Most Recent Messages in Coping

This new experience...

I was diagnossed with cardiomyopathy 4 days before Christmas 2007. I had an enlarged heart which the doctors felt was the result of a viral infection in October 2007. After a series of tests and some very bad EKG readings over the past 5 months, I was fitted with a pacemaker/defibulator on April 28, 2008. I am back to work and feeling okay except for sleeping. I have a hard time getting comfortable and feel like my impant moves when I lay on either side. Also, the implant area is still sore...


i'm always scared

hi i still have a really hard time accepting that i have a pacemaker/defib in me and it's been 3 years now. in 2005 when i got it, i was shocked 8 times while staying in the hospital. turned out in was "unnecessary" but i'm still scared all the time. no matter what i do, it's always in the back of my mind about getting shocked again. i don't think i'm depressed or anything but i still cry about it, i still feel like it sucks to have this in me & i'm 30 years old. i read about how people say they...


Does anybody else....

have any other heart problems since their pacemaker?
I had my first pacer at 10 and since then I seem to have a new problem evertime I go to my doctor. I was intially diagnosed with complete heart block, now I have atrial tach and possibly fibrillations. I just recently found out I have a PFO also.
It makes me anxious everytime I go to see my doc because I worry what he will find next.
Has anyone been "cured" since they got their pacemaker or do you still have ongoing issues?


Thank You!!!

I was overwhelmed and overjoyed at the wealth of responses to my first posted message! Everyone made me feel so welcomed and it made me feel 10 times better. So I just wanted to give a huge thanks to everyone who eased my fears and sadness..I truly was blessed to find this site and all you wonderful people=)



Just a quick question: I have had my PM for 4 months and I can still feel the "sensation" of having my heart rate increased for me. When this happens I tend to get a little nervous about things.

Does the anxiety thing stop and will I come to the place where I do not realize the PM is even actively working?

Thanks: tripastor


I'm lost!!

I am new to this and this is my first defibrillator was implanted about a month ago with absolutely no warning signs or previous indications or complications. I am also fairly young (30) and was so happy to find this website. Just to know there are other people going throught the same things. To make matters worse, my boyfriend broke up with me while I was in the hospital saying that he couldn't handle this drama. I lost all my friends (who I guess weren't really friends to begin wit...



Hi all,
I have some throbbing on my left side under my lowest ribs. Anyone else having this and would it be my AF that is the cause? My implant was last February; it has solved part of my feelings of fatigue but I do not have the energy I had expected. Anyone else like this? I still need padding to protect the implant;
does anyone find that it eventually becomes unnecessary?
I do not have the energy to exercise; I used to walk three miles a day. I may be my age, 84, so I might...


Help Please


I need to know what has happened to me. It was a year ago I had this damed thing placed into my chest and in the past 5 months, I feel as though I have cheated something. My docs all say all is fine but male parts don't function, and I feel tired all of the time. I have verfy little patience for things that used to not bother me at all, but now all I want is to havve this thing out of me.

Have I lost me mind or what? I am greatful to god and science but it really s...


Natural Death with a Pacemaker

My family and I are very concerned about our mother being able to pass away with dignigt and without distress when the time comes. She is 85 years old and is in advanced stage of
altzhimers. Can anyone tell us exactly how death occurs when a pacemaker is stimulating the heart? Thank you very much to anyone who can answer our question honestly.


After the operation

Hi, I am a new member. I am 34 and five days ago I got my first pacemaker. It took two operations in one day to get it right. During the last few days I got gastritis, sore gums and a migraine and feel not very energetic at all which probably indicates that my immune system is low. My heart rate though feels fine and constant. Now and then I do feel that I cannot breath terribly easy. Everybody told me that I would feel great (apart from the wound) immediately after the operation. Not feeling ve...


young adults with pacers?

Hi everyone,

My name is Lexi. I'm 22 and just recently had my 3rd pacemaker put in. I had my first one at 10.

I am interested in hearing from some of the young adults who also have pacemakers/ cardiac issues. I feel very alone as far as having heart issues at my age. I don't know anyone else who does.

Every time I go to my cardiologist, I am the youngest person in the office. It is sometimes discouraging.
Please tell me about your experiences!! I would love...


Loosing Job due to PM/Defibrillator

Is anyone else out losing their job due the PM/Defibrillator being implanted. As a telephone, video and data installer, the doctor told me that I can no longer climb telephones, climb ladders and walk beams in attics for the PM/Defibrillator could shock my heart at any given moment possibly causing me to loose my balance, thereby causing me to have an accident. The company I work for said that since I can no longer perform some of my job duties, that they will have to let me go. That I could...



can anybody give me any advice on how to slow or stop pvc's



Hi its louise again,
I've been a bit silly and posted a message under my comments......sorry but the reason i was writing was because i haven't been feeling very good the last couple of days. Tuesday i lifted my arm above my shoulder level while putting my arm through a sleeve, didnt even think about it until i'd done it! Ever since i have felt like i have had the same symptoms as the day i got admitted. I haven't fainted but my heart has felt like it was racing, i've felt dizzy, anxious th...


Arm Pain

Hey everyone it's me again. Well since I talked to everyone last time I had to go back in and have 2 leads put back in that had come undone. WOW, I wonder if this will ever be over. I am having alot of pain in my left arm and shoulder. Has anyone had any problem like that? It only been 6 days since I had my second surgery and I go back in the see my doctor tomorrow. I had a friend that had knee surgery a week ago and he went back to see his doctor a week later, he was complaining of pain a...


to linis

i am currently having some dizziness and i am having anxiety i know how you feel about feeling lousy. i pray you get better as time goes by the meds you are on are most likely causing the dizziness.


anxiety feeling will it go away?

i had icd fire twice a couple of weeks ago . i was put on amioderone and my metropal was increased. i wanted to know if my anxiety will subside and if it is a good idea to take half a zanox a day


21yr old getting a pacemaker..

Hi I am a 21 year old female. I have a condition called IST, and a hole in my heart. I've been on soooo! Many medications, with little to no effect. I recently had ablation surgery and it didnt work : ( My IST is actually worse! The doctors now have informed me that I will be getting a pacemaker within the next month and a half...I'm really scared and was wondering if anyone can give me an insight on what it's like to live with one. Thanks all!

Amber : )


new member

hi there, i'm a new member and have just got out of the hospital. i've already had a defib. because of congestive heart failure (which fired once, no fun) but my heart rate was becoming too slow, in the 40's. so now i 'm fixed with a new model defib/pacemaker. what i was wondering if it's common the symptoms which i am experiencing
often, it feels like my heart is pounding right out of my chest.
the ticking/pumping is so strong a times it actualy wakes me up at night, especially if...


Dealing with pacemaker

  • by Lee
  • 2008-05-01 11:05:37
  • Coping

I am a 48 year old that just got my pacemaker in Nov 2007. I had passed out in the Summer & was told that it was because of menopause because they couldn't find anything wrong with all the test they did. In November l had 4 lightheadedspells along with feeling dizzy & having a hard time breathing. Then l passed right out on the floor, l then went to the hospital & found out l also have a menigioma benign tumour. Which the Doctor thought was why l was passing out & then after giving me medication...


You know you're wired when...

Your ICD has a better memory than you.

Member Quotes

I still feel great today and can’t stop feeling excited at my "new" life. Modern day miracles through medicine and electronic devices are amazing!