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Test results from CRT-D, what do they mean?

  • by R2D2
  • 2024-06-21 21:23:31
  • ICDs

I just got my test results back today from my device and have NO idea what they mean. But the hundreds of PVC's per hour (if that's right) has be really concerned. I could be reading it wrong, but I wish the doctor would send a little note with them giving me basic explainations for all of it.

interpretation Summary NICM with LBBB/PHTN-primary prevention Medtronic Claria CRT-D Anticoagulation: No _____ Longevity/Battery: 7.9yr Stable lead trends Presenting without PVCs Percent p...


Pacemaker home monitor

I have had a pacemaker for 13 years. The first one was 10 years and now my second one is 3 years. I have a StJude with Merlin home remote. It is still working on a landline which costs me $60 a month. They once before, about 5 years ago sent me the equipment to make it WiFi. It didn't work with our Wi-Fi for some reason so I just stayed with the landline 

Well my remote I have is beat. I'm getting calls asking if it's working because they haven't seen it. So today I...





        Has anyone ever had their pacemaker vibrate or buzz when they hit the ERI window? I've had a pacer for 26+ years and I've never experienced this. What does it feel like? Will it be noticeable? Will it wake me up?





Climbing, Swimming and Strength Training - Safe to do?

As well as being a competitive Cyclist I have always supplemented my training with other activities such as rock climbing / bouldering, strength training, yoga and swimming.

I have had mixed advice in regard to which exercises are safe to do due to the positioning of the leads that enter the subclavicle vein. I have been told by some doctors that repetition of movement in pull ups, for example, will cause excessive flexing and crushing of the lead under the clavicle bone and will p...


Why doesn't the auto mode switch of my pacemaker prevent all pacemaker medicated tachycardia episodes?

Why doesn't the auto mode switch of my pacemaker prevent all pacemaker medicated tachycardia episodes?


Medical Bracelet

So I have been wondering if getting a medical bracelet is a good idea for those with pacemakers. 

anyone own one? 


re entresto

Thankyou too the two responses to my Entresto questions....i havent had a Covid injection for a while now so cant blame that, i did have a bit of a heavy cold though that may have triggered the had blood tests an x ray..awaiting results...chrs for your thoughts, Dave


Sinus pauses=pacemaker choice


I am 55 and haveng a paceaker 7/10.  I am wondering if anyone is/was in a smilar situation?

I was diagnosed with Bradycardia 4 years ago-no symptoms.  Wearing a monitor noticed sinus pauses of 3 seconds, not sytmptoms. Has continued for a few years, then pauses recently went to 5 seconds, and have a loop recoarder. All puases in day-and I have no symptoms. Recent puase was 3 seconds, 2 beat, then 5 seconds. still did not notice. Since times are gradually increasing m...


Returning to Competitive Cycle training

I am now trying to rebuild my fitness and return to a more reasonable level of Cycling but continue to struggle with the lack of information regarding this process. My question is about what the correct settings should be for the Pacemaker.

I have a full heart block and had my Pacemaker fitted on October 23 2023. On December 4th I had a DVT in the subclavicle vein. I have had this fully cleared through tests of my blood clotting proving normal although I have one final test to ensure my...


Paced percentages

Curious ...

what's the percentage of pacing for your artrial and ventricle?


my atrial is 100% paced 

ventricle 70% paced


i read that ventricle pacing over 40% increases your chance of heart failure... anyone have info on this?

for people that are 100% atrial and ventricle paced do they rely solely on rate response to help tell there heart how fast to beat?


thanks for all your answers and info!




I get my pacemaker interrogatories every 3 months, but I don't know how to read them. Basically I want to learn how often i use the pacemaker in the course of a day. I have bradycardia and don't need the pacemaker full time but would like to have an idea how often it is used and try to make improvements on that. 

Thank you to anyone who can tell me how to read a report to that effect.




New pacemaker in 9 year old

Just wanted to put a little post on, my daughter, 9 years old, has just got her first pacemaker last week. The difference in her is incredible! All my fears since finding out about her heart block when I was 24 weeks pregnant until the moment she was in recovery after her operation have calmed and I just look at my amazing little girl quickly recovering being more funny vibrate and raring to go than ever before. What a magic machine she has inside of her and what a wonderful medical team she...


MRI Conditioned/Compatible

My new Dr. at an Advanced Heart Failure clinic I was just referred to wants me to get a cardiac MRI done to see if they can figure out why I had such a quick slide into heart failure.  I received a message that my ICD was not MRI compatible and they moved up my video appointment to discuss the possible risks of doing it anyway.  I spoke with the Dr.'s nurse because my local cardio says his records show it is MRI compatible.  The nurse said it might be a case of the generato...


ICD Repacing

A week ago, I had some rapid HR on a Sunday, and messaged my EP asking if anything was caught in the nightly download of info.  I got a call back telling me that "no", nothing was flagged or alerted and sent to email, but they had me do an interrogation then.  It showed 2 episodes of VT about a minute a part and showed the ICD was able to repace the heart both times.  (Good to know it's working..)  My question:  Would one expect for a repacing due to VT...


AV Node Ablation

I wrote on 13th June about my high heart rates. Anyway I went to see my cardiologist yesterday and an ECG showed I was in AF and this is why I have felt unwell. We discussed the options. To cut a long story short, we agreed that I would have an AV Node ablation. Things were explained to me and my wife and I have also looked on line about the procedure. I will be totally dependent on my CRT-D for pacing but I can stop taking amiodarone. There is a 3 to 4 month waiting time on the NHS. Do any o...



Hi all..its been a while since I have posted....have been really happy and fit as a fiddle...( Until a recent flu bug got me!)

So just wondering if anyone out there is taking Entestro and had any long term effects of it apart what the drug is suposed to do..I have been happily taking it for 3 years now and not only has it boosted my ejection fraction but i can almost recreate like a teenager.Lat night i got rigors and I wondered if it was from the Entestro..? I do suffer asthma and...


New pacemaker

I just had my pacemaker put in last Thursday and I go for my first follow up tomorrow. I'm glad because I feel like my chest is jumping all over the place inside. It leaves me feeling jittery and breathless, kind of nauseous. Anyone else experienced this?


Pacemaker rate too low?


I have had my pacemaker since August, 2020 after suffering complete heart block.

i have severe fatigue and tiredness all the time.

Tge pacemaker is set at 60 BPM, but prior to my complete heart block, my resting pulse was pretty high, like 85-93.

i am going to talk to my cardiologist, but do you think if they raise the setting on my pacemaker to 70 or even 75+ it will help alleviate my severe fatigue?


Upon death - pacemaker donation

I'm in the process of redoing my Will and was wondering if anyone had experience with donating pacemakers after death.  I've read that they can be refurbished and used in dogs and that there is a program associated with the University of Michigan that sends them to impoverished countries.  I was wondering if anyone has any experience with setting up paperwork to assure this occurs and if it needs to be in my Will.  I'm a designated organ doner as well.


Dofetilide, the hospital, and me

I've just returned from 3 1/2 days in the hospital. Wasn't fun because I felt perfectly fine, but was tied to the bed 24 hours/day due to the constant monitoring. The results weren't great (hopefully someone here will tell me I'm wrong about that :). They started me on 250mcg. Dofetilide is given to you twice a day with lots of EKGs and blood draws in-between, night and day, in addition to the 24 hr/day monitor leads constantly attached. They took me to 500mcg, but soon r...


You know you're wired when...

Jerry & The Pacemakers is your favorite band.

Member Quotes

Stay positive and remember that your device is your new best friend.