Most Recent Messages in Checkups & Settings

what to do, when you can do nothing

hello my name is heather. i am 23 and had my first pm put in at 6 years old. i was diagnosed with 2nd and 3rd degree a.v. heart block. i had the pm replaced in 2001. that means as of jan. 29 my pacemaker is 9 years old. i am scared to death now because i have no health care (cant afford), i cant get any assistance because they say we make too much money, and i am not disabled enough. i have not seen a doctor in 5 years. when i was a kid everything was fine, i had medicaid. at that time i wasnt t...


PAC's PVC's and pacing

I was wearing a 24 halter last week and got the results today. It seems that I my heart races at 7:30 am and about 10:30 am. Both of which I can easily explain..morning rush to get out of the house and mid morning rush to get to a different class. Finally an answer!! LOL
The lady told me my heart rate was going down after that on it's own and so that was good too.
One thing she did notice that left me a little confused was when I pace it seems I am pacing at night. Right after I pace I...


Cardiac Monitoring

My new EP told me today that he does not do home cardiac monitoring. My old one did, but I have had many problems with my old EP. Is there anyone else that does not do home cardiac monitoring? He said that the pacemakers are so reliable that you do not need it between checkups. Anyway, I have been feeling so much better since they put in the 2 leads and a new pacemaker. I was so sick from the one I had placed last July. I got a copy of how my previous single lead pacemaker was dropping bea...


Looks like i've got to go through it again

Hi all.
Thanks to those who replied to my last, rather confused, mailing. Not seen cardiologist as yet but dr's recieved letter outlining plan to implant a dual lead pm asap. I am a little aprehensive about this as initial pm implantation( 2 years ago) was so distressing. Hey ho..... is'nt it great? Never mind i am grateful it can be sorted. Something always happens to shake things up a little. My husband lost his job shortly before christmas..Things have been hard ...he is working again...


Please Help

I am 30. Ive had my PM since 2007 for SSS. I have IST and Syncope. Today I had a pacer check and they chainged the setting in my ventricle. They told me it was over sensing in the ventricle and made a minor tweak. My ventricle wasnt even on until about 3 weeks ago. Ever since they had to turn it on I have been having PVC's all over the place. Since they made the adjustment today Ive been having 2 or 3 every minute for the last 4 hours. When they were this frequent right after surgery they said I...


Is it too much to want a bit of info from interrog

Went for mycheck up yesterday. Talk about trying to get blood out of a stone! New technician not seen before, ushered me in, hooked me up, wouldnt talk to me, wouldnt answer my questions and when I left treated me like a child, almost patted me on the head and told me all is well, so go away and come back in 6 months and dont worry your pretty little head.

Well................I drove home at 5.30 in horrendous traffic and was getting more and more angry on the way home. When I got h...


Puls at 80+

Hi everyone,

I am a femal, 53 years old and got my pacemaker on December 8, 2009. For the last 5 weeks i have checked my blood pressure and my puls daily. The puls is always over 80. Is that normal or do i have to ask them to change my settings. I wake up several times during the night and have a hard time going back to sleep.

Any input is appreciated.


"dangerous rhythms"

I have had a dual chamber pacemaker/ defibrillator for 4 years with office and phone checks about every three months. I got my device primarily because of heart failure and for that it has been very good. My EF went from 30% to 50%. Yesterday when I saw my EP they detected some "dangerous rhythms" which my pacemaker is not detecting soon enough and so they are going to put me in the hospital to do something to the pacemaker to fix this. (Clearly I don't know much about this) It is an outpatient...


Cardiologist vs. EP con't

Thanks to everyone that commented on my post. I really appreciate it. My cardiologist and my EP are both in the same clinic so that is why I see both. My primary care doc is the one that usually monitors my bp. But after getting out of the hospital my cardiologist decided to start managing my bp or possibly co-managing it with my primary because he asked if I was still seeing the same primary. While I was in the cardio's office he had a medtronic tech come in to make sure that my pm was working...


cardiologist vs. EP

I have not posted here for quite some time. But after a brief hospital stay last month for symptoms associated with some sort of cardiac event which turned out to be nothing. I had a follow up with my cardiologist 3 weeks later. While I was there he had a tech come in to check out my pm.
So my question is... If your pm is working like it should and your cardiologist is able to have a tech come in to interrogate it why does a person need to see the EP as long as nothing is wrong. I see my c...


First Data Dump Today

I had my first interrogation today (8 weeks post-placement). I have a secondary AV block. Low end is set at 60; high end is set at 140. Dual lead pacer. It is DDD ( I valildated that today). The tech said lowering the 60 setting wouldn't save any battery power and said that if my heart rate was over 140 (from exercise which I do a lot) it wouldn't matter. This doesn't sound right to me from some of the comments I have read here. Battery life right now is predicted to be about 6 years. A...


office check

I feel like I'm never get my next office check. I've been having monthly phone checks because my battery has about 1yr left.(according to the last office check) and am suppoused to go to the office every 6 months. I was supposed to go 1 1/2 weeks ago but had to change it because I got suponeaned to go to court the same day. (very upset, there until 1 and then the case was dismissed and it was something I had no real involvement in) I rescheduled for today at 1. The office called last week to cha...


What do these settings mean?

Hi all in Pacer land, I am still on the slow learning curve, and have a few questions.

What is the difference between SafeR (AAI<=>DDD) and

On basic Parameters under Smoothing I am set at Off now and it was at Slow

Under Rate response the current value is Learn it was at RRauto.

After being told that I had pauses they put in a Pacemaker, and things have not gone so good.

I finally convinced by Cardio to do more testing and m...


Abbreviations on the PM transcript

I've been to my first checkup after getting a PM 14th December. It turns out I have much more A-fib than expected, 28 of 31 days, I had fibrillation for more than 4 hours. Four incidents of A-fib lasted for 96 hours.

I'm really feeling much better. I read my pulse with a sports watch, and my pulse confirms my feeling of getting better each week. But the PM report doesn't confirm the improvement.

Except from the frequent Afib, my first checkup was OK. On my doctors advice,...


6 month Checkup Yesterday

I had my 6 month check up in the doctors office yesterday. I had the best technician (a lady) I have ever had in the 7 years of having my pacemaker. She took the time to go through all my settings, explained what the ment and why it was set the way it was. She also answered all my questions and explained them in language I could understand. Hope I get her again, I know I will request her. I though I was going to need my pacemaker replaced this year but found out that I still have about 24 months...


what does a monitor cost and does medicare pay

I was wondering if anyone knew what a pacemaker monitor ccst and if medicare pays for them. I am to be getting a 2940G13 Carelink reveal from Medtronic and am wondering what kind of cost I could incur


I have had a PM for over 30 yrs, I am 39

I have had a PM for over 30 years, I am currently 39. If you have any questions just email me @ and I will be glad to answer them. I go through AIRPORT security but they must do a BODY SEARCH (NO METAL DETECTORS). They can CUT OFF many PM models.


More settings questions

I have never been advised to any upper limit settings. I know that my PM is set at 50 so my heart doesn't go below that...but that's about all I know.

I am confused because other people are asking about upper settings. Are their different PM'ers that have low settings and high? And perhaps that I just have a model that only has lower settings?

What happens when a person gets to their high setting number? Say if your high setting is set at 130 and you hit 130...what does t...


What does a "rate responsive" PM do?

I had a "dual chamber rate responsive" PM from Medtronic installed Monday 14th December. My problem was low pulse, down to 7 seconds between heartbeats during my sleep, in combination with flutter.

The PM is programmed to keep my pulse above 60 bpm, and it seems to work just as intended. When my pulse drops slightly below 60 bpm, a correction occurs immediately, bringing the pulse back above 60 bpm. The doctor told me it gives my right atrium and my right ventrikkel a 0,5 volt stimul...


PM adjusting and settings

Hi :) I was wondering if someone could please explain to me the settings on the PM...I am semi active person..when I first got my PM the upper was set at 130...okay so then when I went for my first PM checkup..I told the Dr that I was semi active and liked to walk and sometimes ride my he set the upper at 140 left the lower at 50...and the rate response was not on... so after I read some of these postings..I am confused on the settings...I understand the lower setting but am confused...


You know you're wired when...

You have the perfect reason to show off your chest.

Member Quotes

In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.