Most Recent Messages in Complications

Specialist help

So excited, 5 months after getting a pacemaker change and having problems with exercise and pulsing under ribs, I'm going to have a session with someone from the company ( Biotronic) along with the hospital physiologist. 
Not sure how common this is but I'm feeling very hopeful. 
Has anyone had the same and was it successful. ? 
Life feels on hold again and it's really getting me down. 
Fingers X 

Happy 2023 



Pacemaker Hematoma

Had a pacemaker Medtronic 2 leads, put in on 11/28/ 2022. due to heart block.  I'm 72 year  old woman and have a artifical aortic valve and on warfarin. It bruised my breast and sides really bad. After 3 weeks incision started draining from a hematoma that they drained and redressed. They held warfarin for 2 days and put me on antiobiotics doxycline for  10 days. rechecked and redressed.  Put me on doxycline mono 100 mg every 12 hours for 30  days....


Replacement of CRT-D infection

I am happy to report I am home after a 2-week unplanned and very difficult stay in the hospital.

I had very complicated repositioning surgery and unexpected replacement surgery (due to device not functioning properly) of my CRT-D in mid December.  At my bandage and staple removal about 10 days later the wound was still open and actively bleeding upon bandage removal.  I was put on antibiotics, and after bleeding the following day, I was admitted through the...


Face rash

Good morning 

I am new to the pacemaker club and had my pacemaker fitted in october 22 ,i would like to ask if anyone has encountered problem with red blotches on face around nose and jaw area .

I do not know if this has anything to do with the pacemaker but I have never had this type of rash before .

Thank you



Breathless after pm

Had pacemaker fitted in September and ablation mid-November. I appear to be becoming more breathless rather than less. Could this be pm exacerbated hf 



Infection? 6 months post new lead and box change

I am 42 and had my first (dual chamber) pacemaker at 19 due to complete congenital heart block. Six months ago I had my latest battery change (lost count how many!) but also had to have one new lead fitted as the other was essentially broken! This last procedure was not without complications but I had seemingly fully recovered.
A few weeks ago I noticed I had a few sharp pains periodically around the pacemaker incision site when I moved or laid a certain way. It is a...


Parkinson’s and Pacemaker

Six weeks after PM procedure, I am diagnosed with Parkinson's.  My head is spinning just trying to accept all this when a few months ago I thought I was pretty healthy.  Is there a relationship between these two?


Burning Sensation

I had the pacemaker put in this year. I have a question. That same day I had a burning sensation in the middle and right side of my chest and still do. So severe that I can't walk like before. Tried many antacids, prescriptions from the doctor, also cortisone shots. Does anyone else have this problem?


Dual chamber pacemaker fitted twelve days ago and in constant pain

Hi everyone.

This is my first post and I'm so relieved there is a place in this global IT  world to share pacemaker problems.

So ...

I’m twelve days post operation with a dual chamber pacemaker.

The operation/procedure was brutal. Not enough local anaesthetic and feeling the cuts and messing around to feed the leads to the heart then create a pocket for the device.  

(I’ve had a number of previous  operations to include four Caesari...


Problems post battery change

Hello again..

I posted earlier that I was having issues since getting my device replaced. Home monitor not showing anything and the ecg monitor I had for a week just showed my usually problems of inappropriate increase in HR when I'm exercising. The technician did another couple of adjustments to try and modifythe blocking out at my upper limit. 
unfortunately I'm still getting a strong pulse feeling under my lower left ribs,and there isn't any obvious re...


This 'n that ......updates

Back in July I posted about a clot found in my subclavian vein.  First attempt to clear it was doubling my Eliquis for 3 days then repeating the ultrasound.  No change, clot still there.  Thrombectomy was discussed, but my cardiologist was concerned about infection and felt that at that point the risk outweighed the benefit.   She steered me to a hematologist for blood work to check for any blood clotting issues. 
Blood tests (12 vials of blood taken) showe...



I live in Guatemala, 3 year user, that medication is for pain, not aproved in USA, anyone knows about side efects? My phisiotherapyst recommended. 


Metal Detectors

With a pacemaker do I have to be concerned with stadium and airport metal detectors?




Femoral Catheter Incision Blown Out with a Sneeze

If you're blood squeamish, move on and do not read the rest of this post.

I had an unsuccessful Micra implantation procedure Weds 11/2. The Micra was to be placed in my heart using a catheter inserted into the femoral artery in the groin. The morning after my procedure I was standing in my kitchen eating a banana. I sneezed once and felt some blood trickle from my hospital-dressed incision site. I sneezed a second time and my wound blew open pouring blood from my femo...


St Jude pm

Received letter to day my st Jude pm  might be   faulty also sent a  monitor to which will send daily info . If I  have any symptoms regarding pm contract clinic. 


Severe radiating pain left arm forearm since pacemaker surgery, deemed non cardiac pain

Hi, 8 weeks post pacemaker surgery, first pacemaker. First installation was complicated as was done in a superficial pocket that became infected after debark weeks. 
Then 2nd surgery to reinstall pacemaker in deeper pocket, with no post surgical infection or abscess thankfully. 2nd surgery was around 4 weeks ago. However within days of the second surgery I am experiencing very severe throbbing radiating pain in my armpit, right  side of the left arm and forearm. It ha...


Pneumothorax Causing Back Pain?

Hi all,

When I had the pacemaker implanted, they pierced my lung and I ended up with a pneumothorax (collapsed lung). They put a chest tube in through my side. One doctor thought it actually went into my lung rather than into the pleural space.

My implant was two weeks ago today. Tonight I have a sharp pain in my mid back, directly across from where the chest tube went in. I suspect the pain is caused by the chest tube having been there, but I'm not sure. I'm not short of...



I had a pacemaker fitted in 2020 and every time I moved my left arm (left handed) it was rubbing on bone.  It was moved during open heart surgery in 2021 and was fine for a while.  It has now moved upwards and is grinding on my collar bone.  In addition it will stand up on end from the bottom.  I can hold both sides of it in my fingers.  My worry is that this amount of movement surely isn't good for the wires in my heart?  Can't seem to get any answers.&n...



Does anyone have same problem as me?  My pacemaker was fitted in 2020 and was catching on the bone every time I moved my left arm (left handed).  Had it moved during open heart surgery in 2021 but it has now migrated "north".  It catches on my collar bone and even stands on end from the bottom.  Can get my fingers on both sides of it.  My main concern is the leads.  Are they being pulled?  Can't get anyone to take me seriously.  Consultant...


Pacemaker check

Is there a list of symptoms if your pacemaker is not operating correctly? Had PM installed April 11th and felt fine but recently short of breath, clammy, low energy.  Any insights or experiences appreciated.  Rick


You know you're wired when...

You always have something close to your heart.

Member Quotes

I can honestly say that I am feeling absolutely amazing!