Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

What to expect from a pacing clinic appointment?

I often see posts from new members asking what to expect from a pacing clinic appointment and what questions to ask?  I thought it would be helpful to do a post on this important part of our care, since many of us clearly want to understand how our pacemakers work.

May I ask what your experience has been when attending routine pacing clinic appointments if these are still happening where you live, since some of us may not attend clinic regularly anymore with home monitoring.  ...


Device clinic on Monday

Hi all

7 months into having  pacemaker fitted due to getting full heart block after aortic valve surgery back in January. My right ventricle is now driven by the pacemaker which follows my sinus node. I seem to have recovered well and have been fully back at work for 3 months and doing everythig I used to do before surgery, just without becoming a little breathless like I used to. A few weeks ago I had a sustained period of resting heart rate just over 50 (min set by pacemaker...


Biotronik Edora adjustments

Hi there…I had Biotronik Edora 8 DR-T implanted mid-June (chronotropic incompetence) and was not supposed to see the cardiologist until mid-September to do some adjustments to the PM.  Unfortunately, one of my internal stitches decided to try and exit my body the hard way – so I had to return for wound clean up etc.  During the meeting I found out a couple of things about my PM and asked them to make some adjustments.  First the discovery – my PM is dual...


Pacemaker Adjustment time

Well I go in for my 1st checkup this Thursday. I have a Ton of Anger to let go on my Doctor. They had the initial settings all wrong! I had to go to the Emergency department a week ago. They had my Movement sensor set to maximum. I couldn't scratch my ASS without getting a 95 Heartrate. Also my return Heartrate was set to 10 minutes which meant that if I walked up my stairs and my Heartrate went up to 100 and I then sat down it took 10 minutes before my Rate would start to return to 60. P...


Biotronik CLS algorithm causing problem

Hello, another newbie here!

Biotronik 8 DR-T implanted four weeks ago to treat total heart block. Just had first, four week, check up.

Prior to this, I had been exercising by walking down and up our village hill. Heart rate monitor recorded bpm. Noticed that on the second half of the uphill climb, my heart rate would suddenly jump to 120 bpm and stay there for the rest of the walk. It would not increase, even though I pushed myself harder. Seemed clunky, rather than smoothly progr...


Dual Champber Checkup

Today I had my biannual pacer checkup.



Threshold and Lead Impedence within normal limits.

Battery Longevity: 6.7-7.6 years

Patient has home monitoring: Yes

Presenting rhythm: presenting rhythm: paced

Rate: 60 bpm

Mode: DDDR

Blood Thinner: Pradaxa

AT/AF Burden: 3.6 %

Significant/Recent Episodes: No

Changes Made: NA.

Dependency: yes


Doctor is satisfied with my heart and pacer as e...


Questions to ask at first PM clinic

Hi!  I have my first PM clinic in 1 1/2 weeks.  Just got my PM 3 days ago.  I want to come prepared with questions.  Please let me know things I should ask.  I can come up with a few things but I'm sure I'm forgetting something. This is all so new my head is spinning...


Today's Results... So Far :)

Had my 1 month TAVR check up (closer to 2 months) They did labs, echo, ECG, and NP visit.

Labs - only thing remarkable was my BNP. Pre-TAVR (06/2023) is was 1,003. Today it was 65. I'm hoping that indicates improved heart function.

Echo - no results yet and the tech wouldn't budge about telling me anything... even after telling her how great she looked :)

ECG - no changes as usual - abbynormal :)

NP - Told her how great things have been and the improvements, et...


New notations on pacer check report

Latest report incicated the following new items:

    BiV Percent Pacing less than limit

    PMT detections

What concerns should I have about these showing up 7 years after implant?

(65yr old, CHF (EF 55%), LBB, St. Jude Quadra Assura 3-lead CRT)






why some are able to get results from pacemaker transmissions

In reading the post from Disney Fan (sorry you had that problem and thanks for putting in your problem and so we can answer).                                               

After reading the posts from Good Dog and AgentX86 telling us they can get their reports from their hospital either by logging in or from an email.   So much easier tha...


Frequency of in-office Pacemaker Interrogation

I have had a Pacemaker since 2006 (now on my second one, implanted in 2016.)  Initially, I was seen by the nurse for an in-person annual pacemaker interrogation with scheduled remote transmissions in between for many years.  Then around five years ago, they stopped seeing me in the office entirely.  I do intermittent remote pacemaker transmissions and never see a nurse, technician, or doctor.  How common is this for the rest of you?  Are you typically seen for an offi...


Where can I find the technical details of my pacemaker?

I've recently received a dual chamber pacemaker for an AV block (Assurity MRI PM2272) and would love to understand all of its capabilities better ahead of my follow up appointment with the EP.

I work in technology and would be very happy to read through the "real" documentation if I could find it, e.g. something like the instruction manual for the programmer.

This forum is a great source of information and I've learnt a lot already about how these things are set...


First follow up visit

A week from today I go in for my first follow-up appointment after having my 3-lead ICD implanted in May. I am 43 with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy and a left bundle branch blockage, who therwise is in pretty good shape. My resting HR before was in the 90s and post implant I am in the 60s. It seems 60 is the lowest they set it for. The device is mostly working to synchronize the left side with the right, which has allowed for increased activity. I am on the treadmill for an hour most days...


pacemaker settings

an a pacemaker set so your heart rate don't go over 80 or 90bpm?  My metronic pacemaker  heart rate has been going over 100.  It just started after the Doctor set the mvpr rate 2/2 and I wanted to know if there is an upper sensor rate on my pacemaker.  It seems I cana't get a call back from the Doctor's office about this.


Pacing Percentages


I just joined this group I have a dual chamber pacemaker from 2020 due to Mobitz 2-3 AV block.

In my dr report in my medical record he states: "93% RV pacing. Not going to make changes on settings today.  I will need to check her LV function when I see her again in a year given RV pacing burden"

Has anyone had RV pacing burden and pacing at 93%?

In reviewing various pieces of info I see that RV pacing can cause atrophy in the heart.  Please u...


AT/AF Burden

Can someone explain in simple terms what AT/AF Burden really means as mine seems to be rising?  Last July my AT/AF rate was 2.0% and this year it 3.5%.  I will admit I have been under a lot of stress since May and have slept poorly two of the triggers.

Threshold and Lead Impedance within normal limits.
Battery Longevity: good
Patient has home monitoring: Yes
Presenting rhythm: presenting rhythm: paced
Rate: 60
Mode: DDDR
Blood Thi...


Heh, here's something new in today's device upload...

I mostly have one or two short NSVT episodes, but this is something new and hopefully not real bad or serious. Anyone here have experience with this? I'm sure Gemita will know :)

"There was 1 AT/AF episode since the last programmer session on 6/2/2023
lasting 1 minute, 24 seconds @ max ventricular rate of 78 bpm. EGM is
consistent with AT."


MTR (upper limit) Observation

My dreaded MTR! Hoping to have it increased AGAIN at my next appt...

I have been hitting my MTR more frequently now that I have recovered from my AVR. Exercise is getting easier and better. I'm stronger and really beginning to push myself. For me, an MTR of 140 isn't working out, lol..

Anyway, my observation: since my AVR, my MTR episodes have changed. Previously, hitting my MTR would stop me in my tracks! For example, I have been doing mostly cycling which is consistant w...




I am curious.  I am in Nova Scotia.  I was given the pacemaker in Ontario and told I would have a cardiologist appointment in 6 weeks, given the name of a cardiologist who agreed to see me and the number of the pacemaker clinic to make an appointment with them as well.  No cardiologist appointment so far.  Cardiologist's assistant sent me to pm clinic and then said cardiologist (not the one I was referred to see) would see me at the pm clinic. &nb...


How to get access to your own pacemaker data, is this possible?

Hi everyone,

I've recently been fitted with a pacemaker (dual chamber, Assurity MRI PM2272). I've been told that I'll have my first check up in 6 weeks and from then one, one every year with the NHS here in the UK.

The private hospital where I've had the procedure also mentioned that there's an option of remote monitoring with a bedside reader at home - where they then check the data every 3 months - but this at an extra cost.

What I'd really lik...


You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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