Most Recent Messages in Interferences

safe medical alert system

Hi.  I have had a pacemaker since 2017 for a problem with heartrate dropping too low and stopping.  I am getting a medical alert system from MobileHelp called Mini.  I first got there system which did not have fall detection or voice contact on necklace and had to carry a seperate unit when out of the house that also had gps, fall detection and voice.  I decided it was hard to use and asked about their new unit that contained all of those you wear around your neck.  T...


Breast cancer and radiation

Hello, I am 43 years old, I have a pacemaker on my left side and I have been diagnosed with breast cancer on my left breast. 
The radiation oncology told me that I won't be able to have radiation with the pacemaker and I will have to move it to the other side. I am terrified. I am 100% paced for heart block third degree. 
Do you have any experience with this? Were you able to get radiation therapy close to the PM?

thabk you so much 


Eyelid surgery and pacemakers

My eye doctor has recommended surgery to fix an upper eyelid drop (ptosis). I have read of interferances between electro-cautery and laser with pacemakers. Has any one in this forum undergone eye lid surgery?


Shockwave Tissue Regeneration Therapy with a PM?

Hello everyone,

As part of my journey to find some answers to my vision/motion issues, I have started to see a chiropractor for daily adjustments and some other fun exercises and movements. 

One of the most recent therapies that they started on me was shockwave tissue regeneration to my neck and upper shoulders. I explained to them that I had a PM recently implanted and they didn't seem too concerned. I've never heard of this treatment before until now, so I wasn'...



Hi everone,

Can a pacemaker cause false blood pressure reading?




I accidentally put my phone next to my pacemaker, i mean I actually touched my skin with my phone on the pacemaker incision and Im getting very anxious because I did it once again, does anything happen to us or the pacemaker or our heart when our phone is that close??? 

thank you 


TENS unit safe?

I'm about to start PT. Do I need to go through the TENS unit drama or are they ok to use? I have a pm not an ICD. Called my cardiology office... as usual you need to wait 7-8 years for a callback.



Bottle lock, security tag remover

Hi all, 

Has anyone worked retail, where the bottle lock magnet is on the counter not far from you?  Any experience with interference from these magnets?


To all the girls

Hey girls! Im very interested in reducing cellulite on my legs as I haven't been working out because of bradycardia (I was scared). I am 1.70cm and 53kg, I am skinny but not "fit", which I dont like and recently Iam interested in doing a treatment for cellulite and body sculpting. Is it safe for us with pacemaker? Has any of you tried a body treatment before? What is safe for pacemakers? 


Use of a Bemer electromagnetic device (to enhance blood flow) with a pacemaker

I was accustomed to using my Bemer electromagnetic device every day to encourage circulation before the addition of a pacemaker. The Bemer has 150 micro-tesla. I understand I must ask my cardiac doctor to what extent the Bemer might make disfunctional my pacemaker, given its make, an Abbott, Model 2272.

Do any of you have a Bemer device, and have you been able to use it with your pacemaker?



A jolt!

I've had my pacemaker for eight weeks without any problems.  Super easy experience.  However, four days ago, after I got up in the morning to go to the bathroom, a real jolt hit my shoulder and I screamed.  It was all over in a split second but I was on my way to falling down.  What in the world caused this?  I've never had anything like this in my life but I have to presume that it was the pacemaker.


Copper support stockings

Does anyone know if you can wear copper support stockings if you have a pacemaker?


new to the club

long time lurker, first time poster

i'm a 37 year old woman who just underwent a pacemaker implant 3 days ago for severe sinus bradycardia. overall, i'm feeling okay- sore and tired, but i know this was the right move for my best life (i'm a single mum to a  8 year old boy, i need all the energy i can get)

i have some general anxiety about the whole thing, there are lots of thoughts running through my head (is the dizziness norma...


Apple AirPods Pro?

Anyone else use the wireless Apple AirPods with a pacemaker? I see Apple recently released documents stating most of their products would suggest not using with pacemaker. 

i use Apple AirPods Pro and have a stainless steel Apple Watch Series 6 with the magnetic wrist loop. 

wondering if these are safe? I see people say the Watches are fine, but I wonder if I should try a different band as the metal one is held together by a magnet. 



Magnetic eye lashes

Can I wear magnetic lashes with my implant, pacer/defib.


Sewing machine

I sew on a 20 year old sewing machine. It is electric and mostly metal parts.  There are no digital displays; not that modern.  Does anyone know if that causes interference with one's PM?  I just had my Medtronic PM implanted last week and am finding this forum very helpful.  


Smart Phone

I just got my first Smart Phone (at age 74) and am concerned about things that I have read about magnet interference.  I know about not puttting it in a pocket on the side of the pacemaker, and I know about using it on the opposite ear as the pacemaker. I have also read keeping it at least 6+ inches from the pacemaker.  I have put in a question to my clinic, but am hoping someone on this site has an opinion or experience.  If this is going to be too much trouble, I wi...


Back Pack Sprayer

I live/work on a ranch and need to do a lot of spraying.  Tired of carrying around a 2 gallon pump up sprayer.  Was thinking about getting a battery powered back pack sprayer since it's easier to distribute the weight across your shoulders/back.  The boss (my lovely bride) says whoa you can't do that it will mess with your pacemaker.

Can't see that it would but wanted to bounce it off folks that have had there pacemakers longer than I have.

They are basi...


Is Laser welding machines save to use with a Biotronic pacemaker

I cannot do welding with my inverter welding machine anymore.  I do now research regarding EMF-free welding machines.   And maybe some members have already done the research.  I need to know if Laser welding machines generate similar EMF (electromagnetic fields).


Contain-A-Pet collars/invisible fence

I am 2 weeks post op with a pacemaker and trying to figure out all my new "rules." Turns out, electromagnetism is everywhere-ugh! I've found a bit about the underground dog fence, but not much about the collars. Does anyone have a good source for recommended distance from the collars? This is going to be tough since we take the collars on and off every time the dogs go out!


You know you're wired when...

Born to be Wired is your theme song.

Member Quotes

We are very lucky to have these devices.