Most Recent Messages in Success Stories

All is well

20 years ago I was told that I had something called in AV block. About 5 weeks ago I was told that actually, this thing that I've had all this time isn't really understood, and the fact I had missing beats in the ventricle meant that it's not just my vagus nerve being overly active at rest. At the time, after having been told to "wait and see" and to come back if I started to faint on and off for decades, I was somewhat taken aback by the news that now was the time...


My pacemaker saved my life

Hi everyone,

I'm brand new to the pacemaker club and have absolutely loved reading everyone's stories on here! I'm still trying to process everything that happened, but your stories have helped incredibly.

I'm currently in my third year of residency to become an emergency medicine doctor, and long story short, I want into work one day and left 3 days later with my pacemaker. I have no known medical problems or family history of heart issues/sudden death. I was comi...


A life of pacemakers since 3 years old. Now I am 44 !!

Hiya, I just randomly found this site and thought I would get in touch with similar people in the same boat.

I am Nik, I have a rare heart condition which is inherited. Both parents are fine but brother died aged 2 and sister has the same. It's a gene on my mums side coupled with a gene on my dad's side. Parents fine, but combine these genes makes me !!! The chances of my parents getting together with the rare gene are a million to 1.

But here I am. I have had pacemakers s...


Just checking in ! CCM & ICD implanted patient ! Feeling great !

Hi All,

Just checking in! I had previous posts regarding being implanted by a revolutionary new device called a CCM (Cardiac Contractility Modulator by Impulse Dynamics, FDA approved in 2020) and also an Abbot ICD one year prior. I am a machine, lol ! I am fairly young (40s) and I feel better overall. I feel as if my genetic heart condition (LMNA Cardiomyopathy) is at least getting better. The overall effect has been amazing. Did well on my last stress test. The device makers, my d...


Just checking in.

I first found this club in 2005. I had just received my first pacer for VVS. and desperately needed support. After a couple of years, I did not come back on until I needed mine changed in 2015. So I needed support again. Everyone here was always super nice and helpful. I have a friend dealing with some problems and so I told her to join in. I know she will get her questions answered. This reminded me of how much this site meant to me and so. I am back and willing to help if I can. My problem...


micra pacemaker

will have micra installed this week--anyone with any suggestions/problems/


We made it

We made it to Dublin today to meet our second great grand baby.  It was a struggle for Michael to travel after spending the week in hospital but he wouldn’t have had it any other way.  She is absolutely beautiful and she bonded very quickly with her great grandfather!  I tried posting some pics but made a real mess of it using my mobile so will try again tomorrow.  Am just too exhausted but absolutely at peace now xx



My New Pacemaker

Nearly three weeks ago I had a two chamber pacemaker fitted at our local hospital, Eastbourne District General. The treatment I recieved was exemplary, I was admitted at eight in the morning and discharged at 1700 hours. The operation was painless and appeared to be straightforward, the staff were all amazing and very efficient, the experience good, I have to admit its not something I would want on a regular basis but the whole situation was handled beutifully by the hosptal and medical staff...


Just had my second pacemaker put in, and I feel even better than before

Hello and I thought I would update.  My first pacemaker was put in January of 2014 for Sick Sinus Syndrome.  I immediately felt better.  I am 66 now, still working and my second pacemaker was put in last month.  There was some type of perceived problem with the lead in the left ventricle.  My surgery was four hours and there were no problems.  The catheters and the IVs were much more bothersome than the surgery itself.  I went back to work 7 days later....


FG Update

Hello all!

Well its been 10 days! My implant site is much less tender and swollen and there is no apparent infection. Hoorayyy!

And yes I feel better as I am more alert during the day, less exhausted in the evenings and don't have to sleep as much. No chest pain or shortness of breath. I can walk but they said I cannot drive for 2 whole weeks and no vigorous exercise for 6-8 weeks. 

Thanks, FG



Success Story

Hello everyone, Gemita’s husband Michael here.  I have been a member of this Club since 2018 but have not posted before.  Just wanted to come along with my own pacemaker Success Story.  I am 84 so perhaps I should be slowing down but my nature is always to push myself to do more, to try out something new, since I have been active all my life. 

Before getting my pacemaker, I experienced a number of syncope episodes without warning.  These s...


Success story

Hi. Thought I would also add my success story. My resting heart rate always sat around 65. I am in good health, I take no medication. Active. We still ride a motorcycle. Nov. 16 th of 2022, my resting heart rate started dropping, about 3 bpm. Every day. It showed up on my Fitbit.  On Nov. 25, I phoned our health link  as my heart rate had dropped 38 bpm and talked to the RN, she told me to go to emergency. It was just a whirl wind after that. I was sent to CCU,  where my h...


Success stories

Hello , got wired this morning.It went so smoothly that I was amazed .Surgery lasted 47 minutes , no pain at all.When I came in my pulse was jumping from around 48 to 28 .Humming along at a smooth 60 .So happy 😃 


My success story


I'm congenital and was diagnosed in 1970, so before they routinely paced kids. That meant I grew up not allowed to do any sports and in gym class I was mostly stuck on the sidelines keeping score. 

When I got my first pacer and was cleared for exercise, I stopped on the way home and bought a tennis racket and roller blades, and joined a gym. Suddenly I wasn't tired and dizzy all the time. Instead, I was full of energy. 

Before the pacer I was tol...


Life is Good

I was born with a heart disease known as Tetralogy of Fallot. I had two open-heart surgeries as a child to patch holes & repair valves in my heart. My first pacemaker was implanted in 1978, at age nine. I've had seven devices implanted since this time.

In the Fall of 2010, I had a third open heart surgery to replace my pulmonary valve. Within days, I literally felt 15 years younger and told my cardioligst that my heart was beating so strong it was keeping me awake at night.



You know you're wired when...

You have a $50,000 chest.

Member Quotes

I have had my pacer since 2005. At first it ruled my life. It took some time to calm down and make the mental adjustment. I had trouble sleeping and I worried a lot about pulling wires. Now I just live my life as I wish.