Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

pacemaker info

Recently had a six month check-up.  All is working as it should I guess. One thing was said ,but I didn't ask for an explanation, is "it's 15% for the top chamber and 25% for the lower chamber". Any explanation about that.  All I heard was "everyting is fine working the way it should"  and I was out of there.


Boston Scientific Programmer

Does anyone else have a Boston Scientific programmer??


Thx!  Nick


Closed Loop Simulation (CLS)

Hi there.  I've read quite a few other posts on this subject but (as everyone always thinks ;-)) none quite match my situation.

I'm a pretty fit and active 62-y-o in England who walks lots and runs at least one and often 2 or more 5km runs each week.  

But I'd been really struggling since the Spring.  After tests, I was fitted with a pacemaker for total heart block in August.  It's a Bitronik.  Accoring to the certificate it's mode...


SAM event - respiratory sensor disabled

Hi!  I got a call from my pacemaker clinic about my last remote interrogation on my crt pacemaker  and they were telling me that the sensor that is in place for monitoring respiratory rate was disabled due to interference and noise.  It was interesting because all I was doing when it was disabled, was most likely laying in bed.  It's called a SAM or sensory artifact moniitor and is programmed to turn off if it detects any interference or noise.  It's on the at...


Missed Beats?

I'd like to consult the group wisdom on what I assume are missed beats. The symptoms happen at night. I feel ‘beat, beat, pause, beat, beat, pause’ and this can go on a bit. I sometimes feel underlying atrial arrhythmia. Both are intermittent and don't happen every night. I wake up feeling groggy and a bit nauseous when they happen. Can anyone shed any light on these ‘missed heart beats’ and whether they could be settings related or progression of what has...


Medtronic Pacemaker Monitoring

I had a Medtronic pacemaker implanted on 23/09/28. Apparently there are two options when it comes to monitoring the pacemaker. One is a remote monitoring unit that is supplied by Medtronic and the other is an Medtronic app that runs on a smartphone. I was wondering if any members have had any experience with either of the monitoring systems. I would deeply appreciate any thoughts regarding the monitoring solutions.




Almost 2 years


I'm not far off 2 years since pacemaker fitting ( duel chamber )

I'm now told I'm permanently in AF , but they didnt tell me what it means . They did mention referring me back to arithma nurses ! 

Also during last check up , they said I'd feel a bit light headed! I ended up half on the floor / half on the chair . I remember shouting " s**t " as a kneejerk reaction to what ever they did !! To say I had a wave wash over me is an understa...


First pacing appointment

Hi - I have AFib and a pacemaker fitted 5 weeks ago. My first pacing appointment / checkup is next week but apart from not really knowing what to expect I'm thinking about the kinds of questions I should be asking. There is the possibility of an AV node ablation. It would be really helpful to hear thoughts on useful questions. I am in the UK 




Weird Rate Drop Feeling?

So I had my device implanted in 2018, and up until about 2 months ago my only complication has been super ventricular tachycardia and periods of rate drop that I didn't feel.

About 2 months ago I started feeling weird, kind of like on a roller coaster, and I used a pulse oximeter to keep an eye on my pulse. I would find that while sitting in bed doing absolutely nothing my heart rate would drop to 50bpm and then suddenly Spike to 90 BPM and hold for about 2 minutes. This cycle would...


Heart racing

I am new to all this. Got pacemaker July 19.  Did great until last month. Now not everynight though i feel palpations and racing heart.  No one here in my area seems very knowledgeable.   The nurse called today and says its doing it during nightly test and they can turn off testing.  Says this happens in less than 1 percent of population.  However a few of those nights I had nightmares so i am quite unsure.  I havent had plapations like that since before my...


Follow-up after first EP Clinic appointment today

Hello, Everyone,

I learned quite a bit today at my EP Clinic appointment that hopefully will help me feel better. I started my discussion with describing how I felt.

My rate was changed from 60-130 to 50-110 to help reduce the spike in heart rate I feel when I initiate activity.  If I feel I need a change, I can make an appointment and the Biotronik rep will be there. 

My atrium is pacing at 80% and my lower chamber at 9%.  The tech explained that the 80% paci...


First EP Clinic Appointment

Hello Everyone,

My pacemaker was implanted at the end of June following a 12-second pause.  I have my first EP Clinic appointment tomorrow (following the initial appointment a week after implantaton) and I plan to ask about my settings.  In a past post, Gemita offered some terrific questions to pose and those are on the top of my list. 

My queston today: If my settings are changed, how soon might I expect to feel a difference? 

Currently, my heart rate ju...


Monitoring device

Am going on holiday 3 weeks and wondering how the device monitors as I am away for such a long time. 


Base Rate and Rest Rate Settings

As a larger athletic person, I've always had a lower than average resting heart rate. When I got my pacemaker in August, they programmed it for a base rate of 60. I thought, that's fine, let's just let it go while my heart gets adjusted to having a PM. Later I determined the PM (St Jude/Abbott Assurity) also has a Resting Rate feature that is disabled. After a 30-day interrogation I see that my atrium is being significantly paced, about 25% of the time, but virtually only at...



Anyone had trouble with Biotronik setting on evity 8 duel chamber pacemaker?


Cycling up steep hills - feel as if I'm about to faint.

Hi.  New member. 76 years old PM fitted two years ago.

Cycling is my favourite exercise 2-3 times a week, 25 miles a ride.

After having the PM fitted I took a few months off. Since starting again I have noticed that when I get to steep hills, after a short time I get a lot of pain/aching in my quadriceps followed very quickly by a feeling as if my head is about to explode. Stops very quickly and normalises after I reduce the effort.

I have had the PM upper limit increas...


a fib

does any one have their pacemaker set to interrupt or treat a fib?  


voltage change effects

Hi everyone hope all is well with my dear forum members . 

Thank you for your help last time . 

i went to the hospital today and changed the settings . 

although require your help again . 

the volatage that was being used on top and bottom was 1.1 , they had it the voltage at 3 and changed it to 2.1 . 

although i have been noticing slightly anxious breathing and a double breathe in quick succession since . 

questions is can a l...


Orthostatic Hypotension

I have recently been diagnosed with orthostatic Hypotension aftewr experiencing double vision,dizziness & numbness in extremities. my meds were changed as I had been given a drug which lowers my Blood Pressure & I was already on a Beta Blocker. I continue to have problems even two months after the review. 

I have now found an article where these symptoms were relieved completely by their EP adjusting their PaceMaker Rate Response sensitivity & told to tap their Pacemake...


New pacemaker

I recently had a pacemaker put in on August 23, 2023. I have felt that my pulse is too high now. Most of the time it is in the 90s.  I have had high blood pressure for a long time but the pulse part was never an issue for me. Until I took my blood pressure on August 16th and discovered that it was in the 40s. I was advised to go to the ER which I did not want to do so I went to an urgent care instead and my EKG was abnormal so they sent me over to the ER.  They did a angiogram to ma...


You know you're wired when...

You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

Member Quotes

Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.