Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

NHS appointments

I've been suffering from ectopics with a pacemaker fitted since January 2023 and am fairly regularly getting 37 bpm when resting.

My GP wrote to the cardiologists at the regional hospital and requested an appointment "at your earliest convenience" and "preferably in person"

The cardiology department response to that was an appointment in two and a half months time at the end of June 2023 and that will be a 15-minute telephone conversation.

So that'...


First post implant appointment


I had my PM implanted in January and now I am coming up on my first in-person visit (Monday) with both my cardiologist and EP. I’ve talked with them since the implant and while I thought my PM was set to VVIR, in fact it is set to VVI. So, changing to VVIR is one of the things that will probably be changed.

The reason for the change is once I got the OK, I started on a treadmill and eventually water aerobics. At first, I was doing fine. Felt great all the time. Then a...


quarterly remote transmission and yearly cardiologist appointment

Saw the cardilogist for the yearly checkup. She kept asking me for the name of my GP guess it was becuase a different doctor requested the 2 blood tests that i had.   She was concerned that my lipid were high. She mentioned that she likes the LDL in the 50's which is in the middle of the range. Told her i was working on that.  It seems that the Algal Oil that am taking causes both the bad and the good to rise.  Now am taking only 1 per meal and blood will be retested i...


RNRVAS (cont)

A few weeks ago Penguin asked about RNRVAS (Repetitive Non-reentrant ventriculoatrial Synchrony)  something I had never heard of. But I was very interested because since my generator change in October I have been experiencing symptoms sort of like the PVC-induced PMT I had once before. I even posted about them here.

I repeatedly asked my pacemaker team if I might be having PVC-induced PMT, and was repeatedly assured that with my settings it was "impossible."



heart rate too fast

I had my pacemaker fitted in May 2022 and it only cuts in when necessary as in if my heart rate drops too low, but I feel as though generally my heart rate is too fast even when doing normal walking. Any thoughts?



What can I expect for my first post implant appointment?


Help with Adjustments

I am in US/California. The nurse at the pacemaker clinic only checks that the PM is working properly. The only settings she will discuss are the upper and lower limit, and those are only changed with approval from the cardiologist (60/150).

I called Boston Scientific to ask if it is standard practice to lower the voltage after a few months when the leads have scarred down, and was told yes. The nurse won't adjust this (not sure if "voltage" is the right term). I feel the p...


AFib below the threshold for detection?

I've been having what feels like an SVT at night most nights.  My Kardia 6L keeps saying either possible AFib or unclassified.  Had them run a check, no events recorded.  Threshold for recording is above 200BPM.  My last SVT was not AFib and was below the threshold.  The tech told me also fine AFib sometimes does not get picked up.  He said he changed the settings for me so that it would mode switch to 80 BPM V paced if I had any lower rate SVT and I would kn...


Difficulty with Stairs

I posted a while ago regarding having difficulty going upstairs. I have a Medtronic PM since July 2022. I received many helpful messages here regarding rate response, attributes of various PM etc. I went back to the pacemaker technicians several times and they insisted the problem wasn't with my PM. Due to the encouragement of people here on the group, I persisted to check. I went for a stress test. The next day, the PM technician went out of her way to call me and say that she review the...


Pacemaker monitoring

Hi all, 
I am just curious what the costs are like in other countries for Medtronic pacemaker home monitoring? 
I live in Singapore.  Myself and my 2 boys have a pacemaker.  The montoring costs are: S$1000 for initial set up and then $400 per year after that, that's for the clinic to review our transmissions monthly.. I find it very costly and have not signed up for it myself, but considering it as my leads are old (23+ years).  



Anyone else from UK get check ups with NHS? Think MV Settings need to be adjusted

Hi All,

Just looking for other people in the UK who have their device fitted by NHS and get their checks through the NHS. In January there I got a new device and leads fitted in the left clavo al after having my PM placed epicardially in my abdomen for the last 20 years (I am 27F) due to complications as a child. I got a Boston Scientifc proponent mri sr L210 device but I am finding I am having issues when trying to walk fast, pushing my niece and nephew in their prams, I am&n...


A good idea or already available

I have been thinking that it would be a great idea for some individuals to be able to use existing ECG or pacemaker data to provide a simulation of how different pacemaker settings would perform.

I am surprised some of the pacemaker manufacturers don't have this? It would lower the amount of setting iterations and enable decisions to be made more quickly.



Not quite right

Hi all. Went back to work 2 weeks ago. Had a tune up aweek before I went back. Have been feeling good until  a week ago when I started getting blurry vision again. And yesterday I had an episode but did not black out and another today When I was a bit confused and things and felt as if I was going to be sick. But didn't. Also tingling in my left hand on and off for a few days. Your thoughts would be great 




Settings and adjustments for arrhythmias

I have a Medtronic Ensura dual chamber pacemaker for tachycardia/bradycardia syndrome (implanted in 2018).  A few days ago I returned to my clinic and they looked at NCAP (non competitive atrial pacing) and APP (atrial preference pacing). 

I was told NCAP helps prevent atrial tachy arrhythmias by avoiding (delaying) pacing after a premature atrial contraction (PAC)




CRT-D adjustments today and update

I saw my EP today and he was happy to adjust my lower rate from 60 to 70 on my CRT-D.  He also adjusted the rate response to make it more sensitive so I hope my heart rate will respond to a higher rate than 70 when walking or climbing stairs.  I will get the device checked in 6 weeks on one of his patient days and he will look at the adjustments with me.  He told me to call the office if I am feeling worse.  I have had no ventricular arrhythmias, but lots of non-susta...


Built in settings turned off

Posted a little while ago re new PM making me feel worse especially when exercising. 
After some advice from Biotronik a couple of pre programmed settings have been turned off. 
As I get some AT I'm slightly limited in upper rate and tracking. The new device was putting me into 2:1 block when I hit 120 bpm and also seemed to be self adjusting at random times. It does a self check at midnight which I feel if awake. 
so it's wait and see how I go, if no rea...


Biotronik Rate Response (Acclerometer) vs. CLS (Closed Loop Stimulation)

I asked a question in another post about bumpy roads affecting my Biotronik pm.  I was confused about the difference between the Biotronik CLS setting and the rate response setting.  Penguin provided a link that explained a lot.  Adding here in case anyone else may find it helpful.  It seems especially relevant to those like me who exercise a lot.  Looks like there are a lot of previous posts about having difficulties getting the settings right and it may be because t...


nightly checks

Biotronik Pacemaker placed 1/18/23 after botched ablation for SVT. 100% ventricular pacing. Last night around 11:20 I felt a quick buzz at the pm site and then several minutes of weird heart rate changes. Is this something I will feel every night if I'm awake when it happens? I got no information about what to expect at hospital discharge.  


Medtronic Azure Settings - Advice Please

I've been looking up the settings which the Medtronic Azure offers on the manual which Gemita kindly posted on another thread and found the following which I need to ask some Qs about: 


The sales blurb mentions Updated MVP.  Could anyone explain to me how MVP works to manage VP and how it may have been improved? 

Tachyarrhythmia Detection

I also noted Tachyarrhythmia detection parameters listed as follows: <...


Closed Loop Stimulation

Has anyone got any feedback / advice on the effectiveness  'Closed Loop Stimulation'  - Biotronik's rate response algorithm? 

Thank you for any replies.


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