Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

thanks Cathryn :->

Hey girl
Thanks heaps for your message. Yep, looks like the Australian Army takes ALL kinds!! Hope all is well in your world. Actually, where IS your world??? That's the weird thing about this medium. we are anywhere and yet at the exact same place. Sometimes you just gotta love the www.....sometimes!
Take care, talk soon
Gonzi ( or Sasha to my civi mates) !!!


update on a soldier

hey all
Well for anyone out there that read my post almost exactly a year ago(Hey Hannah,Hey Cathryn), here is an update. It took me a lot of arguing, and a massive amount of support from both my doctors, my superiors and my partner, but we did it. I am now the first member with a pace maker who has been given the official ok to not only stay in the Army, but to chose the direction of my career with almost no restrictions. I still train hard, tho, at almost 39 now, and with the pacer doing...


cycling after pacer

Well it has been one year since I had my pacer installed Medtronic ADDR01011D
I cycle up to 300 miles per week and have entered several races including a 200km just 18 days after the pacer was installed. I found out that the Doctor that did the install did just an "out of the box" install and had to go to a different doctor for 2 adjustments. That took care of the problems I had (minor)
I have noticed that my Polar heart monitor will show readings of up to 230bpm but have no feeling...


St. Jude 5376 dual chamber pacemaker

Has anyone had difficulty adjusting to this pacemaker? After an extensive unsuccessful ablation for A-Fib, my A/V node was ablated necessitating the implant of this pacemaker, which was heralded to suppress A-Fib. For 9 months I could hardly walk from my car to my classroom ( a very short distance) while carrying a not so heavy bookbag and purse without stopping and leaning on the school building half-way. My doc said I was too anxious about it and it wasn't going to get any better. I went t...


Pilates Machine

I wanted to know if anyone has a pilates machine. The range of motion when doing pilates ropes, do they hurt the muscles around the pacemaker ? Sometimes when I do light weight training, it is tender around my pacemaker. Also, in general does anyone have tenderness around the pacemaker ? I have had the PM since 2002, and now it is tender ? Who the heck knows ??


Comment for sandy529

This is in response to Sandy 529 "having a hard time running now". I am 68 years young, very athletic, mostly a cyclist. 2 years ago I had an AV block necessitating implant of a medtronic dual chamber pacemaker. Immediately I was unable to achieve my former exertion levels, very frustrating. My cardiologist told me the pacemaker was limited to 150 bpm, and that I would have to live with that. I knew that I had prior been able to achieve much higher rates I was able to train my body to impr...


having a harder time running now...

I've had my pacemaker for 2 years now and I started running again about 2 months after having it installed. Things were ok as far as running was concerned and I actually was able to run further than I had ever been able to do. Recently though, after my last adjustment, I notice that I get really winded after only about a minute of running and I have to stop and walk for awhile. I don't seem to be able to get any significant progress with this.
Any ideas? I was diagnosed with complete heart...



i just had my 2 week checkup post implant and everything seems to be going ok, I want to get back to exercising specifically biking, was wondering what precautions i should take. With my upright bike i'm not too concerned but with my mtn bike i'm a little hesitant because of posture ie more strain on shoulders, arms, and wrists. I'm pacing 100% in my ventricles. any information on getting back into an exercising program would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



i have a friend, he is 68 yr,s old. just had a pm installed 3 weeks ago. his question is can he ride his atv?


Playsation and Rock Band

Not really a sport but only category it fit. I love my rock band on my playstation 3 but it does use radio freqency. The booklet does not mention pacers and I figure its low but I don't want to take a chance. Anyone into this game with a pacer? It is my de-stressor at the end of my day I hate to give up.


bike ride

Hi, My name is Marion I have had my pacemaker for the last 5 years, I am 58 years old. In fit of madness I have applied and been excepted to ride the London to Brigton bike race on 15th June, the distance is 54 miles. Am I heading for disaster, any tips and comments would be greatly appreciated. Llok forward to hearing from someone x


Pectoral placement

Hi all,

I am 44 and was diagnosed with AV block at end of Feb. Had my pacemaker placed the day after consultation with my primary cardiologist. He referred me to the electrophysiologist in his practice. She recommended (while I was on the table being prepped for the implantation) a "pectoral placement" since I am "so young". I consented and now my PM is over my right pectoral muscle, near my armpit. I am starting to wonder how great an idea that was. Do any of you have similar p...


Power Plate

Sorry me again, forgot to ask if it is safe to use a Power Plate. An exercise machine which vibrates. Any knowledge on this one please.



Well took on board what was said to me on one of my postings. I actually went for my first run, albeit on the flat and approximately 1 mile, but I did it. I don't know what I was expecting, but nothing happened. Obviously, my legs were like jelly as I have not ran since September last year, but no funnies.

So thank you for the push I needed.

I am seeing the cardiologist on Thursday for my last Test of Effort as it is called in France (bike stress test) so hopefully w...


HR Limits

My ICD upper limit is set at 190 bpm. If I accidentally go over by 20 or 30, will it automatically pace or fire? Or does it intervene only if it senses an abnormal rhythm, (i.e RV tach)?


Weight training post PM

There are some observed contradictions from my doc and his pacemaker staff about weight training post PM. My doc has always said that I could do 'pretty much anything I wanted to after 2 months. I am now at 12 weeks. The pacemaker nurses tell me not to do anything overhead like presses or pull downs. When I asked the doc he said it was OK but don't do anything real 'heavy'. He also told me that he had placed the PM taking into consideration my 'active' routine. He said the leads are under the co...


Irregular pulse after walking....

Hello Everyone,

I had my PM put in last June of '07. Just recently I began walking a little a the school behind my home. Only on level land on the sidewalk.

Well, yesterday evening, I decided to walk further. I strolled about twice as far as usual and a little bit of it was uphill.

Since completing the walk I have had irregular heart beats. Feels like flutters and skips off and on. Today is a little better, but, I still have them off and on.

I had the...


what Can I do

I am a 50 year old fire fighter that will be having a PM next week, The doctor said I am missing a beat' My heart rate drops to 35 beats a minute and to over 90. I all so have atrilfibilation. Have have been active my whole life. I love my job, I sail,Snow ski, Backpack, Rv camping,.
I need to know If I will ever be on a fire engine again, or do any of the things that I love doing? Will workers comp take this case? what is my recovery time?


Polar monitor or PM malfunction?

I recently rejoined the gym and have been experiencing odd readings on my Polar monitor. It will jump to above my high rate then show a reading of anywhere from 0 to 140 then level off. It primarily happens when doing isometric exercises for core strengthening as opposed to on cardio equipment. I wore it outside the gym to rule out interference from equipment and it happens when at rest also, although not as frequently. Since I'm not sensitive to fluctuations in my heart rate, I can't real...


Protective chest gear

Has anyone tried to make their own chest protector. I've been experimenting with ace bandages but there must be something better and more comfortable. I had some suggestions of shirts to buy but they are too bulky and hot for the desert here in Tucson.
Thanks Mary


You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

But I think it will make me feel a lot better. My stamina to walk is already better, even right after surgery. They had me walk all around the floor before they would release me. I did so without being exhausted and winded the way I had been.