Most Recent Messages in Conditions, Meds & Tests

Peptides and low heart arrythmia

Does anyone in this forum have experience in peptides . 

Do they harm , as anyone tried them ? 

Hope all is well 


New member!

New Member from the Bahamas, first pacer in feb 22, after passing out for the first time in my life.

Pulse at 30, bp low so I got airlifted to Fla, had the first pacer within 24 hrs.

6 week follow up occasioned a DNA test looking for the cause of my total heart block, and 38%EF, and hypertropic cardio myopathy.

Test came back being positive for late onset FABRY'S Disease which is an X cromosone enzyme disorder!

Have been on a very expensive med for the fabrys which...



Hi everyone, I have always thought my diet was exceptionally healthy, but my Cholesterol numbers aren’t exactly where they should be and my cardiologist is thinking about Statins and a lot else if coronary artery disease is confirmed, but I will tell you about the rest another time when I know more and have had a range of tests. 

I may try to get these numbers down with lifestyle and diet alone.  Can you give me any advice about Statins?  Never tried them.  May...


Chronotropic Incompetence

When I first received a PM, like many others I received a diagnosis of CI alongside SND.  My consultant shared the 72hr holter monitor results with me which evidenced the low h/rates when my diary notes evidenced that I was at the gym.  My legs felt like lead on a running machine and RR and the pacemaker removed these symptoms. 

The CI diagnosis was then called into doubt after years of RR pacing on a sensitive setting, and so many people confirmed that it was no longer p...



I wasted 10 months being on beta blocker plus valsartan at time diagnosed with non-ischemic left bundle branch block. The hope was to manage the LBBB even though the only symptoms initially were shortness of breath upon exertion. My ejection fraction remains at 40-45 percent.  There is a ton of medical opinions that say medication does nothing for LBBB. In fact, we had to discontinue the beta blocker but kept on the valsartan.  Heart was monitored with a zio patch after ten months o...


Quick question, side effect of Coreg? Carvedilol?

A lot of you know I've been taking the 25mg twice daily Carvedilol/Coreg for two weeks now. I noticed with the previous dose that I'm getting blurred vision a lot. Now with the bigger doseage, it's really irritating. I have to take my glasses off because my vision is no better with them on. Will I eventually adjust to this side effect? Or will I end up taking less Carvedilol? Yes, I did send a message to my doctor, but he hasn't responded yet. 


Metoprolol Succinate and Lopressor for Class IIB HFrEF

My cardiologist started me on very low doeses of both of these meds over the last six months as we began testing to determine if I was a candidate for CRT-P.  I understand that the meds are primarily preventative in my case but that they are still important.  I've been told that I will need to continue them even after CRT-P placement on May 1.  My issues are the side effects are really interferring with my personal quality of life - such as: weight gain, strugglin...


Anyone else with total heart block?

Hi all. Just wondering if anyone else on here has a pacemaker because of total heart block? Wondering is there a connection between that and random nerve pains I get. Could be down to my open heart surgery also but ever since I've had it I get terrible nerve pains in my arms feet basically everywhere. It's not all the time but I tend to suffer them for a period then it calms down again then few months later bang it's back! So painful feels like I'm being prodded with hot poker...


Pacemaker and Aortic Valve Stenosis

Hello, I had a pacemaker put in 6 months ago.  Also I was diagnosed with Aortic Valve Stenosis etiology mixed hyperlipidemia. I have no idea what this means. I'm in my 70's.

My question is, what percaustions can I take so this disease dosen't get worse.  Is diet something to be concerned about?  Exercise?  Stress?  Also, does a pacemaker help this condition? It was put in due to  Bradycardia disease. 

My doctor said diet won...


Untreated Atrial Fibrillation

In July 2023 I got my second pacemaker..Medtronic Azure two-lead and I use the iPhone app for monitoring with the doctor setting the default upload to every three months. My first pacemaker was St Jude and with help from people on this board I finally got my electrophysiologist to agree to change to Medtronic for the advanced monitoring esp when we travel. That said, on Feb 14 the doctor called to say my three month upload told him I had been in atrial fib for six weeks. I had had atrial fib...



I've had my 2 lead medtronic surescan for 9.5 years and having hip issues needed an MRI. I thought,  this is going to be an issue and and headache.  It was so easy!!! Dr ordered the mri, imaging company called to schedule, they contacted my cardiologist for approval, done. The imaging company has a device that looks just like the machine for interogations. Put PM on safe zone. After scan fine,  put it back to my settings.  I didn't even feel any difference.  T...



My pacemaker has been in for one year and just had my one year checkup with the doctor.  He said I went into A-Fib around December and suggests that I have Ablation.

Has anyone had to have ablation for A-Fib?   Last May I had a TVAR.  How long is recovery for ablation?   If anyone has had ablation, does it really make a difference in heart palpatations?  


It seems I am not bone idle but genuinely in need of some rate response

Thank you all for your helpful contributions and support to my recent post.  I thought I would do a new post. 

I have just received the following message from my pacing clinic.  Here is their response, early Monday morning.  It seems I do need Rate Response turned on and left on. 

I am having difficulties getting the graph posted, so I will try to post it to the gallery where you can view if you wish.  Update:  finally manage...



I have a mild cold with PM IMPLANTED SIX WEEKS AGO. Advice on how to deal with it? 


Pacemaker Install on Wed

Ok.  The doc said pacemaker and my appointment is on this coming Wednesday.  Oh do I live with a pacemaker?


CRT-D and Warafarin

Hi Guys

For more than a year I have the CRT-D and it seems to work, at least I have no complaints of feeling my heartbeat making overtime or skipping beats

Before this I never had blood clotting but since the machine is implanted the doctors put me on warfarin; to 'reduce the event of bloodclotting'

I do not really understand that if I never had bloodclotting, spend 5-6 days a week in the gym, why I now do have to take a chemical..

Any suggestions, other C...



I can feel fluttering and it seems to be getting more frequent. Mentioned it to my cardiolagist and he does not seem concerned. Should I be and is there any kind of adjustment that can be made to the device.


Another losartin question...

I've been putting so much effort into studying Carvedilol that I really didn't look further into Losartin, and since I'm only taking those two drugs for heart failure, and of course lasix, I'm wondering why they even put me on Losartin since according to my research, it's only used for high blood pressure, a condition I have never suffered from. My blood pressure before Losartin was in the range of 120/72 on a regular basis, only going up to the 130's over 80's whe...


Titration with carvedilol and gut feeling

"Titration: If tolerated, increase dosage to 6.25, 12.5, and 25 mg orally twice a day over successive intervals of at least 2 weeks. Maximum dose: 25 mg orally twice a day in patients weighing 85 kg or less and 50 mg orally twice a day in patients weighing 85 kg or greater.May 8, 2023"

This is the information about carvedilol on For quite some time, I have been completely against the idea of taking more than 12.5mg twice daily. I found a study that indicated that th...


mri for rotator cuff tear

Now the results of the MRI:                                

1.High-grade partial-thickness tear at the articular surface fibers of the supraspinatus tendon measures approximately 7x13mm.  The tendon involving approximately 75% of the tendon thickness.  No atrophy or fatty infiltration in the suprainatus muscle.           ...


You know you're wired when...

You are always wired and full of energy.

Member Quotes

As for my pacemaker (almost 7 years old) I like to think of it in the terms of the old Timex commercial - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

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