Most Recent Messages

Website update

Like Newtopace, I privately messaged admin yesterday with concerns about security here. No response. 

I am not a Facebook user, but I do see on pacemakerclub Facebook site that they're announcing a new site.  

Posted yesterday , it depicts a megaphone with the words: Pacemaker Club Members- we heard you!  

Coming Soon: A New

We're committed to creating a supportive, engaging, and dynamic forum for everyone. Stay t...


Airport security scanners

I know this has been covered before but the replies are from a few years back. I wonder what was the current opinion about passing through them. In my mind there are three types:

1. The archway that you first walk through after putting your baggage on the conveyor to be XRayed

2. The box you stand in if something has triggered on the walk through

3. The hand held wand that whizzes over your body.

I have somewhere a pacemaker card but am travelling tomorrow and if...


The countdown has started

Had my second 3 monthly virtual clinic yesterday which is the run up to my second replacement.

Virtual clinic is upload pacemaker data and get a phone call.

Next appointment probably October face to face.

Estimated battery life 7 to 16 months.

Hoping that this time they get me in before the pacemaker does something unexpected like change mode.

The ectopics that plagued me last year seem to have stopped and it was suggested that I reduce the Bisoprolol dose to 5 m...


Pacemaker and dental work

Hello all,

So I've been a pacemaker dependent for about 35 years... third degree heart block. I use to have braces and got those removed a while ago..I'm really good with caring my teeth. Brushing twice a day, flossing, mouth wash... yada yada...

now I am very much afraid of the dentist...  I think I'm more afraid of the antibiotics and the affects of my pacemaker... even though I never had issues before. My cardiologist suggested I take antibiotics for teeth...



On my fifth PM for the last few days been having ribcage discomfort ,chest feels heavy ,just feeling unwell. 


Should I contact my doctor




Stuffy noses

I wake-up with blocked nose every morning for the last 6 weeks, had my pacemaker 5 years ago, although this is hayfever season in uk and taking one 180mg  fexofenadine hydrochloride tablet daily, eased off total nose blockage allows me to breathe, but lots of mucus comes out of my noses before clearing up.

The following day the same problem repeatedly. 

Any advice would be appreciated 


Sotalol vs metoprolol

Thanks to all who posted about these medicines. I learned enough that I feel comfortable asking my doctor to put me back on metoprolol.


Young Adults - Anyone had luck with the vital beat protection product?

G'day all,

I'm a 23yr old with 2 pacemakers (must've forgot to remove the old one during my surgery!) and I've lived a solid life of sports, however aside from my full-time role, I box a significant amount and spar. Thing is however, I used to have my pacemaker implanted under my ribs so it was very well protected so I never had issues, until I got the new one which is implanted up on my chest area quite significantly exposed.

Since the new implant for the past yea...



My name is Tim and I had a Medtronic pacemaker inserted on February 20 for Congenital Progressive Heart Block. My mom has it and her mom had it. I have known since I had a heart block since I was 24 years old and am now 57. My cardiologist said I should ride my bicycle "as much as possible ". So that's what I have been doing.  My site itches like crazy and the seatbelt hurts. My pacemaker has needed some adjustments, but I feel great. Does anyone else have Congenital Progre...


Sotalol vs metoprolol

I had been on metoprolol since My afib diagnosis about three years ago. Since my heart started stopping for seconds at a time, I had a pacemaker implant about two years ago.  I felt I was doing fine, and so did my cardiologist. About six months ago, my cardiologist left, and I can't get in with a new one until December.  An electrophysiologist in the same practice called me about three months ago and said he was switching me from metoprolol to Sotalol. Since then, I have ha...


Biotronik settings and maybe a Consultation ...

I had a Biotronik Entira 8 DR fitted in August 2023 to treat complete heart block.

In respect of the symptoms I was cured instanty.  But I am a very active 63 year old and have struggled to get my fitness back.

Ahead of my first check-up in late 2023 and at the suggestion of someone on this forum ("Penguin") I contacted Biotronik, and the helpful Tech Director called me and suggested having CLS enabled.

I'm not sure if this improved things.  My heart...


Hard time dealing

I had my PM placed in May 2024. It was a fast process from the diagnosis to the placement I didn't have much time to process anything. Since the surgery my QOL has decreased. I'm in constant pain at the incision site, my body rejected the stitches and started "spitting" them (imagine fishing line coming out of your chest, terrifying) Feeling of pressure, pulling, pinching, ect... I work as a nurses aide and it's physically demanding, the cardiologists office gave me 4 we...


sending a PM and not getting an answer, or answer a query and not get a response

I sent a PM  to "admin"  "private message" and did not get a reponse.  About what is not happening on this site with the new owners.  Do not know  about you but to me that is quite rude.  Of course we deal most of the time with those who ponder their needs and when we respond they do not.

Do not know which is worse.

new to pace


Fitness Watch HR below lower Tracking Rate Setting

I know that fitness watches are not the most reliable monitors for HR, but I have to ask.  

Since getting my PM two months ago, my Polar watch (which has optical HR tracking and is worn on my non-dominant wrist - left for me), has never gone below 60 which is where my lower tracking rate is set.  Makes sense.  However, these last 10 days or so, I'm seeing repeated HR's in the low 50's on my watch. The low rates come when I'm sitting or sleeping.  Is t...



I was wondering if anyone else has had issues with pacs.  This is the first time I've had them and I'm not sure what started them, but I sure wish they would go away.  Hate the erratic, skipped beats feelings that they cause.  I had been feeling very dizzy, sob and light headed, so my dr had me wear a holter and it showed a very frequent amount of pacs.  He had said that I may need to go on medicine for them.  Anyone know if you can get rid of them with progra...


Pacemaker icrtd and microphone

Hi my name is Andrew and am soon to be fitted with an icrtd pacemaker. I am a musician and sing a lot. Is it safe for me to use a microphone. I use sm 58 s mainly folk music. I use a jcb portable pa but mainly on mains electricity. 




cycling pacing

I am an active cyclist and  I am finding my hr can only go to 112 and then immediatedly drops to 51 bpm .    I am tired and would like to continue my progress cycling.   I have been to my medtronic clinic where a very nice technician has tried to reset my pacemaker twice.   The clinic does not have experience with someone as active as me.    Does anyone else have this problem?  

Mobitz type 2 heart block Feb 2023


Cyclist & active people read

Hi all

I have always been 100% paced in my ventricle yet my atrium has been only about 30% paced. That recently changed to 71% and had been affecting my activity level and endurance when working out in the gym and hiking.
I went in for rate response to be turned on and after a month noticed no changes.


long story short the Medtronic rep recently changed my settings completely and it's been a huge help in my active lifestyle!

she told me she doesn't...


Aveir LPM implant two days ago

60M. Happy to have found this community. After months of dealing with chronotropic incompetence secondary to an ablation for afib, I had a pacemaker implanted yesterday morning (Aveir Leadless, Atrial). Other than my SA Node, which still produces a p-wave but stalls at around 120bpm, my conduction system is intact (multiple 12-lead ECGs are normal), so single chamber atrial pacing with rate response was recommended and was the approach taken.

The procedure took about 2 hours, a lit...


I want my money back🥲🥲

My electrophysiologist recommended Boston scientific  ACCOLADE MRI EL pace maker  due to its long life. 

Got it put in on 6/15/2024

first interrogation on 6/19/2024 showed 15 years battery life

second interrogation on 6/30/2024 showed  11.5 years battery life

comments are spprreciated



You know you're wired when...

You can proudly say you’re energy efficient.

Member Quotes

I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.