker I did no research on what options I had and just took what the doctor offered. I found out on a Wednesday and had my surgery that Friday. After the recent negative news and recalls with Guidant (now Boston Scientific), I was wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to change pacemaker types without changing the leads into the heart? I...


the fisherman

on 1-25-08 I had a pacemaker replacement. My first one was in from 6/2000 and battery life was nearing end. Had job done at NY Methodist Hosp (in Brooklyn,N.Y.). Excellant teamwork. No need to replace wires...still good. Unit is a St.Jude as was first and (thank God) never have had a problem. A St. Jude tech was there with his little black box to hook up to me and keep me going (I'm 100% dependant) while the exchange was made. Anesthesia was great...don't even remember going out.Total tim...


fractured or broken Leads

My Doctor just recently told me that I may have a broken lead, which causes a small palpitation (lose capture) when I make some sudden movements. He's going to check me out next week. Has Anyone had this problem? When leads fracture, at what section do they fracture? I hope it's not inside the heart. My HR is 30 bpm with out the pacemaker.




How do you know if the Guidant Pacemaker you have just had installed is one that is being recalled. Apart from looking at the serial numbers that attach to the leads.


atrial lead not working

'Just returned from my pacemaker clinic. I mentioned to the technition that I was feeling terribly fatigued, and perhaps she'd find the answer to my problem. She soon replied that the atrial lead to my bi- lead pacemaker, (the lead that did the work of pacing my heart when it needed it), is not functioning at all. It will need to be replaced. My question is: I live in a small town. The general surgeon can perform this type of surgery. However, I have no idea how serious this surgery is. Anothe...


Thank You

I would just like to thank you all for your advise/support it has reassured me, alittle! This pacemaker is a St Jude Identy ADx DR 5380, are they known for short battery life?

The only thing now is that I am worried incase it is a damaged lead that is causing the pacemaker to work harder and therefore use battery life.

My leads are the ones put in 10yrs ago ( with 1st pacemaker), wont they have tissue around them or be inbedded to the side of my heart or vein?


Lead Extraction

Can anyone give me information on lead extractions?
My situation is....I am 34 with my third implant. I will be having my fourth implant within the next couple months. I was also told that I have no more room for leads in my upper chamber as I have one active with two "old inactive" leads. So a lead extraction will need to be done. Since they are doing the upper chamber they will also remove the one "old inactive" lead in my lower chamber. Being only 13 when I had my first pacemaker implan...


Planning for travel with low batter

I was told that I would need new battery within next few months. My doctor said insurance company would not pay for change of pacemaker until it goes into power save mode. I gather from this great website that I will know when this happens. Is it true that you have to go into this mode and not feel well before insurance pays? Second question, I have trips planned - golfing and hiking. How do I make decisions about whether to go in March? thanks in advance for ideas.


lead wire

No such thing as a dumb question? O.K. here goes one. Does the lead wire go thru a vein or just under the skin directly to the heart and hook up there? and how? After your answer, I won't have to wonder. :) aldeer


Time to Battery Change

I'm a new PM user, received on 11/1. I've had a few problems with response to exertion but now seem to have settled into a reasonably smooth symbiotic relationship with it (Guidant Insignia Ultra)

My question is how long until the battery fails. I've been told between 5 and 7 years. I've seen longer times quoted on the site. What's your actual experience? Anyone less than 5 years? It might be helpful if you indicate the type pacemaker and indication for it's placement.


End of battery

How can you tell when the battery changes modes? Dr. said something about staying at 65 beats/minute?


You know you're wired when...

Microwave ovens make you spark.

Member Quotes

As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.