Most Recent Messages

Annual review - positive experience

Contacted my NHS hospital yesterday, leaving a message on their recorder to broach the subject of upping my Maximum Tracking Rate. I have been having problems of breathlessness with vigorous exercise and have monitor evidence of exceeding current maximum and provoking 2:1 block.

They called me back within 45 minutes and gave me an apppointment for this morning.

I have a Biotronik Enitra 8 DR-T. They accessed the online data that my bedside box has been transmitting nightly for a y...


Arm movement impeded


My 14 year old son had his pacemaker implanted at 11. He has grown a lot since then, and especially lately. His pacemaker is now somewhat impeding his arm movement in that he cannot lift his arm more than 90 degrees up towards the front without great discomfort. When trying to lift it all the way up, the pacemaker bulges and looks as if it's close to the armpit. Moving the arm out to the side is fine. Do you think this kind of movement is normal with growth? 


Impact of lowest (or low) doses tolerated in heart medications

I have a question about doseage tolerations and how it impacts your lifespan with heart failure. As it happens, I am not able to take more than 12.5mg of Carvedilol twice daily, a very low dose; and I can only take half of the lowest dose of Entresto due to it raising my potassium level too high. All of the research I've done indicates that my life expectancy with my conditions is poor because I can't take very much of my medications. Are there people here who have successfully taken...


Defib and stress


I was faced with an irate confrontation today. I tried to stay calm but felt threatened and intimidated so my heart went into ventricular tachycardia, and my defib went off, twice!

 I'll talk to the doctor and they'll probably up my meds, but I'm wondering how others with stress related symptoms cope. I try to avoid confrontations and used to exercise but haven't been able to due to long Covid and musculoskeletal issue's.

I find the fea...


3 Month Upload Report - Questions Abound!

I see my Cardiologist next Tuesday but with the bevvy of street savvy folks on this site, why wait!  

So I've got all 50 page of the report that were dropped into my EMR.  Bottom line seems to be that the pacemaker is functioning just fine and has about 11.5 years of life.  All nice!  However, I'm trying to decode of the summaries and want to know if I'm on the right track.

Background: Metronic Azure placed for CAP secondary to a LBBB.  No othe...


Impact from resting position

Sleeping 2-3 hours is fine, then I wake up "feeling bad". Somtimes some kind of palpitaion wakes me, mostly I don't know the reason.

Sometimes I feel like my body hasn't been "rinsed" properly. (And we are NOT talking 'bout hangovers ...)

The best cure seems to be "getting up for real" and walk around for 30 minutes.

I also feel fine after being up 20-40 minutes in the morning.  Seems my body works best when not in "lowest...



Has anyone tried these for welding 



Pacemaker 5 years coming up now. No issues. Bradycardia and 3rd degree heart block. Going to San Francisco and alaska in 3 weeks. Helicopter ride think just nervous any tips! For any of it!  Thank you. It is the farthest I have been and think that is what is unnerving me. 


Biotronik messenger.

I have recently purchased online a Biotroniik  home monitoring device from USA. I live in NZ. I havent been able to register it. When i try to register i get to the end of all the questions then it says something went wrong and that ishould wait a week. Thats a few weeks now. My Pacemaker tech told me the app doesnt work in NZ. Anyone know about this. Thanks Colin.


Ear Buds

Hi all

Does anyone know whether it's safe to use blue tooth ear buds with a pmkr?  

Thank you 



3 Weeks Post - Bright Yellow Fluid from Pacemaker Removal Incision

Anyone else experience a very bright yellow fluid? Incision is healing very well. A steristrip came off overnight and I have a very runny bright yellow fluid a tiny bit of blood - no smell or discharge.





Is there a active pacemaker site on Facebook?


Where is everyone from…..

Where is everyone from?


Lead extraction scheduled

Hi all,

I finally found the right surgeon and hospital to perform my lead extraction (I got two opinions both doctors wanted to extract the old leads)

I will be going to Cedar Sinai in  Los Angeles Nov 5th for extraction of all four leads. 26 & 16 years old as well as the implant of a new pacemaker (hopefully this time back to my left side; non dominant) and two new leads. (He wanted to do a wireless but i definitely do not want that) way too new of technology and twice t...


Remote vs. In Clinic PM Evaluation

Is remote monitoring a better option than peridic monitoring in Dr.'s office?

I have a Medtroncs PM, implanted at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore in July 2022. They sent me home with a remote monitor and a quarterly PM evaluation report posts to my medical record. Unfortunately, my local cardiologist (the one that referred be for a TAVR and pacemaker) is not in the Hopkins network and has no interest in reading/discussing the Hopkins  quarterly evaluation reports; instead,...


Gerry and the Pacemakers

I saw this quote on here from someone else and now of course it has a completely different context.

I wonder if Gerry was thinking about IPGs when he or his group came up with that name?

I doubt it.

In my imagination, I can see Gerry belting out You'll never walk alone with his backing group of two lead pacemakers strumming their guitars and bashing the drums at 60 BPM.

Gerry could always get together with the Mersybeats.


Going through it

Hi everybody- names Chris, 53 year old male, 3rd degree heart block. Implanted about 4 months ago and back to work. I have been feeling pretty good until  recently, have been dealing with reflux and nausea. All that is fine, but mentally I've been watching my Apple Watch hit 60 bpm more regularly and I know that if the PM wasn't there I probably wouldn't be writing this post. It's just.. I'm going through a lot existentially right now. I'm pretty young to hav...


Dr. Andrea Natale

Any members had procedures performed by Dr. Natale.


Quarterly Download, ectopic beats and Front Squats

Sorry for the economy of posts here, but I have a couple of quick questions:

1) On Monday I'll have my first remote download.  Will I notice this when its happening?

2)  On the exercise front, any particular opinons about doing barbell front squats? I'm a bit cautious  given the proximtry of some of the lead connections that I can palpate to the underside of my collar bone.

3) Since placement 10 weeks ago, I've experienced an "ectopic par...


Reclining beds and pacemaker

Soo I plan to order a reclining bed for my mom who I take care of. However,  I am wondering if these reclining electrical beds interfere with pacemakers since I will be near the bed most times. 
I asked the store if the bed has magnets or does it interfere with pacemakers and they didn't provide concrete answers. 

Does anyone know if these beds interfere with pacemakers? 




You know you're wired when...

The meaning of personal computer is taken a step further.

Member Quotes

So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.