Most Recent Messages

Almost 3 months now!

Hi everybody!

56 year old here..........

October 7th will be 3 months for's funny that for the past few months I've had little or no reaction to this change in my life. I have noticed this past week that I'm starting to focus on the PM and having somewhat of a reality check.

It bothers me that the whole thing took place, but I also recognize the value and benefit that it has afforded me.

It almost seems like a delayed stress or anxiety reaction...


I'm still laughing

Hi there all, I just read a posting from pacerkid. And it has my laughing my @## off.

Since I had my implant done I've seen a lot of folks here showing and sharing a lot of fear and tears. But this is great.
It'll make you laugh and boy does that feel good. :)

Pacerkid hit the nail right on the head.

Could you imagine having a re-tracable AC cord attached to your belt or a braclet. And when someone asks you about your PM or IDC you just look them straight...


Thankyou so much!!!

Thanks to all of you who took the time to answer my post and offer all your support! I just knew that talking to others who have gone through this experience and are doing well would help me cope! I look forward to the day when I can help someone get through the initial post-op period and beyond as a veteran. Not trying to be sappy, but just the fact that you guys took the time to reply brought tears to my eyes, so as you can see, still a little emotional here. I'm sure I'll have many more qu...


Nerve Endings

Well its been 12 weeks since I had the pm put in, in the last two weeks i've had these sharp burning pains around the site and they are getting worse. The site and around seem to be hurting more than when i first had it put in. Talked to the nurse she said that its the nerves around it and it can take up to a year before it gets any better. Just wonder if anyone else has had this problem and what helps if anything?? Thanks Stacy


general info

hi ive just had my pm fitted at the age of 24.2/10/07. i just wanted to know is it safe for me drink to drink alcohol so soon after the op.and how long before i can play sports again


Plug me up?!

Ok This is no Joke When I was little my mom was in the waiting room holding me and a lady came up to her and they started talking after awile of talking the fact of me having a pacer came up . When my mom told her that she said oh ...where do you plug her up ?My mom just stared at the lady and told her that we did not plug me up anywhere .Really what my mom wanted to say was we push a little button in her back an a cord comes out of her butt and we plug her up to the wall! In conclusion ... som...


Does anyone use Byetta?

Good morning. I was just wondering if anyone with diabetes is using the new pen Byetta. I just got the pen 2 weeks ago and am very pleased with my blood sugars. Diabetes and heart disease usually go hand in hand. I have a difibrillator that was one year old in Aug.

I have been told that I might lose some weight with Byetta. Boy, I sure hope so. But the main thing is to get my HbA1c test down to normal. My last test it was 7.1%. My sugar has been running 78, 88, and 91 before...


Still dizzy?

Hello out there,
I just had my PM installed last week. I had slow rate of 40-43 when sitting still for a few minutes. No problem with jogging or excercise as my heart responds normally to excercise. They set my resting rate at 60 and I am still feeling dizzy much like prior the PM. However, I have much more energy and do not feel fatigued as before. Has anyone experienced continued dizzy after PM. Does it go away? Am I just getting used to the new amount of blood and oxygen? Any helpful adv...


Nervous "Pacer"

I'm a Newbie both to this site and to having a Pacemaker. In fact I just had it implanted On Monday, 3 days ago. I could sure use a little reassurance that all will be well from all you veterans. I am 54 yo, suffered from tachycardia for yrs and then Whammo, developed an intermittent block that made life miserable, I guess it was a Tachy-Brady Syndrome type thing. At the moment I'm bruised and sore, and worry often that I might have one of those "complications" I've been reading about, you kno...


Sudden soreness

Hey Everybody,
I got my PM installed on June 27th and really haven't had to many issues with it. However in the past few days I noticed some minor aches and pains around the PM site and also under my armpit and shoulder. It is not constant, but it feel almost like a sore muscle and sometimes a quick sharp pain.
Has anyone experienced anything like this? I am nervous that maybe one of my leads came loose, please help if you have had a similar situation.


New Lead Needed

Hi all,

Well I used to be on here when I first got my pacemaker inserted and always find this site to be useful and helpful.
I'm a 28 year old female and have had a pacemaker for three years now. I have bradycardia and heartblock. Recently I've been tired and stuff. I decided to go get the pacemaker checked just in case it was the problem.

At the check up they noticed something and sent me for x-rays and they confirmed my lead is fractured. Now it's still working ok i...


The Phone-check thing

Hi, all! I'm new to the website, just found ya'll a few hours ago. I think this is awesome.

ME: 38 yo whi female, pm inserted on 7/10/07. I have never received the phone attachment for my pacemaker check (my 3 month check is due next week). I'm having a terrible time getting the nurses at my doc's office to call me back.

My question is this: can I contact the "company" or whoever does these checks on my own to inquire about getting me set up for this?


Pacemaker causing A-fib

Has anyone heard of their pacemaker causing Atrial Fib? Seems like everytime i bounce up and down or ride in a vehicle and go over some bumps...I go into atrial fib.. causing alot of symptoms! Its almost becoming a daily event. Also been having alot of pain in carotid artery in neck and it goes up in my head on left side behind ear! Im really scared its been going on now about 2 months now and getting worse and more frequent! If anyone can shine some light on this i would greatly appriciate it!...


Photo Album Almost a reality!

Hello Friends,

With the generosity of many we are just $60.00 from our goal of $500.00 for our photo album which Blake will produce for this online forum. Thank you to all who have contributed. I know that in short order we will meet the final goal and our Photo Album will become a reality! Blessings to all.



Up date

Hi everyone just letting you all know on an up date of what's happening, well today I had my PM check up and everything went well, although I was about to ask about why I was put on 3 months appointment, they exsplained that 1 of the wires was'nt working well and was just a precaution.
Anyway I have yet to see the cardiologist about recent chest pains that I've been getting so I will keep you all informed.
Angie :)



I haven't been here in quite a while. I've been trying to just live my life and pretend I don't have a bad heart. I had my pacemaker implanted on Halloween, two years ago. As far as I know everything was going well. Before the pacemaker I had two open heart surgeries to implant a porcine mitral valve. That story is way too complex to rehash here.

Anyway......I went to have my PM interrogated about two weeks ago and the EP told me that it was pacing my ventricle and apparently i...



Well I thought I might stir up a hornets nest with my comment on shorter battery life. The good news is that some of the brilliant engineers and scientists are looking at postings on this site. It is important for them to understand what the end users are thinking even if it is misguided. They need ouPeterr feedback as well as we need thier encouragement with news about the latest developements. So if you are working in the industry dont be afraid to join this site as any information will be gra...


Why only ten most recent?

Why, all of a sudden do only ten of the most recent posts/messages appear when I click on "recent messages" on the left column?..... I had changed that to bring up 25 or so. I can't find where I change it again..

I must be missing something.



Need your opinion


I am an industrial design student doing my thesis on the pacemaker phone-checks/ transmitter box. Through my personal experience I have found it difficult to find a working Land Line that I can use to do my phone checks. I would appreciate any personal accounts on what you find easy and difficult when using your transmitter box for over the phone check-ups. Stories, experiences, anything would be helpful.

Thank you


Bouncing on undulating streets and roads

Hi. I'm a newby to the forum and fairly new to my PM. I got it in December of 06 when my heart paused a little too long while I was in ER with some bad afibs.

I really don't know much about the PM, which is a Medtronic Enrhythm, but will learn more I hope on October 8 when I see the cardio PM specialist. She did not install the PM, but did check it at 45 days. It also was checked at about 5 months by the Medtronic technician. Over all I am okay with it. I don' t notice it and it...


You know you're wired when...

Your signature looks like an EKG.

Member Quotes

Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.