Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests


Hi EVERYONE,just saw a nurse that adjusted my pm.So i ask her is my pm suppose to sense when i do increased activities and increase my pr .She tells me no my heart should do that on its own Am i nuts or is she right P.S thats why i got my pm my pulse would not increase on activites but drop to 40 bpm.Thanks Richard


coping with changing medication near death

Thanks for the people who wrote to me. It is good to talk to people who have some problems like me.

I am having lots of problems at the moment. I have POTS aka postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. what happens to me is that I have very high pulse, norm is about 120 - 150. I blackout a few times a week, it use to be 10 - 15 times a day before I got the pm. My whole life changed, I lost all my friends because I could not keep up with them and now I am 28 living at home with parent...



have card. appt. not like the amioderone,for mos. i said it maid me sick.what altern. do i have to tell him tomm.


Reverse Placebo

The placebo effect is well known where our belief that a med or treatment will actually have an effect even though is an inert sugar pill or sham surgery.

Knowing this why shouldn't there be a Reverse Placebo Effect where our uneasy or negative feelings about a med or treatment can reduce or negate its effect?

This is important here because there are frequent posts about feeling less than human with a pacemaker, or uneasy about taking a med or meds. This can't be overcome b...



Hello everyone,

I was on Cymbalta for about a year and a half when back in Aug '07 I went to the hospital with a heart rate of 30. The Cardio Dr. thought maybe the Cymbalta was causing the irregular heart rate. After 6 days of being off of Cymbalta and still in the hospital with no significant change in heart rate. I was scheduled for a pacemaker the next day. I have Bradycardia with second degree blockage.

I see that many antidepressants can cause heart irregularities.


Living with beta blockers

Hi allan 41 from edinburgh here.

I had dual chamber pacemaker fitted in October last year for sinus bradycardia and intermitent bouts of a-fib.

I cannot seem to get used to beta blocker atenlol -


Is it normal to feel shattered all the time on beta blockers/

Is it normal for the colour to drain from your face I feel a look pale all the time now.
Also I started waking up in the morning with pins and needles in my little fingers...


MRIs & a Pacemaker

I have been told that I need a pacemaker (I have bradycardia, arrythmias, av block, murmur, etc.) I also have frequent syncope which was originally attributed to my diagnosis of dysautonomia in 2005. I have had two (unrelated) surgeries in the past 8 months and I had heart problems (dropped to 20s and 30s) during and post-op the surgeries. I have been told that I need a pacemaker by three physicians, including a cardiologist that was brought in to assess my heart with my last surgery (3 1/2 wee...


What is a EP Test

I have had a PM for 25 yrs ,I had a single lead for Bradycardia and just 2 yrs. ago had a medtronic dual leads put in for SVT .I continued to have Syncope and chest pain and was passing out 3and 4 times a day Back to CICU and the Dr did the Tilt Table Test .I failed and was given a 3rd DX of Neuro Cardio Syncope .Oh before this DX. I was on Digoxin ,then for the NCS I was perscribed Florinef ,a few weeks later my Cardiolgist gave me Isosorbide for the chest pain .Long story short I haven't fe...


Rare diseases...

Hey, it's me again! Ok, you know how tou see a whole bunch of awareness signs for things like autism, cancers, and whatnot? Not to draw away the attention from those diseases, but wouldn't it be nice if we all got together and raised awareness for less common things like congenital heart block and congenital heart disease! Just my two cents worth...+


BP & heart rate meds


Just wondering what others out there may be taking. I take Toporol XL for high blood pressure and fast heart rate. It works well for me and has kept my BP right where my doctor wants it. But, toporol is known to promote heart block, and both my EP and GP thinks it contributed to mine.

I asked my GP (general practionier) if I should change meds to something that won't make my heart block worse. He just thinks we can readjust the pacemaker to make up for it. In my...


Switching from Amiodarone to Tikosyn

After my atrial flutter broke through 4 ablations and many meds such as sotalol, the doctors put me on amiodarone about 17 months ago. I haven't had any problems since then. Since I'm in my mid-30s my new doctor doesn't want to keep me on amiodarone as it has so many bad side effects, some of which I'm already experiencing (like an extreme reaction to the sun). The plan is to switch me to tikosyn in a few weeks. I have to be off the amiodarone for 4-6 weeks first, which is a bit scary. I fee...


racing pulse

I was sitting at the computer typing on Friday when my pacemaker started shocking me around the implant device area and my pulse started racing. I felt terrible, head pounding, and drove to the doctor's office. They checked my pacemaker and said that my pulse shot up to 226 beats per minute and that my pacemaker was set to shock it back down if it went over 125. I have been having tachycardia for seven months and am on Nadolol 40 mg but this isn't stopping these episodes of racing heartbeat t...


Toprol XL


I had my PM put in June 2006. In June 2007 I was put on Toprol XL(1/2 tab 50mg or 25mg dose). In Dec 2007 that was increase to a full tab or 50mg dose once per day.
They wanted to help control my irregular beat as well as help lower my resting heart rate as it is higher than normal.(80' & 90's). I wondered how many of you are on Toprol.

The reason for my PM Install they discover I had a condition that would caused my heart to "pause" which also caused my MVC (Mo...


What is rate response? Off/On?

Okay, I am a newbie. 3 weeks since my pacemaker implant. I am trying to decipher all the jargon... what is "rate response"? And why would it be turned off or on? Sorry to be clueless, if there is somewhere on the website that will explain this please direct me! Thank you.

It does seem I am not alone in not receiving adequate educational information about this technology I have in my body. What is the deal anyway? My hubby is a heart patient (cholesterol/blockage problems) and they hav...



Does any one have any expierence with a multivitan improving your ef? I had an echo and ef was 45 Dr. said a simple multivitan could improve this,but didnt say what vitamin to take. i take a lot of prescription cardiac drugs and am also wondering about interaction between them and vitamins. Any input would be appricated. thank you


just curious

just wanted to know if anyone feels like i do on amioderone . i fell tired and sick


Twiddlers Syndrome

Q. Anyone know what Twiddlers Syndrome is?
A. From the Medtronics Technical Manual: patient manipulation of the device after implant may cause the pacing rate to increase temporarily if the pacemaker is programmed to a rate responsive mode.

Put in simple terms if rate response is on twiddling your pacer may give you tachycardia.




In answer to sistermary's question, regarding ringing in the ears, I thought I'd post this information, which might be useful to other members as well.

~ Dominique ~


* Introduction
* Signs and symptoms
* Causes
* When to seek medical advice


Ringing. Buzzing. Roaring. Whooshing. Chirping. Beating. Humming. While you may enjoy these sounds in...



This is a great site i love the fact that we can relate to each other having been there ourselves,and can sometimes answer questions sometimes Dr. can only guess at. My question is if anyone has had irregular or elevated heartrate from antidepressents (zoloft in particular) I have icd and am having high rate for me -90-100 with my meds it is usually between 50 and60 Ive been on 100 mg zoloft for a year and see elvated heartrate can be a side effect. Can anyone relate to this ? Than...


Deadly Heparin

There was a piece on the news this morning about bad heparin manufactured in China causing 19 known deaths. They didn't say what was wrong with the drug, whether is was ineffective or had a problem ingredient.
Just thought I would pass along this happy note for those who are using heparin.



You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

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