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Hey there ya'll,
Before I ask my doctor I thought I'd ask ya'll to see if ya'll have had this as well. I'm one month post implant. Everything is going well. My life is slowly getting back to normal, and I'm walking 2-3 miles a day. The only clincher is that I've been getting horrible night sweats. I usually stay on the cold side, and have never had this problem before. Is it possible that my pacer is causing this problem. I wonder if it's keeping me revved up too much while I'm sleeping. Wh...


to TreacyE

Hi TreacyE
please read more info under my old posting'lryegbert


hr ???

Does nyone find they feel ok start something like clean the bath room, bp ok hr goes to 110 to 115 bpm you finish go sit down and it takes an hour before the hr comes back down.
Is this the pm or how bad off my heart is in real life should I push and let it race or do something about it with the doctor need info.


Help from all home experts

Hi, ok
can't sleep can't rest???? when I amat home say working on the pc I can read 119/90 hr 90 watch tv don't feel well check and I might be 120/95 hr 92 then i get up to go pottie the walk to and back obout 20 feet 132/97 hr 105 Like I said I cant rest when I go over 85 in hr I feel pressure in the chest and what I think is hr pounding.
Now is this a pm adjustment or how bad off my heart is.


home experts

Thanks for the input so far sometimes when the dr office puts me off I need outside info.


Cabg Patch...

In my case, things are kind of an experiment. I think it's a mutual feeling between my docs and I. I have had arrhythmias for 8 years, had 3 ablations - the last one my phrenic nerve was froze with a -82 degree cryoblation cath, and I have tried every medication known to man. My cardiologist suggested pacemaker with beta-blocker therapy. I was headed for an AV Node Ablation if the Tikosyn that I was trying didn't work. Well, after the 2nd day of Tikosyn, I was on the lowest dose with a long QT,...


Beta Blockers

Has anyone had side effects from Beta Blockers such as dizzyness????


event monitors.....UGH

Has anyone since pacemaker implant had to wear a 30 day event monitor? I'm 3 weeks post implant for tachy-brady, but for now, because of my age I guess, only have a single chamber pacing my atrium. (My home town cardiologist was surprised that I only had one lead in my atrium......don't know why exactly. He said they're keeping it simple for now because I'm so young and that they'll probably have to insert another lead sooner or later.) It's all sort of confusing to me.
Anyways, I'm still e...



Please read the comment I left under more ???? for you


more ????

HI,I have a call in to the doc. but a return could take a day. So i will turn to you agin at noon i took my bp 114/90 &80hr then at 4pm 103/75 &78 hr then with a little work and I do mean little it was 124/75 & 98 hr would you say this is all over the scale or is it in my head I always feel bad and am looking for help.

Thanks lenny


PVC's and food

Before getting my pacemaker(6 weeks ago), I suffered from what I would call severe PVC's and then once the pm was put in they seemed to calm down. Now they are starting to act up again and I was wondering if maybe certain foods may have something to do with them. Does anyone else out there suffer from pvc's? There are days when I just want to scream because they won't let up and then other days when I don't have any. I just had french toast with syrup and now I have an irregular heart beat and...



Wow! Do I feel like I have missed out on a lot when I have not been on for a while. I have so many questions for everyone. I just got out of the hospital which it did not take me long to move and fine myself already needing to go into the hospital.
The doctor who saw me believes that I am or will be going into heart block. This is something different for me so I was hoping some of you wise people would be able to explain how you get this after pm? He messed with all my settings and d...


confused about meds

i'm currently taking BB--atenolol, CCB---verapamil and warfarin
My electro cardiologist wants me to drop the CCB and start on propafenone, so i went and got a 2nd opinion from a general cardiologist who suggested drop the BB and go on propafenone . So now what?? I'm so totally confused ;)


PVC question

What do you do when your having PVC's?

In the past, whenever I had arrthymia (despite various arrthymia medications), my heart would go immediately to 180 or above and stay there. This obviously resulted in a trip to the ER.

Since I got my pacemaker/ICD and was put on Tikosyn I haven't had that bad of an episode. However, I do sometimes have episodes where my heart rate is between 110 - 120bpm. It's not just a few extra beats, the heart rate stays elevated at a pretty...


Atrial Flutter - Symptom or Disease?

Good afternoon, I have had Atrial Flutter and Fib since 1992. It wasn't until 2006 before anyone actually tried to fix the problem, but by then it was a little too late. The inside of the Atriums are full of scar tissue, so they did a Sinus Node Ablation and made me completely dependent on a pacemaker/ICD. I have been told by the US Government that Atrial Flutter and Fib are only symptoms of a disease, that it is not a disease and/or disability, but I do know that both of them have been assig...



Has anyone else become obsessed with taking their pulse and/or blood pressure? I am constantly taking both my pulse and blood pressure to see if it is within normal range. I feel like I am going crazy or something, and my friends think I am super paranoid. The thing is, I do it because more often than not, my pulse is still quite slow, sometimes going down into the 40's. I am constantly dizzy (pretty much 24/7) but the doctor keeps telling me that's an inner ear issue. I feel like I am being mis...



I am sooo happy this site exists!!! I have had my pacemaker since 2001 (when i was only 19 years old). For two years now I have been having these awful and scary heart flutters and have also been diagnosed as having PVC's and PAC's. Does anyone else get these super scary flutters?? Do you think I am just feeling these PVC's/PAC's? I feel like I am going to go into V-fib and die! The last time I was hooked up to a heart monitor it kept beeping and reading "multiform PVC's". Am I dying or what???...


help ??????

I am 4 wk's into the new life of pacemaker/de-fib I feel as bad or as before I just had my 2nd adjustment in tow days this time they say it was my med.they had doubled them ( coreg )but I am taking the med as they set down. I feel that this is worth all the trouble about 3 hours a day.the rest of the time I am short of breath when i do most anything and have pressure in my chest. Befor I take the coreg about 2 hr befor i start with pressure and feel sick then must eat then 1 1/2 hr of dizziness...


Blood pressure monitor

Because of my blood pressure being totally irregular, one minute normal then the next minute out of control, i have not been fitted with a 24 hour blood pressure monitor. Before this was put on i was asked what side is my pacemaker in. The nurse has put it on the opposite side. Any reason why this should be? I should of asked really.
On the opposite side there is the old lead still insitu from my old pm.
Regards Fluzy Suzy


Lisinoprol reaction

I was golfing with a friend last week and after an hour or so, his lip started to swell. He thought it might have been an insect bite. By the end of the round, it really swelled up and even down to his cheek.
He went to the ER and they gave him a steroid shot and antihistomine. He went home but the next day, he felt trouble swallowing, so went back to the ER.
They surmised that the Lisinoprol he had been on for 4 years had reacted badly with him all of a sudden!!
Just thought I wo...


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

Sometimes a device must be tuned a few times before it is right. My cardiologist said it is like fine tuning a car.