Most Recent Messages in General Posting

Hi Folks

Hello to all. Seems a while since I posted. Have been really ill with bad flu which then gave me shocking asthma. Weather here looked like spring had sprung then turned back again to wet, cold and windy. Not very helpful when the new roofing materials turned up and the guys want a run of about five clear days to get the new roof on the house.

I have been suffering with the pain in my left shoulder again. The doc gave me a needle to see if it would fix it but no success. I get pi...



Just wanted to thank the kind people who responded my comment,I feel a bit better,my husband is still nervous about his job,so,if anyone knows anybody working with aviation please any advice or anyword is always welcome.I love this site,it is really helpful for us,this is all new and I 'm learning so much here.....So thanks again...God blees u all,


Re: Peeved off

Thank you Blake, I’ll try what you said I don’t know if I can do that but I’ll certainly give it a try, yours truly
Marie. p.s I didn’t think it was just because I live down under (australia)


sick sinus syndrom

hi robin near byron bay, what is sick sinus syndrome, I keep reading peoples post and they mention this a lot, I just have a p.m and quite healthy for the rest accept for food sensitiveties due to maybe being celiac and I had chrohn's disease but that has been cured, not the celiac yet but I'm positive about that.I live in vic. australia the town euroa famous for being out beer sorry I mean water this year. My Mum also has a pm she will be 92 next month, I take care of her at home here. well it'...


No sure what to do..

Since going to ER and now changing my mode and pacing lower heart at 100% - I am scheduled for my first check over the phone on Oct. 30th. I have only been back for one check up in person. Should I make another appointment in person or do the phone check? They changed the mode in ER a Medtronic tech. But I go to a device clinic 1 1/2 hours away and don't know will they have all the new information if i go ahead with the phone check or do I have to tell them or what? Still very new to this. Any...


peeved of

Hi smitty
I went to all the trouble of answering your answer,( thank you for the answer by the way) put in the letters and clicked post comment and nothing happened and lost all I'd written, so tell me what I did wrong. I will write it all again maybe tonight.Marie



Hi again everyone, I am so glad that I found this web site my. I have another question - probably nothing to worry about. Does anyone else have pain in the nect or shoulder area. Sometimes I have a slight pulsating pain in my uper neck/jaw area..... is this a norm. Or am I jumping the gun again. All of these things are so new to me and I'm just a little anxious.

Thank all of you for your wonderful replies.



I finalley got covered.

Well, everyone.....
The travel insurance agency finalley covered me for my cruise
next March. They covered me for the heart block/pacemaker.
Now my husband and I will get the honeymoon we waited for.
11 nights sailing the South Pacific how romantic is that??
My only concern is my leads are nearly 10 years old but the
pacer is only 2. My doc reckons I will be fine...just a check up
6 weeks before to make sure all is ok!!!!
Hope everyone is going fine...Hap...


*****Birthday Girl*****

Hi all,
with young Valerie still off the birthday scene (Get well young lady we are missing you).
Just thought you would all like to know it today is the birthday of my super special friend "PACERGIRL" (Susan) I can't tell you how old she is but somewhere between 16 -154.
Happy Bithday Susie....I hope you have a great day....

This lady came all the way to the uk from the states to be here for my bithday ****How coool is that****** wish I could do the same for you Susan...


Amiodarone and Satin Cholesterol pills.

Amiodarone and Satin Cholesterol pills.

About 5 years ago, my General Practitioner changed my Zocor 10Mg cholesterol pill for a Lipitor 10mg. and it took me a while to realize that I had diarrhea more and more often, and had muscle cramps and joint pains. On a few special occasions, I took Imodium to control the diarrhea and it was successful. One day, before a sport tournament that I was participating in, I took half an Imodium and for the next 20 hours, I had belly cramps and couldn...


New kid on the block

Well, I'm not really a kid but I did have my first pacemaker implanted this week. I had been struggling with shortness of breath and extreme fatigue for months but doctors here in my hometown in Louisiana didn't give much consideration to recurring problems with a heart rate dipping into the low-mid 30's.

I went to the Texas Med Ctr in Houston and they implanted a dual chamber, rate-responsive device made by medtronics. The model name is Adapta.

I am feeling much better b...


new to me !

Hi Everybody
My name is Allan i am a 41 year old male and I live in Edinburgh and for the past 5 years since I had my thryoid gland removed i have had intermitent episodes of extreme tiredness followed by uneven heartbeats when i try to sleep.Everytime i went to my doctor and i insisted on an esg it came back ok.
So last year i spent £1000 on a complete heat scan and that came back ok with 0% calcium deposits on any of my arteries.
Hurray! then about ten months later I started...



Hi, has anyone heard from Jane Whitman lately ? She hasn't been in touch for a while and I was concerned about her. Please let me know if you have. Thanks so much!

cottontop ( Amy )


Replies to Fisherman's Messages


To check the replies to your messages just click on the subject of you original message. That will take you to the second page where replies are posted.

Bob Sr



Where do I go to find out what I can and cannot do since I now have a pacemaker. Is it safe to ride on a lawnmower/garden tractor. How safe is a cell phone or a mircowave. Where do I find a list that tells me these things.



Comment posted by rancho60 on 2007-09-21 10:17.
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions - you all have really eased my mind so much. I had my first visit with my Cardio guy who said everything looks wonderful. My pacemaker is working at 20 percent, and I am healing wonderfully. I only have a few concerns and that is my blood pressure. At his office it was 149/90 he thinks it was because I was a little anxious - and he is more than likely corre...


Pericarditis...For the third time

Hello everyone!
I would like to ask all of you if you have ever gotten pericarditis? I've had my pacer for a year and a half and in the last 9 months I have gotten pericarditis three times. Even the doctors say this is very uncommon but I can't find anyone to answer me why I keep getting it. I go to a good team of doctors (Cleve Clinic) but I feel sometimes my cardiologist doesn't answer my questions and when he does I can't understand his forgien language, but I do think he is a very go...


Rate response and trucking

This past week I finally went back to work as an over the road truck driver after having my pm implanted June 11. A few weeks ago the pm clinic turned on my rate response. At the time I never gave it any thought but this week I learned something about it. There were a few times this week when I would feel a bit odd for no reason and notice that my pulse was faster than it should be. After about the third time I started to notice that it seemed to be happening as the result of riding on a rough s...


FYI On Medtronic Lawsuit.

Medtronic's Medical Device Legal Troubles Far From Over
Evelyn Pringle

Minneapolis based Medtronic, Inc is one of the nation's largest medical device makers. In mid-July 2006, the company agreed to pay a $40 million fine to settle charges that its Sofamor Danek division paid kickbacks to doctors to get them to use the company's spinal products, which accounted for 20% of the company's $11.3 billion in sales in 2005.

On July 19, 2006 the US Department of Justice issued...


Update on Valerie.

Hi Everybody.

I just received an e-mail from Valerie. She had her surgery, it lasted 3 hours, and everything went very well.
She had a 1½" cyst, and scar tissue forming around it, and all of it was removed, leaving her ovary intact, which the surgeon placed in its proper position.
She has a 6" incision, which was closed with 12 staples. She is in some pain, but managing all right.
She'll be back on line soon enough, to tell us all about it, and add her usual humor we a...


You know you're wired when...

You have a little piece of high-tech in your chest.

Member Quotes

In life we have to consider what is more important, the loss of the vanity or the gain of the life.