Most Recent Messages in Exercise & Sports

Feeling the PM

I am now entering week 2 since my PM implant. Does it ever get to the point when you no longer feel it or it stops restricting your movement. When I move my left arm, I can feel the pressure created of this metal device pushing against my shoulder. Does it settle overtime so that you regain complete mobility or is that something I should reckon with?



Dressage and PM

Happy thanksgiving to all. I just had a PM implanted a week and a half ago. I am 57 years old and fairly active. My passion though is riding horses. Any others out there with a similar interest? Although I do Dressage, is there anything to worry about???



Heart Rate Monitor

I'm working out more and I would like to get a heart rate monitor w/o the chest strap. I have a PM since 99, with 2 leads and I'm due for a battery change out 2008. Any suggestions. PS thanks for the email about the recall.



Good news day! I had a Guidant pm installed in 2005.
HR had dropped to 30 on a bike ride. Normal resting pulse was about 52. Now participating in veterans' bike races - lowest grade- not too hard. My only slight concern is that during a ride my pulse sometimes goes over 150 (a couple of times at 160). I believe at aged 74 my max should be around 150. Any comments? Matelot


It is over . . .

Thanks for all the well wishes and thoughts posted in response to my earlier message . . . “It is time”.

PM installed as planned yesterday morning for sinus node dysorder. I have the expected soreness in left shoulder pocket area. My EP described the procedure as a textbook case. I had some nausea when standing within first few hours afterwards but 8 hours later I was able to walk around normally. I took only 2 pain pills yesterday and now I am dealing with it using Tylenol. My h...


Signed up for a PM

All of the encouraging stories here finally made me throw in the towel after 5 yrs of problems with exercise (and after) with a slow rate. I'm getting a PM early next year. I am looking forward to running again. It's been years since I've been able to run or even jog slowly for more than a few hundred yards.

I have a couple of questions. (1)I finally found out that my complication is that in addition to a slowing sinus node when I start to exercise, I also have a junctional rhythm tha...


Back to the gym

Well, I am now 9 days post PM implant and doing well. Mildly freaked out by the PM with this heart rate so much faster then I'm used too plus with the rate response just going up a couple of flights of stairs brings me to 100! Just not used to that. I went back to the gym tonight for a bit of running and had I'm sure some common problems. Anyway I thought I would throw out there and see if someone had a miracle answer!

1) Has anyone figured out a solution to the sports bra problem? I...


Can I deer hunt with a riffle?

Just had a pacemaker put in on October 18th, 2007. Had my first post op check up on Nov. 1st. Doc says everything looks great. Next appointment is in 3 months. I am right-handed. I understand that I may be able to shoot a riffle come hunting season Nov.15th, but, definitely couldn't drag or dress out the deer. I understand about the lifting heavy things. Has anyone out there had any hunting experiences that they would share with me. Thanks


It is time . . .

I have participated and conversed a few times in this forum. For some I have had exchanged stories in the private email feature. But I am different from most members here; I do not have a PM. That is about to change.

On November 13th, I am lined up for a procedure to address my sinus node dysorder. I was a runner for many years of my adult life but funky things begin to happenin 2004 when I tried to train. Each year it became progressively worse until finally it was identified th...


Do anything???

Hi all, this is my first post here. I'm 3 months post pm implant. I'm 43 and was fairly active up to about 3 years ago when I broke my right foot and slowed down a bit...and then about a year ago started feeling sob and an irregular heart beat. Thought I was just getting really out of shape...

I've been an AVID backpacker - out for 8 -10 day trips - carrying around 60 lbs. I've been an avid paddler -swiftwater and flat water. I've climbed, biked, rafted, dog-sledded... I work...



Hello folks,
I am new to the forum but I have had a device implant since the early nineties. I received the implant when I was in my 20s due to an ablation procedure. I was a very active adult who occasionally experienced SVT with exercise.

I thought I would briefly share my experience since then. I should state that I do not have an ICD so the risk of shocks is not something I need to consider. I am primarily at risk for lead fracture or device failure, or device/lead-relate...


Question please re: Heart Monitor

I'm 3 weeks post-op for a Medtronic Dual Chamber Pacer. My question is regarding the safety in using a Polar heart rate monitor. I have the type that utilizes a chest strap for the sensors and the wrist-watch style read-out. Do you all think it is OK to use such a monitor or can it somehow interfere with the Pacemaker. I'm thinking it should be OK, and I really don't want to call the docs office with this question. I was told by the Doctor at my first check-up that I could walk on the tread...


Outboard motors

I have a St jude p/m installed in August of 07. I was told not to use a chain saw because of a problem from ignition interference. I sold the saw, but now I'm wondering about outboard motor's ignition systems. Does anybody have any info on that.


New Guy

I am 54 years old. I have worked as a Firefighter/Paramedic for 27 years and have been an avid hiker and Backpacker longer than that. I Just got my Pm a month ago after being diagnosed with SSS and Bradycardia. When the doctor told me I needed a PM I asked him 2 questions. Will I be able to continue working at my job and can I still go backpacking. He said get a desk job and go fishing instead. I would have walked out of the office except my wife gave me that look (you know the look) so here I...


ready to push the limits

Hi Gang, I just found this site and immediately registered. I'm only 2 weeks post-op but the swelling is gone and I've resumed biking (and was walking from day one). I was a competitive distance runner for 45 years so I'm chomping at the bit to race again. I have a PM currently set at 60-105 but my cardiologist is aware of my excessive addiction to aerobic activity and said it will just stop feed-back when I exceed the device's programmed upper limit (which I'm sure I've already achieved several...



My pacemaker was implanted in August and I am anxious to get back to throwing the hammer. Do you think this can happen without pulling the leads. Some have said stay away from that activity, Any help appreciated also what wt. Training exercises should be avoided? Thanks, Gary



I have a St. Judes zephyr xl dr 5926 pacemaker. It has been 6 weeks since I had it installed. My surgeon told me its ok to lift weights again. Today I lifted for the first time. After my workout I felt around the pacemaker with my fingers and have like a little slit or notch on the edge of the pacemaker facing my shoulder. From what I remember before my workout I thought it was a complete smooth circle. Am I just panacking?
Help...let me know if anyone has this same device.


Anyone do Curves?

I have exercised at Curves for the past 2 yrs with tremendous success. Has anyone here exercised there before and were you able to return. I had to give up the treadmill because of arthritis in my hip. Since my PM I've been walking to get exercise but I sure would like to return to Curves someday.


How Long?

I am having an ICD implanted in early November. How long must I wait before I can play golf again?


change doctors?

Hi- I am an active 67-year-old in excellent physical condition from a small southern city. A few weeks ago I went to a cardiologist because I'd occasionally been feeling light-headed. Monitor recording disclosed pauses up to 3.65 seconds. The cardiologist told me that I had sick sinus syndrome and needed a pacemaker. Other doctors agreed, so I picked one of those docs to do the implantation and went in to him with a detailed list of my activities (backpacking, climbing to 20,000 feet, white...


You know you're wired when...

Your favorite poem is “Ode to a Cardiac Node”.

Member Quotes

I'm 35 and got my pacemaker a little over a year ago. It definitely is not a burden to me. In fact, I have more energy (which my husband enjoys), can do more things with my kids and have weight because of having the energy.